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1.Privy Council Instruction

Transcribed by Peter Titley on Thu, 04 Jul 2019 - 20:53

                 To our very good lorde the l[ord] Cobham. L[ord] Warden of the five portes/ and Her Ma[jes]tys lieuetin<a>[n]t of the Countie of Kent./

Document Date
Instruction for an Inventory of all iron works, iron workers and cast iron ordnance in Kent and that no ordnance to be cast unless directed.

11.Letter - re. bond liability

Transcribed by Peter Titley on Thu, 04 Jul 2019 - 21:25

To the Ryght war-/ shipfull Sir Jhon/ Leveson knyght fore/ thys with speed at hal]/lyng/

Mr Ballard that he can / make no ordinance and/ ys not able to travayle. and he hath no/ fornace but a forge to beat/ iron bares/

[end first page]

[second page]

Document Date
The payment of a bond not to produce ordnance.

12.Letter Bynge to Leveson re location of iron masters

Transcribed by Peter Titley on Thu, 04 Jul 2019 - 21:26

To the Ryght Worshipfull/ John Leveson knyght / thys withe speede/

                                                       1590                    11 Oct[be]r/

[end first page]

[second page]

Document Date
Robert Byng, compiler of the inventory of persons with furnaces producing cast iron, to explaining his travel arrangements and the location of persons involved in the production of cast iron ordnance.

13.Letter - Colepepper to Leveson re. bond

Transcribed by Peter Titley on Thu, 04 Jul 2019 - 21:29

To the Right worshipful/ his good friend Sir John/ Leveson <knight>/

Mr Anthonye Colepeper hath/ hired out his iron work for 6 years/

[end first page]

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Document Date
An explanation by Anthony Colepepper of why he should not be held in bond not to produce cast iron because he has hired out his furnaces to a Mr Darrell

14.Letter - Henry Darrell to Leveson re. iron works

Transcribed by Peter Titley on Thu, 04 Jul 2019 - 21:31

1590    11 Oct/ Mr Henry Darell Gent/ yt he hath no Iron furnace/ but only makes Iron/ bares/

To the ryght woorshipfull/ Sir John Leveson knight/ ........... thes w[it]h spede/ Att Hallinge./

[end first page]

[second page]

Document Date
Henry Darrell writing to Sir John Leveson

15.Letter - bond collection

Transcribed by Peter Titley on Thu, 04 Jul 2019 - 21:32

To my lovinge frend Sir/ Jhon Leveson knight my/ deputie Leutenant/

That her Ma[jes]ties pleasure ys to make/ ploy of the ....... of the 300/ men ....... ....... appoy[n]ted out of/ this countye/

That the iron masters shalbe/ bond tyll michaelmass next a 1000li a peece in the surety of/ in 100li a peece. 17th octob[er]/ 1590/

Document Date
Henry Darrell writing to Sir John Leveson
Lord Cobham writing to Sir John Leveson

16.List of furnace owners and bond liability

Transcribed by Peter Titley on Thu, 04 Jul 2019 - 21:34

The names of [words illegible] Iron Workes/ [words illegible] 1590/

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The names of the Iron Masters wh[ich] were bound 1590/

A[nn]o reg[nu]m Eliza[beth] xxxij/

[Latin] Octobris/

Document Date
Henry Darrell writing to Sir John Leveson
John Polhitt
William Tieghman
John Swaislande
Thomas Burre
Abraham Wyllarde
Edmund Wyllarde
John Phillips
Thomas Johnson
Francis Johnson
Sir Richard Baker
Thomas Baker
John Baker
Thomas Browne
George Lustett
Edward Willoughbie de Lincolnes