Squerryes Court, the Camp and the Picture

( 134 ) SQUERRYES COURT, THE CAMP, AND THE PICTURES. BT CANON SCOTT ROBERTSON. THIS handsome mansion, of red brick, seems to have been built a few years before A.D. 1686. Colonel Warde has a Plan of the estate made for Sir Nicholas Crisp,Baronet, who purchased Squerryes in A.D. 1680. This Plan is thus signed: "Arthur Hewes fecit, 1686;" and in one corner of it will be found a small sketch of the existing house. Hither came King William III., on the 30th of May 1701, to visit the first Earl of Jersey, who had purchased Squerryes in 1700 from Sir John Crisp. The second Earl of Jersey, who resided here much, was buried in Westerham Church in July 1721. The third Earl sold Squerryes to John Warde, Esq. Mr. Warde was the son of Sir John Warde, Lord Mayor of London in 1719, who was himself a nephew of Sir Patience Warde, Lord Mayor in 1681 and M.P. for London in 1688. Portraits of both these worthy knights adorn the Hall at Squerryes. A large mirror, now fixed in Colonel Warde's study, was made for Sir John Warde; as we learn from the armorial bearings at its apex. They are those of Sir John impaling the coat of Sir William Bucknall, whose daughter was Sir John's wife (Argent, two chevrons gules, between three bucks' heads sable). If Mr. John Warde purchased Squerryes iu 1731, he had been a widower for four years when he bought this estate. His wife, Miss Frances Bristow, of Mitcheldever, died in 1727, after eight years of wedded life. Yet there are many memorials of her throughout this house. Her portrait is here, together with portraits of her two noble sisters, the Countess of Buckinghamshire and the Countess of Effingham, and also portraits of their brother Robert Bristow and his wife Sarah Warde, a daughter of Sir John Warde, the Lord Mayor. Much of the CHINA to be seen in this house bears the arms of Bristow, impaled with those of John Warde, suggesting that the china was made during his wife's lifetime (perhaps at the time of her marriage in 1719), before he purchased Squerryes. The SQUERRYES COURT. 135 TAPESTEY seen upon the backs and seats of several chairs, and hanging on the walls of one bedroom, bears the same arms woven into its texture. Thus the china and tapestry have been in this house more than 150 years. Much of the furniture, in the style named after " Queen Anne," has likewise been here for the same long period, and has much interest for connoisseurs. John Warde, eldest son of the purchaser of Squerryes, by Frances, daughter of Robert Bristow, collected the majority of the pictures now in the house. This gentleman was 10 years old when his father bought Squerryes. His youngest brother George was only six years of age when Squerryes became their father's country residence. At that time there was in Westerham a little boy, who subsequently achieved renown. Young James Wolfe was then but four years old. Consequently George Warde and the future General Wolfe grew up together. They were attached playmates in youth, and firm friends in later life. One day early in November 1741, the two lads were together in the garden at Squerryes, when an ensign's Commission arrived for young Wolfe. He was then only 14 years old. A monumental urn now marks the spot in the garden where Wolfe was when his Commission arrived. When General Wolfe sailed from England, for the last time, in February 1758, he wrote from Portsmouth, to his old playfellow, then a Major in the Army, stationed at Windsor, in these terms :—" Dear Major . . . . If my Father shou'd die in my absence I desire that you and Carleton will let my Mother know that jointly with her you are empowered to transact my business ; as the enclosed general letter of attorney sets forth; and if you will assist her with your good Council, I shall think of it with more satisfaction, and acknowledge it with more gratitude, than anything done to myself." This letter, with the letter of attorney, and hundreds of letters written by General James Wolfe to his parents, are carefully preserved in the Library at Squerryes Court. The Commissions in the Army granted to General James Wolfe and his father are also there. A pardon for sharing in the great Rebellion, granted by King Charles II. to Sir Patience Warde in 1667, is among the family papers in Colonel Warde's possession. In the Park, upon very high ground about three-quarters of a mile from the Mansion, there is an ancient British Oppidum, an earthwork of oval form, which has often been called a Roman Camp. I t occupies about 11 acres of ground. Its shape and dimensions 136 SQUERRYES COURT. can be easily seen upon the annexed Plan. The inner earthwork is about 20 ft. high on the N.E. ; and 12 ft. on the N.W. ; but nearly effaced towards the South. The inner ditch is about 15 ft. wide. To elucidate the family portraits in Squerryes Court the following sketch pedigree will be found useful. There are portraits of all whose names are printed in capital letters. Thomas Warde, of Tanshelf, ob. circa. 1635.=rElizabeth . . . . I John, ob.=pEliz. Vincent. Sir PATIENCE, Lord Mayor=ELiz. HOBSON, 1657. [ 1681; ob. 1694. of Hackney. -4^ Sir JOHN, Lord Mayor 1719; ob. 1726.=J=MAEY BUCKNALL, JOHN, of Squerryes,1 ob. 1746. :PEANCES BEISTOW, ob. 1727. ROBEET=SAEAH BEIS- WAEDE, TOW. ob. 1741. vb SUSAN, ob.1756. MAEY, ob.1737. Eliz. Gore, •= JOHN, col-: ob. s.p. lector 1748. of the pictures, born 1721; ob. 1775. :Kitty Anne Hoskins, of Croydon, married 1751 in Lambeth Palace; oh. 1766. General MAKY^WM. CLAY. GEOEGE ob. (friend 1760. of Wolfe), ob. 1803. TON, of Harleyford. WILLIAM. KATHEEINE, ob.1736. KATHEEiNE.=Baron Howard do Walden. JOHN, ob.=Hon. s.p. 1838, Susan A. sot. 86. Grim- [" Father ston, ob. of fox- 1842. hunting."] Charles^Anne ob.1820, set. 66. Annesley, ob. 1816, set. 58. General1 George, ob. 1830. CHAELES, Sir Kitty=Rev. W. Two George, FCHAELOTTE MAD AN, niece of Marquess Cornwallis. KATHEEINE = Sir Nathaniel Dukinfield, mar 1783. 1 , Gen. Sir Henry, ob. 1834, set. 68. <4s ob. unmar. Francis, Anne. St. J. others, ob. 1855. CHAELES, 1861. K.C.B. Mildmay. ob. 1869. Gregory. Goorgo,=Lady ob.1877, Harriot set. 50. North. Henry J. Gregory, ob. 1857. Charles Arthur^Honble. A. Kathleen Luoia Madan (Lieut.- O'Brien, dau. of 13th Lord Col.). Inohiquin, mar. 1879. Mary Kathleen, born 1880. Dorothy Louisa, born 1883. Blanche Theresa, horn 1885. »'**%. Jte iinddbn. !i i i iU ' *m£%:f f 3*'- *L »*».// ^L rife'** l"£fc*W »•'*«:.. --/.' aft."" /; T I . '.;,-"-,.,>> ^DE/tti .... A FENCSUL. HEWIGHTM.}, TMmw^i ftfs T O c u ii#J|^-*-">1^||ifcyii9 -idViW*^-"^. l a * * * ' . 4^-iMs G 0 O Di / «4I»/I :£. nM&Jtrf /• " W'7S»V-'-* vfc**",1&. ~" B 1 ^ -. ASF' ss?**.*../.-.* -« • * / / * * . *•- C«A,*M' P .ItiBSi ^ S r - J^ *W, , x ' 7E #• ••*• r i f f i^*: - - //Mir-:*-- . t J r - M V .\*v' * ^vaerJA . ,t*.e»i*l t arm % .SCAIE,0 I 30 OHAINS CPKelllitiL Castle StHalbora, London EC PLAN OF THE ANCIENT EARTHWORK OR CAMP IN SQUERRYES PARK,WESTERHAM,KENT. SQUERRYES COURT. 137 PICTURES AT SQUERRYES COURT. N.B.—The grand entrance (a) and library (b) face the North West. The conservatory (c) faces South West. The dining (d) and drawing rooms (e,f) face South East; (g) is Col. Wardens study. N.W. S.W. N.E. S.E. LOBBY next the Conservatory. N.W. Allen, 1800 Sir Nathaniel Dukinfield (over door). Barraud John "Warde (circa 1835), " Father of Foxhunting." N.E. F. Sibereishus (?) 1674...Coach with six horses. Steenwyck .Christ driving money-changers out of the Temple. STAIRCASE. N.E. John Wootton Mrs John Warde (wee Bristow). S.E. John Wootton John Warde (ob. 1746), his son John and eldest daughter (Mr s Clayton), with three other children. S.W. Zuccharelli Mr Clayton's house at Harleyford. (1) Van der Meer Moonlight scene. (2) Bassano Holy Family. (3) Moonlight, with sheep and tower. N.W. (1) Flower piece. (2) Moonlight, water piece. (3) Horremans Doctor's shop. B. Rebecoa Katherine, Lady Howard, daught e r door) ter of M1S Clayton. N.E. (1) Village on fire. (2) J. P. Hackert Landscape. (Rom®, 1774) S.E. After Tintoret Bronze Crucifixion. (1) Landscape (noon). (2) Brooking Sea piece. (3) Horremans Doctor's shop. 138 SQUERRYES COURT. GALLERY (Upstairs). N.W. WALL. S.E. WALL. Lady (in amber and blue). 1632. Luco Giordano...Triumph of Bacchus and Ariadne. 1575. Guido Reni...David with head of Goliath. S.W. WALL. Lady (oval). TbuXme\PhiliP n,\0f^pain \y Rubens)] downed by Fame. Lady (oval). Rev. J. Moreton. Boy. Luco Giordano ...iEneas killing Turnus. After Sir Joshua Reynolds Schoolboy. Vandyke Sfc Sebastian. Dahl Portrait of a Lady. N.E. WALL. Dandridge..Mr & M1'3 Clayton with their daughter Katherine, Lady Howard de Walden. 1584. Frank Hals... Frank Hals, his wife, son, and daughter. Portrait (over door). In the EASTEEN ANGLE stands a bust of the first Marquess Cornwallis (uncle of Charlotte Madan—daughter of Dr. Madan, Bishop of Peterborough—who married General George Warde). On the N.W. wall, two portraits (oval), unknown. ENTRANCE HALL (Ground Floor). N.E. Sir G. Kneller Anne, Lady Effingham (nee Bristow). Dahl Elizabeth, Lady Buckinghamshire (nee Bristow). Col. Addenbrooke, Equerry to Prince Leopold [S.E., over study door]. Wife of Sir Patience Warde (nee Hobson). Wife of Sir John Warde (we'eBucknall). S.E. Van derVaart,l713...Robert Bristow, brother of Mra John Warde. John Riley Sir Patience Ward, M.P. for London, 1688 (over the fireplace). Van der Vaart Mr s Robert Bristow (nee Sarah Warde). Sir John Warde (Lord Mayor 1719), over an old cabinet, S.W Sir Patience Warde (over door). N.W. Chalmers Charles Warde (ob. 1861), over fox. S.W. Vanderbanck Susan, daughter of Sir JohnWarde,1729. Devis Mary, daughter of Sir John Warde (as milkmaid). SQUERRYES COURT. 13 9 Four chairs in the hall have tapestry coverings bearing arms of Warde impaling Bristow. Some china bears the same arms. The iron fire-back shews five scenes in relief : i. Abraham's sacrifice of Isaac. ii. Isaac blessing Jacob. iii. Joseph put into a pit by his brethren. iv. Joseph's coat brought to Jacob. v. Joseph's brethren. LIBRARY (b). N.W. behind door, Van Gaelens Hunting party. Berghem Goat and pigs. After Wouvermann...Cart and white horse. N.E. over door, Breughel Lawyer's room. S.E. 1. Hemskerk Boors singing. 2. Van Goyen Water piece. 1. Mieris Woman with pheasants. 2. Rembrandt Head of Socrates (given by Wolfe's friend, the Right Hon. Gen. George Warde, to his brother John). 3. Van Goyen Water piece. Dahl M1S John Warde (nee Bris- (over mantelpiece) tow), ob. 1727. 1. After Terburg Man and woman with red cloak. 2. Rembrandt Head of our Lord Christ. 3. Van Goyen Water piece. 1. Teniers Man with wineglass. 2. Leduc Card players. 3. Van Goyen Water piece. Over door Madonna and Child. FIRST DRAWING ROOM (/). S.W. Procaccini Holy Family—Hush! the Lord Jesus sleeps. Carlo Cignani ...Virgin and Child. N.W. Raphael A sketch (stands on side table). Carlo Dolci S'Lucy. Watteau Boy blowing bubbles. Ang. Kaufman ...Lady Dukinfield (ne'e Warde). Romney Mrs Gregory, mother of Admiral Warde's wife. Opie Charlotte (nde Madan), wife of General Warde. 140 SQUERRYES COURT. SECOND DRAWING ROOM (e). S.W. Ferg Castle and lake (on copper). Breughel Small landscape (on copper). Gainsborough Small sketch; standing on a table. Salvator Rosa Diogenes throws away his cup. Ferg Castle and lake (on copper). Breughel Small landscape (on copper). N.W. Nic. Poussin Landscape. Salvator Rosa Democritus among the tombs. Salvator Rosa Water, and six figures. N.E. 1. Ruysdael Landscape. 2. P. Maes Holy Family. 1. Franclcs Interior, with many pictures on the walls. 2. Paolo Veronese Christ with the woman of Samaria at the well. 1. Ruysdael Landscape. 2. P. Maes Marriage of S* Katherine. Here are fine Dragon Vases, and much ancient Oriental China. A cabinet between the Dragon Vases has depicted upon it scenes from the legendary life of some Saint. S.E. Gryeff Game and dog. Kraft Cottage. Gryeff Companion picture. Krafft Companion picture. DINING ROOM (d). S.E. Boos da Tivoli Sheep. James Green, 1829 John Warde (fifty-seven years master of foxhounds) with his hound Glory. Roos da Tivoli Sheep. S.W. Benj. West, 177'4 General George Warde (friend of Wolfe). J. A. Vinter, 1870 Admiral Charles Warde. Benj. West, 1774 Posthumous portrait of General Wolfe. [On the back is pasted West's receipt for £29 : 8 : 0 for the two pictures painted by him in 1774.] N.W. Cuyp Gonzales, his wife, two daughters, and a goat. Hondekceter Ducks and three pigeons. Cuyp Skating scene, with tower (on wood). SQUERRYES COURT. 141 Van der Vaart Landscape, 1716. Andrea Abate, 1660 Fruit, parrot, etc. Stubbs Arab horse of M1'Warde. LOBBY, between the Hall and Conservatory-Lobby. Greek priest, from the Crimea. 1. Hudson Mre Clayton East. 2. Van Dyck Study of a head. 1. Opie General Geo. Warde holding horse's head. 2. W. Van der Velde Sea piece. 1. Hudson Mother of General Jas Wolfe. 2. Wra Paulet, 1st Marquess of Winchester, died 1592, aged 97. Caravaggio Venus on couch (over door). f 1. John Wootton John Warde. L e f t 12 Indian Army. 1. Ad. Devis, 1749 ....Mr Warde. Small battle scene. Spencer The Pantheon. 1. Cosway Charlotte Warde (»ee Madan). 2 Holy Family. Albert Durer? ...Madonna and Child (over mantelpiece). 1. B. West George Warde (Wolfe's playmate) . 2. Pietro Berratinil ,-,,. , , . , -„ , daCortona j Flight into Egypt. After Wouvermann ...Battle scene. Right {2.


Chevening House


Erith Church; Its Ancient Architecture