General Index

( 79 ) GENERAL col, crouched burial, xxxiii. .disham, open fields at, 54. .ddington Manor, open fields at, 55. .ebba, Abbess, 25. .elfstan, Thanet landowner, 25 ; minister, 25, 26. .griculture, Surveys of Board of, 60. Igrimensores, 56. dnesford, xxxii. ddington, 71 ; Freight or Frith, enclosure at, 64. dkham, enclosure at, 66. 01 Souls' College, 58. dlen, J. Romilly, 6, 10. dteram, 55. mdrews, Drury and Herbert's map, 68. Lppledore, 77 ; Church, 77. i-rohasology, Council for British, 78. Uibrey, John, 69. loisten, Jane, 11. Lylesford, 69 ; enclosure, 65. tymers, Lynsted, 76. Jaddlesmere Lees, common, 61. Jadlesmere, open fields at, 54. Jadlesmere, Bartholomew de, and Chilham, 16. Jaltrusaitis, Dr. Jurgis, 7, 8, 10. barfreston, open fields at, 54. Jarham Downs, 69. 3arham Mill, 69. Jarming, 65. Jarming Heath, 61 ; enclosure, 65. Jarton, Elizabeth, Note on, 71. Baston Manor, 62. 3ayley, engraver, 17. 3eakers, Belgic, 41, 44. 3ecket, John, xxxii. Jelgic Age, Two Burial Groups of, Hothfield Common, near Ashford, by J. G. S. Brinson, Lt., R.E., 41-47. 3elgic circles, 70. Belle Isle, 25. Berctauld, Archbishop, one time Abbot of Reculver, 24. Betts, George, 71. Bexley, enolosure at, 64. Bilsington, open fields at, 64 ; Nether, enolosure of, 58. Bingleys Island, 20. Binnewith, Island of, 20. Biquores estate, enclosure, 66. Bircholt, enolosure at, 60. Birling, enclosure at, 64. Bishopsbourne, 69. INDEX. Bixe, Richard, 3. Black Prince, 49; death, 50; tomb, 51; chantry of, 60, 53. Blackheath, 61, 62 ; common at, 61. Blean Common, 61. Blean Wood, mediajval pottery found, xxxii. Blome, Richard, 59. Boleyn, Anne, 71. Bolton, Arthur T., Memoir of Chilham, 12. Bombed sites, clearance and disclosures of, xxxii. Bostal (?) Heath, 62. Boughton, Air Marshal Sir C, xxxi. Boughton Aluph, 65. • Boughton Monchelsea, 64. Boulogne, 58. Bourne Park, 69. Box, John, 50. Boxley Heath, 61. Boxley Park, enclosed, 57. Boys, John, 60. ' Brabourne, open fields at, 64 ; enclosure at, 64. Brade-Birks, Dr. S. Graham, 68. Brasted Chart, enclosure, 65. Bridge Hill, 69. Brinson, J. G. S., Lt., R.E., Two Burial Groups of Belgic Age, Hothfield Common, near Ashford, 41-47. Brise, 2. Bromley, enolosure at, 64 ; Common, 61. Brown, Prof. G. Baldwin, 9, 10. Brown, Lancelot (" Capability "), work at Chilham, 15, 16, 18. Browne, Sir Thomas, Hydriotaphia, 38. Broxham, enclosure, 65. Brummeisen (buzzing iron), 36. Bruton's Roman Manchester, 39. Burham, enclosure at, 64. Burton's Anatomy of Melancholy, 59. Calvert, Giles, 71. Canterbury, 68, 60, 69, 71 ; Castle, 62 ; Cathedral, rebuilding of nave, 61, 52 ; Chapter House, 52, 53 ; Cloisters, 52, 53; Archbishop of, xxxi; bailiffs of, 51. Cantewarbyri, 57. Canute, Charter of 1023, 26. Cave, A. J. E., M.D., Report on the Human Remains at Cherry Garden Hill Tumulus, Folkestone, 29-33. 30 GENERAL INDEX. Cave, Prof. A. J. B., 73. " Celtic " settlement, 54. Dhallock Lees, 61. Chang (harp), 37. Charing, 65 ; enclosure, 65. Charing Heath, 61. Charlton Park, 69. Chart Leacon, 61. Charterhouse, London, Yevele's work, 49. Chartham, 68. Chaucer, Geoffrey, 52. Cherry Garden Hill Tumulus, Folkestone, Report on the Human Remains, by A. J. E. Cave, M.D., 29-33. Cherry Garden Hill Tumulus, Folkestone, by W. P. D. Stebbing, F.S.A., F.G.S., 28-33. Chiddingstone, 65. Chilham, 68; open fields at, 55; Castle, plans, 12 ; staff and wages, 17. Chillenden, Prior, 51, 53. Chislehurst Common, 62. Chislet, open fields at, 56. Cinque Ports, Lord Warden of, enolosure by, 58. Clarke, Major Eric, xxxi. Cliffe, 64. Cobb, Thomas, 71. Cobham, John, Lord, 48, 49, 51. Cock, Dr. Frederick, 77; Dr. F. William, Obituary, 77; William, 77 ; William and Ann, 77. Cockes, Mary, nee Mylls, 3; Roger and Thomas, 3, 4. • Cockes, Thomas, the Diarist, by Dorothy Gardiner, 1-5. Coenulf, King of Mercia, 19. Colchester, bronze objects from, 38, 39. Colebrooke Mausoleum, 16 ; trustees, owners of Chilham estate, 13. Coles, widowe, 2, Colfe, Joseph, 5. Collins, Rev. A. H., M.A., F.S.A., Iconography of Darenth Font, 6-10. Common Saltings, Wouldham, enclosure, 65. Commons Preservation Society, 62. Cook, Norman, 36, 38. Cope, Mr., 2. Councer, C. R., xxxi. Court Ashe Manor, open fields at, 55. Court Lodge, Appledore, 77. Courtenay, Archbishop, 61. Cowling Castle, 51. Cowper,] J. Meadows, editor of Cockes' Diary, 3. Cox Heath, 61; enclosure of, 64. Cranbrook, neolithic finds, xxxiii; enclosure at, 58. Crawford, 0. G. S., 69. Cray, St. Mary, open fields at, 55. Crayford, enclosure at, 64. Crayle family, bibliographer of, 11. Crembalem, 37. Crundale, 62. Curie's Roman Frontier Post, 39. Curtler, Mr., 57, 60. Curwen, Dr. Eliot, F.S.A., 78. Cuthred, King of Kent, 19. Cutte, Sir John, 57. Cymbalum orale, 37. Dale, or Court Ashe Manor, open fields at, 55. Darenth Font, Iconography of, by Rev. A. H. Collins, M.A., F.S.A., 6-10. Dartford, 65 ; Brinks, 61 ; commons at, 60 ; Heath, 61, 62 ; Mill estate, old map, xxxii. Davis, Sir Edmund, 12, 16. Deal, 60. Denge Wood, 68. Denne, Edmund, surgeon, 3, 4. Dervilie, Major Teiohman, xxxi. d'Estaing, Admiral, 13.' D'Estaire, Mons., 13. Discourse, 67. Ditton, 65 ; Common, enclosure, 65. Dola, 55, 56. Dorset, Earl of, 14. Dover, 60, 69; excavation of St. Martin-le-Grand Church, xxxiii; plaster freize, xxxiii. Druce, G. C, 8, 10. Dunstan, St., in-the-East, church of, 48, 51. Dunton Green, bronze palstave from, xxxii. Durer's Triumph of Maximilian, 37. East Farleigh, 64. East Kent, enolosure in, 61 ; open land, 60 ; enclosed land, 60. East Mailing, enclosure at, 64 ; Heath, 61. East Stour Farm, 68. Eastry, or Eastrey, 72 ; open fields at, 55, Edburga, Abbess of Minster, 20. Eden, Sir F. M., 62. Edenbridge, 65. Edward III, tomb of, 49. Elfstan, Abbot of St. Augustine's, 20. Elham, 65. ElHston-Erwood, F.C., F.S.A., Notes or Bronze Objects from Shooter's HiU Kent, and elsewhere, and on th< antiquity of" Jew's Harps," 34-40. Elmham, Thomas of, 25. Eltham, open lands at, 66 ; enclosure at, 58. GENERAL INDEX. 81 English Enclosure Acts and Awards, Hand-List of. Part 17. Open Fields, Commons and Enclosures in Kent, by W. E. Tate, F.R.Hist.S., 54-67. Erith, enclosure at, 64. Este Kent, 57. Evans, Alfred, 77; Frances, 77. Eversley, Lord, 62. Ewel Minis, 61. Fair, Mary, D.Sc, 10. Faicbourne Heath, enclosure, 65. Fallowing in Kent, 56. Farningham, enclosure of, 59. Faussett, 69. Faussett, Bryan, Inventorium Sepulchrale, 38. Faversham, open field at, 59. Ferthing, 56. Field Notes in East Kent, by R. F. Jessup, F.S.A., 68-70. Fiennes, Celia, 60. Folkestone, 57 ; enclosure at, 64. Ford Street, 23. Fordwich, remission of dues, 24. Fraser, D. M. M., 72. Frere, S. S., 78. Frith Manor, enclosure of, 59. Fuller, Thomas, 69. Gardiner, Dorothy, Thomas Coekes the Diarist, 1-5. Gaunt, John of, 49. Gavelkind, 54, 56, 57. Geering, R. J., 44, 47. Genlade, river, 24. George's, St., Church, Canterbury, 22 ; Hill, Surrey, 70. Gilbert's Act, 61. Gill, Mrs., of Canterbury, brawn maker, 17. Gillingham, open fields at, 55. Goddard's Castie, 57. Godhurste, 67. Godmersham Park, 11. Godwin, 57 ; Earl, fleet at Sandwich, 27. Gonner, Prof. E. K. C , 59, 61. Goudhurst, enclosure at, 58; token from, 71. Gray, Prof. H. L., 54-58, 60. Great Court Town, 68. Great Mead, enolosure, 64. Greaves, Christopher, Steward of Chilham Manor and writer of TJie Antiquities of Ohilham, 12, 16, 18. Greenwioh Marshes, 63. " Gremiales ", meaning, 22. Guest, Dr. L. Haden, 65. GuUdown Saxon cemetery, bronze object from, 39. Guston, enclosure at, 55, 59. Ham, 55. Harbledown, 70. Hardman, Dr. F . W., 26. Hardy, Charles, of Chilham, 18; Edward, owner of Chilham Castle, 12. Harrietsham, 65. Harrison, 58 ; Sir Edward, 65. Harvey, John H., Henry Yevele, Architect, and his works in Kent, 48-53. Hasted, 68. Hawk Hill Saxon Cemetery, bronze object from, 39. Hawkhurst, enclosure at, 58. Hayes Common, 61, 62. Hempspots, at Mountain Street, 15. Henhurst, open fields at, 60. Henry VIII, 71. Herland, Hugh, 49. Heron, armorial bearings, 18 ; John, 1 1 ; Richard, letters of, 13; Sir Richard, Secretary, to Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, 13 ; Thomas, help towards raising Militia, 14. Heron, Thomas, of Chilham, by R. F. Jessup, F.S.A., 11-18. Hertesdowne, open fields at, 55. Hever, 65. Hevisede, Sir Henry, vicar of St. Paul's, Canterbury, 1, 2. High Minnis, enclosure, 65. Hog's Back, 60. Hoo St. Mary's, open lands at, 55. Horsey Hill, enclosure, 65. Horsham Manor, open lands at, 55. Horton Kirby, token found, xxxii. Hotfield Heath, 61. Hothfield, Belgic burials, xxxiii, 41-47 ; Common, 62 ; open fields at, 55. Humphry, Godfrey, 77. Hunton, 64. Hypples Fleote, location of, 26. Ickham, open fields at, 55. Icklingham, Jew's harp from, 40. Ightham, enclosure at, 64 ; Heath, 61. Ingpin, L., xxxii. Ireland, constitutional difficulties in Heron's day, 13. Irish situation, 1779, 14. Iugum, 55, 66. Iwade, open fields at, 65. Jenkins, Canon, 19. Jessup, R. F., F.S.A., Thomas Heron of ChHham, 11*18. Jessup, R. F., F.S.A., Field Notes in East Kent, 68-70. Jeudy Tromp, 37. Jew's Harps, Antiquity of, 34. Jones, G. P., 48 ; William, 70. 82 GENERAL INDEX. Judenharpe, 37. JuUiberrie's grave, 17, 68. Keble, John, 2. Kennington, 65. Kennington Lees, enclosure, 65. Kent Feet of Fines, xxxi. Kent Records Society, 75. Kidd, John, Curate of Chartham, 3. King, Edward, antiquary, 12. Kingsdown, open fields at, 62. Knoop, Prof. Douglas, 48. Knowles, Canon E. H., 9. Knut, King, donor of St. Augustine's monastery to Elfstan, 20. K'ou chin (mouth harp), 37. Lambarde, 58, 69. Langham, Cardinal, tomb, 49, 52. Langley, enclosure, 65; Heath, 61. Leadam's Domesday, 57. Leland, 57. Lenham, 60 ; enclosure, 65 ; Heath, 61. Leonard, Miss E . M., 57, 59. Lethaby, Prof., 52. Leverhulme Research Trustees, 65. Lewisham, open fields at, 55 ; enclosure at, 64. Linch pin, 39. Linton, 64. Little Chart Roman remains, xxxni. Little Court Town, 68. Littlebourn, open fields at, 55. London Bridge, Warden of, 49, 52. Long, E. T., F.S.A., 76. Loose, 64. Lote, Stephen, 62, 63. Lowther, A. W. G., 39. Ludington, John, 70. Lydd Church, 77. LyddenHUl,69. Lyminge, 65. Lynsted, 76. Maeccambrooc, Macan Brook, 25. Maerces fleote, 26. Maidstone, enclosure, 60, 65 ; meeting in favour of reform, 14. Man, John, Cownsell in lawe, 2. Mann, Sir Thomas, 15. Manston, 70. Margarets', St., Church, Canterbury, 22 Margaret's, St., at Cliffe, open lands at, 5 5 ; Report of Human Remains from, 71. Margaret's, St., Lower Halstow, Guide to, by A. K. W. Wright, B.D., Boviow, 74. Margate, open fields at, 65. Markham, Gervase, InricJiment of the Weald of Kent, 5Q. Marshall, Wfiliam, Rural Economy,' 60. Martin's, St., Church, Canterbury, 22. Mary, St., Cray, open fields at, 55. Mary's, St., Church, Canterbury, 19, 22. Mason, King's Master, 49, 50, 52. Maultrommel (mouth drum), 36. Meager, Leonard, 60. Mearc fleet, meaning of, 26. Medway bridge at Roohester, 51. Meitzen, 54. Meopham Common, 62. Metropolitan Commons Act, 62. Mildred, St., Abbess of Minster, 20. Mildred's, St., Church, Canterbury: Further Notes on the Site, by Canon R. U. Potts, F.S.A., 19-22. Minster, remission of t a x on shipping, 23. Miscellaneous Notes, 68-73. Monkton, open fields at, 55. Moore, John, 59. Moore, Matley, xxxi. Mott, 2. Moulsham, bridge at, 52. Muhlfeld, Dr. H. E., 54. Murchang, 37. Murray, K. M. Elizabeth, M.A., B.Litfc., F.R.Hist.S., The Register of Daniel Rough, Review, 75. Mystole House, 68. Neates Court, enclosure at, 58. Nevill, Humphry, 39. New Canderby, open fields at, 55. New Romney, 75. Newark-on-Trent, seat of the Herons, 11. Newchurch, open fields at, 56. Newington, 55. Newman, Sir George, 1, 5. Nicholas, St., Court, 25. Northbourne, enclosure of, 58. Norway, brass object from, 39. Norwood, Alexander, Cocke's Proctor, 5. Notes on Bronze Objects from Shooter's Hill, Kent, and elsewhere, and on the Antiquity of "Jew's Harps," by F. C. Elliston-Erwood, F.S.A., 34-40. Obituaries, 76-78. Offa, King, gift of Lydd Court, 24. Ogilby, John, Britannia, 69. Olantigh, home of Heron's wife, 11. O'Neil, B. H. St. J., 30. Open Fields, Commons and Enclosures In Kent (Part 17 of A Hand-List of English Enolosure Aots and Awards), by W. E. Tate, F.R.Hist.S., 64-67. Orpington, open fields at, 65. Orwin, Dr. and Mrs. C. S., 54. GENERAL INDEX. 83 Oswald, Arthur, 51, 52. Ofcham, 76. Paley, F. A., 9. Pancras, St., Church, Canterbury, 22. Parks in Kent, 58. Parliamentary reform, Heron's interest in, 14. Paul's, St., Cross, 71. Pawlen, Thos., 2 ; Widowe, 2. Payne, George, 68. Penny Pot Wood, 68. Pepperness, 24, 26. Peter and Paul, SS., Canterbury, 22. Peter's, St., Church, Canterbury, 22 ; Thanet, open fields in, 55. Petrie, Flinders, 68. Pinnenden Heath, 61. Platts, W. L., 65. Plucks Gutter, 26. Plumstead Commons, 62 ; Marsh, 63. Postling, 64. Postling Leeze, enclosure, 64. Potts, Canon R. U., 78. Potts, Canon R. D., F.S.A., St. Mildred's Church, Canterbury : Further Notes on the Site, 19-22. PurceU, 2. Queenborough, enclosure, 65; Castle, 50. Queens College, Oxford, 62. Race Course, 69. RastaU, Rev, Sam., Dean of Killaloe, 17. Reach, enclosure of, 59. Reculver, 57. Relics found with skeleton at Cherry Garden Hill tumulus, 28, 29. Register, The, of Daniel Rough. Transcribed and Edited by K. M. Elizabeth Murray, M.A., B.Litt., F.R.Hist.S., Review, 75. Reviews, 74-75. Rhodes Minnis, enclosure, 65. See also Rodes Minis. Richard II, 52 ; tomb, 49, 52. Richborough, 27, 39. Ringwold or Ringwould, 55; open fields at, 55, 62. River, enolosure at, 64. Rivers, Sir George, 59. Rochester, 60; Bridge, 51; Castle, 50 ; Ferry to Strood, 52. Rooko, Anne, wife of Thomas Warriner, 6. Rodes Minis, 61, See also Rhodes Minnis, Roman barrow oiroles, 69. Roman cinerary urn, xxxii. Roman remains at Little Chart, xxxiii. Roman road, Canterbury-Dover, 69. Roman sites and pottery, Upchurch, 25. Romney Marsh, 57, 77 ; open fields at, 55 ; enclosure at, 58 ; flint chipping floor found, xxxii. Roper, Sir Anthony, 59. Rough, Daniel, Register of, xxxi.; Review, 75. Royds, Col. Sir Edmund, 11. Rumeney Marsch, 57. Russell, 58. Rusthall, enclosure at, 64. Rye Street, enclosure, 64. Saltings, Wouldham, enclosure, 65. Saltwood, keep-gate house, 51. Sarre, bronze object from, 35, 38; ford, 23-25. Sawbridge, Catharine, wife of Thomas Heron, 11 ; Jacob, father of Catharine, 11. Sawlyng, open fields at, 55. Saxon History of the Wantsum, by Gordon Ward, M.D., F.S.A., 23-27. Scaccia pensieri, 37. Seal Chart, 61. Selethryth, Abbess of Lyminge, 19. Sellinge, enclosure at, 64. Sheppey, 60. Shooters HiU, Antiquities from, 34, 38. Shoreham, open field at, 59. Shorne, 64 ; Mead, enclosure, 64. Shorte, William, 3, 4. Sibertswold, 70; enclosed, 55, 59; iron object from, 38. Slater, Dr., 55, 57. Smeeth, enclosure at, 64. Smeetham, Henry, xxxi. Smith, E. J., osteological technician, 31. Smith, Dr. R. A. L., xxxi. Snake Drove, 25. Soles Hill, cost of house and land, 15. Somerset's commission, 57. Sondrisshe, enclosure of, 58. South-western Kent, enclosed land in, 61. Spanish Chronicle, 58. Speed, 57. Spencer, Dr. Ethelbert, 4. Staples, 39. Stabbing, W. P. D., 65, 71, 75, 76, 78. Stebbing, W. P. D., F.S.A., F.G.S., Cherry Garden HUl Tumulus, Folkestone, 28-29. Stelling Minnis, 61. Stocke, Bartholomew, 2. Stonar, 24. Stoneaore, Otham, 76. Stouting Common, 61. Stow, 57. Stringer, Stephen, 71. 84 GENERAL INDEX. Strype, 57. Sudbury, Archbishop, 51. Sulung, 56. Sutton by Dover, open fields at, 55 ; enclosure at, 59. Sutton at Hone, open lands at, 55 ; enclosure of demesne, 55, 58. Swalwe, John, 48. Sweeting, Counsel, 5. Sweyn, father of Knut, 20. Swingfield Minnis, or Folkestone, 61 ; enclosure at, 60. Syankesdon, open fields at, 55. Tate, W. E., F.R.Hist.S., A Hand-List of English Enclosure Acts and Awards, Part 17. Open Fields, Commons and Enclosures in Kent, 54-67. Tenementum, 55. Teston, enclosure at, 64. Thanet, 57 ; open lands in, 60. Thomas Cockes the Diarist, by Dorothy Gardiner, 1-5. Throwley, open fields at, 55. Tilmanstone, 1. Tokens, xxxii, 71. Tower of London, 37. Townsend, T. Marsham, xxxi. Tremworth Manor, 52. Trottiscliffe, Roman cinerary urn, xxxii. Truelove, 2. Turner, Thomas, 70. Twisleton Estate, plans, xxxii. Twysden famUy, wills of, xxxi. Typerton, Nicholas, 48. TJpchurch, 55; Roman sites and pottery, 25. Urns, Belgic, 41, 44-46. Uttoxeter, 49. VaUance, W. H. A., Obituary, 76. Vannes Manor, 52. Virdun, Sebastian, 37. Virgate, 56. Waldon, Watkin, 48. Walls End, 24. Walls Green, enclosure, 65. Walmer, 7Q. WalsaU, Margaret, 2-5; Sir William, Minor Canon of Canterbury, 1-4. Walton, Watkin, 48. Wantsum, river, 23 ; width of, 27. Ward, Dr. Gordon, 19, 71, 78. Ward, Gordon, M.D., F.S.A., Saxon, History of the Wantsum, 23-27. Warriner, Brandinus, 5; Matthew, 5, Thomas, 5. Warryner, M'ris, the old woman, 5. Washburn, Richard, 48. Watling Street, 70. Webster, Graham, 52. Well Wood, Aylesford, 69. West Bere, Charter of 686, 23. West Court, or Sibertswold, enclosed, 55, 59. West Court Farm, 70. West Farleigh, 64. West Gate, Canterbury, 51. West Kent, 57 ; enclosed land in, 60. West Wickham Manor, 62. Westerham, 65. Westgate, open fields at, 55. Westminster Abbey, Master Mason, 49 ; Yevele's work at, 49, 50, 51. Westminster, Abbot of, 52. Westminster HaU, Yevele's work at, 49. Westwell, 65. • Westwell Leacon, enclosure, 65. Whatmore, L. E., 71. Whithorne, Mr., 2. Whitstable, open fields at, 56. Wigmore, Mr., 2. Wilfrid, St., at Sandwich, 24. WiUiams, John, parish clerk, 2. Winstanley, Gerrard, Socialistic and Religious Discourses, 70. Wolsey's enclosure commission, 57. Womenswold, 70. Woolwich Common, 62. Wormius, 38. Wouldham, enclosure at, 65. Wright, A. K. W., B.D., A Guide tc St. Margaret's, Lower Halstoio. Review, 74. Wrotham, enclosure at, 64 ; Heath, 61 Wyatt, Sir Thomas, 57. Wydo, Abbot, 22. Wye, 56 ; open fields at, 55. Wykeham, William of, 49. Yantlet, creek, origin of name, 24. Yeaveley, Derbyshire, 49. Yevele, Henry, variants of name 48-49. Yevele, Henry, Architect, and his Work in Kent, by John H. Harvey, 48-53 Zeveley, Henry, 48. Zeveleye, Geoffrey de, 49 ; Marion de 49 ; Roger de, 49.


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