General Index

( 215 ) GENERAL INDEX. A Abbitot, arms, 114, 125, 126 ; Urse of, Earl of Worcester, 126. Abbott, Lewis, 167. Account Book of a Kentish Estate, 1616-1704, The, Reviewed by Captain Herbert Knocker, 189. Alfray, Alice, 77. Almshouses at Greenwioh, 136. Ambrose, Joan, 88. Andrew, William, 80. Antiquaries, Society of, and Richborough, 91. Antiquity. A Quarterly Review of Archaeology, Reviewed, 185. Archbishopric, Vacancy in, and claim by the Metropolitan Church of Canterbury, 210. Archbishops of Canterbury and Administration of Vacant Sees, 210. Arms of the Drapers' Company, The, by Miss M. A. Greenwood, 138. Ashmolean Museum, and King's Field, Eaversham, relics, 35. Ashyrst, Margaret, 133. Aspe, Richard, 87, 89. Asshley, Margery, 132. Asshow, Magister Thomas, perpetual vicar, Eastry, 83. Auchmuty, Sir Samuel, of Syndale, 37. Augustine, St. and landing at Stonar, 93. Aulus Plautius, Invasion of, 93, 99. B Backes, John, 81. Baker, Diana, 133; Edmund, 83, 85 ; John, 78, 85. Barbitt, Stephen, 85. Barbor, Bartholomew, 88 ; Cornelius, 88; Henry, 85, 88; John, 88; Mary, 88; Susan, 88; Thomas, 88 ; William, 88. Barfield, Peter, 77. Barrell, arms 114, 122, 123, 128 ; Prebendary Edmund, 122, 128; Prances, 122, 123 ; Francis, M.P., 123 ; Jane, 122. Bartletts and Wantsum Channel, 111. Battles, 776, and 1016, A.D., Sites of, near Sevenoaks, 156-7. Bax, Thomas, 82. Bayeux Cathedral, 69; Tapestry, 56, m. Beaney Institute, Canterbuiy, 36, 40, 64. Beauchamp, arms, 114, 125; Emeline de, 126; of Bedlord, 126 ; of Elmley, 126 ; of Holt, 125, 126; Sir John de, Baron Beauchamp of Kyderminster, 126 ; Walter de, 126 ; William, 126. Beaumont, Roger de, 126. Bede, Venerable, and Sarre Eerry, 95. Bennet, Thomas, curate of Eastry, 88. Benson, arms, 114,122 ; Rev. John, 122. Bere, Patrick, 85. Bestan, John of, rector of Cliffe, 26, 25n. Bethersden, Churchwardens' A ccounts of, Reviewed, 211. Biddell, W. R., on the Hop Industry, 198. Biden, L. M., obituary notice and biography, 181 ; formation of Records Branch, K.A.S., 207, Binder, John, 79, 87. Bird, John, goldsmith, 135. Birchington and Wantsum Channel, 98, 111. Blogg, Captain, gift to Maidstone Museum, 45. 216 GENERAL INDEX. Bois, John, of Hode, 149. Boley Hill, Rochester, Earthworks, 159; Baron of the Bully, 164; Justice Tree, 164; Pie Powder Court, 164; Roman vessels found at, 164. Boley Hill, Rochester, by Rev. S. W. Wheatley, M.A., F.S.A., 159. Bond, Charles, 131 ; Elizabeth (2) 131 ; James, 131 ; John, 131 ; Margaret, 131 ; Margery, 131. Botts, Cristiane, 86. Boughton Montchensey, Manor of, 151. Bourn, arms, 114, 128; Sampson, 128. Bowdler, arms, 114, 122 ; Frances, 122 ; Thomas, 122. Bowie, arms, 114, 128. Bowndyn, Alice, 77. Box, Edward G., on Lambarde's " Carde of this shy r e ," Third issue, with Roads added, 141. Boys, John, 121 ; Vincent, 88 ; Sir John of Donnington Castle, 187 ; Thomas, of Bonnington, 188; William, historian of Sandwich, 98, 102, 106. Brabourne, Manor of, 151. Bradford, arms, 114, 120; Right Rov. Samuel, 120; Susannah, 120. Bramber, Lords of, 126. Braose of Gower, arms, 114, 125, 126. Brent, John, F.S.A., and Roman Cemetery at St. Dunstan's, Canterbury, 48. Bridge, J. W., and Bearsted discovery, 46. Bridge, and Wantsum Channel, 93, 96, 97. Brinton arms, 114, 118 ; Thomas de, Bishop of Rochester, 118. British Record Society, 209. Brooke, Sir George (Lord Cobham, q.v.), defender of Cooling Castle against Wyatt, 167. Brooke, William, 176. Browker, arms, 114, 127. Brown, Thomas, Bishop of Norwich, 123. Browning, John, 83. Bruce, 126. Bruer, Dom. Thomas, parish priest, 85 ; John, 87. Brugges, William, first Garter King at Arms, 139. Brus of Skelton, arms, 114, 125, 126 ; Peter de, Lord of Skelton, 126. Buckland, Rev. W. E., 207. Bury St. Edmunds, Abbey of, 58. Bushe-Fox, Major, on Otford Discoveries, 155. Butler, of Sandwich, 84. C. Caesar, arms, 114, 120, 127 ; Augustus, Doctor of Physick, 120. Calendar of Institutions by the Chapter of Canterbury, Sede Vacante, by the Rev. C. E. Woodruff. Reviewed, 210. Canterbury and sea-craft, 92, 93, 96, 97, 98, 100, 102, 107, 108. Canterbury and York Society, 210. Canterbury College at Oxford, 3 ; reservation for Canterbury Monks 3. Canterbury, Odo's three Mansions in, 69n. Canterbury, See of, arms, 114, 123. Cesdale, Sir John, parish priest, 79. Chamber's Wall, 111. Chartham, on arm of the sea, 96, 97, Chatham, Roman finds at, 164. Chaundler, Thomas, 82. Chislet, and Wantsum Channel, 93, 97. Christchurch, Canterbury, Priory of, arms, 114, 118. Church, John, 87; Richard, 87, 90 ; Roger, 90; Thomas, 87 ; William, 85, 90 ; William a, 80. Churchill, John, 208; Miss, 208, 210. Churchwardens' Accounts of St. Nicholas, Strood and Bethersden, Reviewed, 211. Clare, arms, 114, 129. Clarke, Eleanor, 132 ; John, (2)132. Cobham, Lord, and Cooling Castle, 167-170,172-4; his relationship to Wyatt, 175; imprisonment, 175 ; pardon, 176. Coin, of Antoninus Pius, found at Otford, 164 ; of 4thCentury, 166. Colchester, arms, 114, 119, 127; Sir Duncombe, 119. College Cup, The Lambarde, 137. Collinson, arms, 116, 120, 127, George, 120. Contrye, Edith, 88. Cooke, arms, 116,124 j Prebendary Ralph, 124. Cooling Castle, assault on, 167; Cobham's explanation of his defeat, 167 ; Wyatt's object in GENERAL INDEX. 217 attacking, 170-2, 174-5; its construction, 173. Cooling Castle, The Engraved Plate, at, by Aymer Vallance, 176. Cope, Major Brian, 113; on Sir Thomas Wyatt's Assault on Cooling Castle, January 30th, 1554, 167. CordeUe, Sir William, 135, 136. Cottinden, Sir Sapher, rector of Hame, 80. Cotton, Manor of, 151. Couchman, Jane, 132 ; Robert, 132. Courts Baron and Court Leet, re Godinton Estato, 201. Cox, J. Charles, Guide to Kent, 206. Craule, Magister William, vicar of Eastry, 77. Crismill Farm, near Bearsted, Romano-British burial at, 45. Crofton, Agnes, 132. Cromer, arms, 115, 126 ; Sir James, 126. Crompe, arms, 115, 121 ; Prebendary Benjamin, 121 ; John, 121. Cuffe, Elizabeth, 132 ; Henry, 132. Culpeper, arms, 116, 125 ; Thomas, 125. Culverhouse, John, 84; Thomas, 89. Cup, The Lambarde, 135. Cuthbert, arms, 115, 120, 127; Thomas, 120. D Darbie, William, 82. Darby, Thomas, 85. Darbye, William, 85. Darenth, Roman Villa at, 158. Deal, and Wantsum Channel, 93, 95, 97, 98, 101, 104, 108. Decretals, 8. Decretum of Gratian, 8. Deering, Finch, 120. Den, John, 88. Dene, Sylvester, 131. Denham, arms, 115, 122. Denne, arms, 116, 120; Rev. John, Archdeacon and Prebendary of Rochester, 120 ; Sir John, 90 ; Susanna, 120. Denye, Thomas, 88. Derby, Peter, 78. Dering, arms, 115, 120, 127. Diaper, in Rochester Cathedral Quire, 119. Doddinghearne Lane, Rochester, 160. Douglas, Rev. J., Urbs Rutupiae, 105. Dover Castle, attacked by insurgents, 67 ; bestowed on Odo, 57. Dowker, Geo. on Coast Erosions, 99, 104, 105, 109. Downe, Anne, 132; Elizabeth, (2) 132; Joane, 132; John, (2) 132; Margerye, (2) 132 ; Martha, 132; Mary, 132; Thomas, 132 ; William, (2) 132. Downhamford, Hundred of, 69n. Drapers' Company, Arms of the, by Miss M. A. Greenwood, Librarian to the Drapers' Company, 138. Drapers' Company, and the Lambarde Cup, 135; Queen Elizabeth's College, 136 ; First Grant of Arms, 139; Charter of Edward III., 138 ; Ditto, Henry VI., 139 ; Ditto, James I., 140. Duncan, Leland L., 208, 209, 212. Durolevum, supposed site of, 37. Dyke, D.N., O.B.E., A.R.I.B.A., 54. E Each End, and Wantsum Channel, 107. Earthworks at Rochester, origin discussed, 162. East Kent Records, Reviewed, 211. Eastry Letters in the archives of the Dean and Chapter of Canterbury, ]. Eastry Wills, by Arthur Hussey, 77. Ebbsfleet, St. Augustine at, 93; Saxon landing at, 94. Edmund Ironside, 124; Edmund the Martyr, 124. Edmund of Woodstock, arms, 125, 129. Edward L, 129. Egerden (or Egerton), Andrew, 81 84 ; Joane, 81 ; John, 80, 84 ; Julian, 80; Nicholas, 80; Thomas, 81, 84. Elgar, H., Curator, Maidstone Museum, 36. Ely, Liberties of, 58. Empire, The, arms, 115, 129. Essoins at Great Chart, 201. Ethelbert, King of Kent, and St. Augustine, 93. Ethelred II., arms (?), 124. Eustace, Count of Boulogne at Dover Castle, 67 ; at Rochester, 63. Eynsham, arms, 115, 128. 2 1 8 GENERAL INDEX. F Fairholt, F. W., and alleged copy of engraved plate at Cooling Castle, 178-9, 180. Fason, Em., 86. Faunce, arms, 115, 122 ; Jane, 122 ; Thomas, 122. Fawclye, John, 82. Finn, Arthur, and Lydd Monumental inscriptions, 212. Florence of Worcester, 59. Fogge, arms, 115, 122; Captain Christopher, 122; Mary, 122; Sir John and Wyatt's rebellion, 169. Fordwich, as Canterbury's port, 101, 102, 103, 108. Foxes, Shooting of, in Lambing time, 204. Fox, G. E., and Richborough Castle, 100. Frampton, Rev. T. S., 208. Franch, Henry, 84. Francs, Joane, 84; Walter, 84. Freend, Alice, widow, administration to the goods of, 83 ; Robert, 83. Freende, Agnes, 83; Cicely, 83; John of Walton, will of, 83 ; Roger, 83; Thomas, (2) 83; William, 83. Freene, Cecily, 77 ; John, sen., of Gore, will of, 77 ; John, 77 Richard, 77; Thomas, 77. Fren, Joan, 77 ; John, 77 ; Thomas; 89 ; Thomas, sen., will of, 77 William (2) 77. Frend, Avice, 79; Henry, 83 Hugh, 80 ; Isabel, 79 ; Joan, 80 John, 80 ; Olive, 82 ; Oliver, 83 Robert, 80 ; Roger, 79 ; Thomas. 80; Thomas of St. Clement's. Sandwich, will of, 83; Valen tine, S2; William, 79, 83 William, will of, 79, 80. Frende, Avyce, widow, will of, 82 Joan, 82; John, 82, 83, 90 Marie, 82; Marione, widow, will of, 81; Oliver, 82 ; Thomas 83, 88 ; Richard, 82 ; Valentine 82. Frenne, Alice, 82; Cecilie, 77 . Constance, 79; Cristine, 77. Hugh, administration to the goods of, 82; John, 79 ; John of Goore, will of, 78; Roger, will of, 79 ; Roger, 78 ; Sara, 78 ; William, 78. Frind, John, 86. Frinde, Albone, 81; Alice, 81 ; Elisabeth, 81 ; John, 81, 85, 88 ; Marion, 81; Marione, widow, will of, 81 ; Richard, sen., of Gore, will of, 81 ; Robert, 84 ; Thomas, 81 ; William, 81. Frindsbury, Roman Coffin discovered at, 164. Frine, John, 89. Frinne, Agnes, 78; Cristian, 78, 87 ; Denis, widow, will of, 80 ; Henry, 78; Joan, 78; John, 78, 81 ; John of Gore, will of, 78 ; John, jun., of Walton, 79 ; John, sen., of Walton, will of, 78, 84; Juliane, 78 ; Rabedge, or Roberge, 80 ; Richard, 80, 81 ; Robert, 78 ; Robert, will of, 80, 84 ; Thomas, 78, 81 ; Thomas of Walton, will of, 78. Frogpool, 151. Frynde, Agnes, 82 ; Alice (2)82 ; Cristian, 82 ; Daniel, 82 ; John, 82 ; John of Wells, will of, 82 ; Oliver, 82; Richard, 82 ; Thomas (2) 82. Furnar, Cristian, widow, will of, 84 ; Juliane, 84. Furner, Cristine, 83 ; John, will of, 83 ; Richard, 83. Furneys, Julian, 80. Fusse, of Ashford, 133. G Gardiner, Joane, 81. Gavelkind tenure in Kent, 192. Geoffrey, Bishop of Coutances, 58, 73. Geological Institute and Map of Wantsum Channel, 96. Gesippe, Dr., 132 ; Martha, 132. Gibbs, Collection from King's Field, Faversham, 35. Gilbert of Evreux, 67. Gilman, arms, 116, 122; Rev. John, Canon of Rochester, 122. Gissart, Reginald, Abbot of St. Denys, 19n. Glenade, River, 110. " Gloves," harvest, gifts to servants, 203. Goddard, Christian, 83; Cristian, 84; Joane, 84; Oliver, 80, 81, 90 ; Oliver, will of, 84. Godinton, Great Chart, Nicholas Toke's financial Accounts, at, 189 ; quit rents, 199. Godfrye, John, 88; WiUiam, 88. Godwin, 166. GENERAL INDEX. 219 Goldware, Elisabeth, 83; John (2)83. Goldston, Rabego, Widow, will of, 85. Goldwell Manor, Great Chart, 195. Goodriche, Anne, 131 ; Bridget, 131 ; Christian, 131 ; John, 131 ; Sylvester, 131. Godwin, Francis, 85 ; Joane, 85 ; John, will of, 85; John, 85; Thomas, 85. Gore, William de, nephew of the Abbot of Faversham, 19. Gorney, William, 77. Gournai, 126. Gournay, arms, 115, 126. Gower, Lords of, 126. Grant, Rev. Dr., arms, 115, 119, 120, 127 ; Hester, 120. Granville, Lord, and Ebbsfleet Memorial Cross, 94. Gravesend, Queen Marv's General at, 169. Green, arms, 115, 119. Greenwich, Almshouses, founded by William Lambarde, 136. Greenwood, Miss M. A., on the Arms of the Drapers' Company, 138. Gregory, arms, 116, 120, 127; Edward, 120. Grey, Lady Jane, 169. H Hale Village, and Wantsum Channel 111. Hales, James, 84. Hall Place, 150. Hamo Hethe, Bishop of Rochester, Register of, by C. Johnson, Reviewed, 210. Hamond, John, 89. Hampson, arms, 115, 119 ; Catherine, 119 ; Henry, 119. Hampton, Manor of, 151. Hanbury, arms, 115, 122, 123; Frances, 122, 123 ; WilHam, 122, 123. Haanerf, Hon. Henry, on Philipott's Villare Cantianum, 149. Harris (2), arms, 116, 120 ; Alicia, 120; Walter, 120. Harrison, William, 85. Hasted's History of Kent, 65, 67, 107, 108,133, 193, 196. Haut, Richard de, Canterbury Student, 3, 5 ; Lotters from, 11, 13, 15, 17; Sir William de, High Steward of the Liberties of Christchurch, Canterbury, 4. Hatton, (Winchelsea) family, and quit rents, 200. Head, arms, 115,121 ; Sir Edmund, . 121 ; Sir R., M.P., 121. Heawood, Edward, 148. Hemp, cultivation in Kent, 203. Henry of Eastry, Prior of Canterbury, 1 ; Letters to, 10-33. Heraldry of Rochester Cathedral, (Typescript), 113. Herne Bay, 109. Hesketh, Major, 153. Hilborough Church, and Wantsum Channel, 94. Hill, arms, 115, 122, 123, 128; Prebendary Daniel, 122, 123 ; Frances, 122 ; Robert, 123. Hippopotamus, remains at Chartham, 99. Hoare, John, 82. Hobbes Joane, 85 ; Philip, administration to the goods of, 85. Hogben, Peter, 82. Hogen, John, 82. Hogyn, John, 89. Holland, Agnes, 82; Joane, 82; Richard, 82 ; Thomas, 82. Holmes, R., The Landing Place of Julius Caesar, 100. Hopkins, H., Gift of Maison Dieu Museum, Ospringe, 35. Hovenden, 155. Hucbone, Cristian, 86 ; Peter, 86 ; Robert, will of, 86 ; Stephen, 86. Huckebone, Margaret, 85 ; James, 86 ; Steven, 86 ; Thomas, will of, 85 ; Thomas, 85. Hugbone, Alice, 86 ; Goddart, 86 ; Peter, will of, 86 ; Robert, 86 ; Thomas, 86. Huggin, John, 82, 85. Hullancl, John, 86. I Iden, Alice, 86; Elisabeth, 86 Francis, will of, 86 ; John, 86 ; Katherine, 86 ; Thomas, will of 86 ; Thomas, 79. Igulden, John, 80. Inscriptions on Roman plaster at Otford, 153, 154. Index of Wills and Administrations at Canterbury, Reviewed, 209. Index of Wills prored in the Rochester Consistory Court, Reviewed, 209. 2 2 0 GENERAL INDEX. Inys, arms, 116, 122. Ipocras, for Loving Cup, 137. Isle of Thanet, Its real significance, 92, 97, 101, 103. Islip, Archbishop, and study by Monks at Oxford, 2. J Janyn, John, 87 ; Thomas, will of, 87. Jesus Hospital, Canterbury, 186. Jobbyns, Anne, 131 ; Bridget, 131 ; John (2) 131 ; Mary, 131 ; William, 131. Johnson, arms, 116, 120, 127 ; Maria, 120 ; A., and Roman site at Otford, 153, 155. Johnston, Philip M., and revised Guide to Kent, 206. Jolley, arms, 116, 120 ; John, 120. Jutish Pottery found in Kent, described by W. Whiting, 35. K Kaehler, J. H., Gift to Beaney Institute, Canterbury, 35. Kemsing Castle, site of, 157. Kennett, John, 87 ; Walter, 87 ; William, will of, 87 ; William, 87. Kent Chantries, Abstracts by L. L. Duncan, 212. Kent, Earldom of, granted to Odo, 67. Kent, Early Maps of, with roads, 141, 142. " Kent " in the Little Guides series, by Charles J. Cox, revised by Philip M. Johnston, Reviewed, 206. Kent, Lambarde's Perambulation of, 141n. Kent Manors, Projected work by Captain Herbert Knocker, 212. Kent Records (The Publications of the Records Branch, K.A.S.), Reviewed, 207. Kent Records, A. Handbook to, Reviewed, 209. Kent Wills, Abstracts from Archiepiscopal Registers at Lambeth, 212. King's Field, Faversham, Anglo- Saxon Cemetery, 36. Kingsford, H. S., M.A., 114. King's Head Lane, Roohester, 160. Kingsley, Anne, 121; Venerable William, 121. Kirk, Clement, 79. Kitchell, Anna, 123, 128 ; arms, 116, 123, 128. Knight Service Tenure, at Chelsfield and Strood, 195. Knocker, Captain Herbert, on the Account Book of a Kentish Estate, Review, 189 ; Projected work on Kent Manors, 212. L Lambarde Cup, described, 136 5 presentation of, 136 ; escape from Destruction, 137. Lambarde William, Pedigree Notes by Brigadier-General Fane Lambarde, C.M.G., D.S.O., 131. Lambarde, Anne, 131 ; Elisabeth, 131 ; Brigadier-General Fane, 140; Giles, 133, 136 ; Major Gore, 140; John, 131, 136; Margaret, 132; Thomas, 131 ; William (2), 131. Lambarde's Carde of this Shyre, third issue, with roads added, by Edward G. Box, 141. Lambarde's Perambulation of Kent, 141n. Lamienby, alias Sparrow, 150. Lamprey, A. S., M.A., Obituary Notice and Biography, 182. Lanfranc, Archbishop of Canterbury, rival of Odo, 59, 60, 63, 73, 74. Langton, Joane, 132 ; Thomas, 132. Lead Coffin at Rochester, illustrated, 160. Lea's Maps of Kent, 142-8. Lee, arms, 116, 119; John, D.D., arms, 119 ; Thomas, 119 ; Lee- Warner, tomb of, 119. Letters to the Prior of Christchurch, Canterbury, from University Students, by Rev. C. Eveleigh Woodruff, 1. Lewis's History of Thanet, 96, 110. Liber Monasterii de Hyda, and Odo's aspirations to Papaoy, 60. Livett, Rev. Canon, G.M., and Records Branch, K.A.S., 207. Lock, arms, 116, 120, 127 Thomas, 120. Lodge, Miss Eleanor C, on the Account Book of a Kentish Estate, Review, 189. Long, H., and Roman Pottery found at Canterbury, 46. Longe, Agnes, 87 ; Cristine, 87 ; John, will of, 87'. GENERAL INDEX. 221 Longley, Archbishop, 164; Recorder of Rochester, 164. Lord, Rev. Hugh T., and Milton antiquities, 166. Lovelace, arms, 116, 123, 128. Lowe, arms, 116 ; Bishop, tomb of, 113, 119 ; Humfrey, 119. Lullingstone, Roman villa at, 158. Lumbarde, alias Lambarde, Thomas, 131. Lundenwic, ancient name of Stonar, 106. Lydd, Monumental inscriptions at, 212. Lyman, Richard, 79. Lyminge, John de, collated to rectory of Pluckley, 3 ; reading Canon Law at Bologna, 8. M Maidstone Museum, 36, 45 ; Wyatt's standard raised a t , 169, Maison Dieu Museum, Ospringe, 35, 40, 42. Manors, of Great Chart, 192 ; Boughton, Hothfield, Great Ripton, Little Ripton, Wye, 200 ; Ashford, 201; Wall, 202; Boughton Montchensey, 161 ; Rokesley, 151 ; Stonehouse, 150 ; Singleton, 151. Sub-manors— Godington, Worting, 199 ; Swinford, 200. Map, Roman Site at Otford, 156 ; Wantsum Channel, 97, 101, 103. Maps of Kent, with roads, described, 142. Mareohal, arms, 116, 125, 126. Margaret of France, 129. Marlowe, Alice, will of, 87 ; Beatrice, 88; Katherine, 87 ; Nicholas, 8 8 ; William, 87. Marsham, arms, 116, 127 ; Earl of Romney, 127. Mascall, Elizabeth, 132; John, 132; Richarde, 132 ; Robert, 132. Master, John, 84 ; Peter, 84. May, Thomas, F.S.A., 48. Mead, H. T., Curator Beaney Institute, 36. Mekenes, Cristian, 81, Meroerie, Riohard de Haut's house in, bequeathed to the Prior and Chapter of Christchurch, Canterbury, 6. Merleye, Alioe, 87 ; Nicholas, 87 ; Richard, will of, 87; William, 87. Meriam, see Meryam. Merton, arms, 116, 126, 127 ; Bishop Walter de, 127. Meryam, 132 ; Eleanor, 132 ; John, 132; Julian, 132; Margaret, 132. Messenger, Paymaster Commander A. W. B., on Rochester Cathedral Heraldry before A.D. 1800,113. Middlebroke, John, 90. Milton Regis, 165 ; Its Elizabethan Bushel Measure, 165. Minster, on Southern Thanet shore, 94. Mokilwik, Thomas, 80. Moles, payments for killing, 203. Monks, payments for maintenance of, a t a University, 2. Monse, Richard, 88. Moorcrofte, 131 ; Dorothie, 131. Morden's Maps of Kent, 142-8. Morton, Robert, Earl of, 61, 63. Mowbray, arms, 116, 125; de Mowbray, 126. Musgrave, H. W. Wykeham, and Milton Bushel Measure, 165. Multon, Jane, 131 ; Joane, 132. Murston, Roman Pottery from, 42. Myne, Joan, 88 ; Richard, will of, 88. N Newborough, arms, 116, 125, 126; Earl of Warwick, 126 ; Henry de, 126 ; Isabella de, 126. Newcombe, arms, 116, 119 ; Benjamin, Dean of Rochester, 119. NichoUs, S. T., Portreeve of Milton Regis, 165. Nicolson, Anne, 131 ; Catherine, 131 ; Christian, 131 ; Edward, 131 ; Jasper, 131 ; John, 131 ; Lambarde, 131 ; Margaret, 131. Norfolk, Thomas, Duke of, and Wyatt's Rebellion, 169. Northbourne, Lord, 207, 208. Northmouth, on Wantsum Channel, 92, 106, 107, 109, 110, 111. Norton, Elisabeth, 88 ; Henry, 88 ; John, will of, 88 ; William, 88. Nott, Agnes, 84, 85 ; John, 84, 85 ; Thomas, 84. O Oare, Elisabeth, 89; Joan, 89; Joane, 79 ; John, will of, 89 ; Riohard, 89 ; William, 89. Odo, Bishop of Bayeux, and Earl of Kent, by Sir R. Tower, 66. 222 GENERAL INDEX. Odo, made Bishop of Bayeux, 56 ; at the Battle of Hastings, 56 ; joint regent, 57 ; defeats Eustace of Boulogne, at Dover, 67 ; made Earl of Kent, with castles of Dover and Rochester, 57 ; on Royal Council, 57 ; at synod at Rouen, 68 ; fight against Ralph, Earl of Norfolk, 58; avenges murder of Bishop of Durham, 58 arrested, 69 ; aspires to Papacy. 60 ; at Conqueror's funeral, 62 re-instated in English possessions, 62; rebels against Rufus, 63 at Rochester, 63, 164 ; banished. 64; supports Robert of Nor mandy, 64 ; crusade, 67 ; death, burial and epitaph, 67 ; Lord ships in Kent, etc., 69 ; char acter and work, 70 ; rivalry with Lanfranc, 59, 73, 74. Old Bushel Measure of Milton-next- Sittingbourne, 166. Old Court House of Milton Regis, 165. Olive, arms, 116, 120 ; Hester, 120 ; Thomas, 120. Oor, Joan, 89 ; John, 89 ; Thomas, will of, 89. Ordericus Vitalis, historian, 66; on Odo's arrest, 69, 61, 62; pleas for clemency made to Rufus, 63; Odo's censure of Robert Curthose, 64. Ore, Joane, 79 ; John, 79. Orgraver (or Orgaver, or Orgrave), Sir John, 81, 83, 85, 86. Orleans, University of, 4, 4n. Ospringe, Maison Dieu Museum, 35, 40, 42 ; Graves in Syndale Valley, 37 ; beaker, and dice cup, 46. Otford, Roman Site at, 153; Samian ware at, 164; bronze ooin, coins, &c, at, 164, 165. Owre, Cristian, 90 ; Elisabeth, 90 ; John of Gore, will of, 89 ; John, 80; Richard, 83, 90; William 80, 90. Oxford, hostel at, acquired by Canterbury Monastery, 2. Pagitt, arms, 116, 121 ; Mary, 121 ; Thomas, 121. Palgrave, historian 66. Pamore, Sapher, 81. Paramore, Safar, 83. Parent, j , a Poor Scholar of Paris, 7. Parish Registers and Records in the Diocese of Rochester, The, Reviewed, 207. Parkare, William, 86. Parker, arms, 116, 127 ; Mrs. Johanna, 127. Parker, Dom. John, 89 ; Thomas, sen., 79, 86, 87 ; Thomas, 80. Parr, arms, 116, 120 ; John, 120. Payne, Dionise, 132 ; Elizabeth, 132 ; Jane (2) 132 ; John, 132 ; Margaret (2) 131, 132 ; Nicholas, 132 ; Peter, 132 ; Robert, 132 ; Tobias, 132 ; William, 132. Pearce, Bertram W., on Roman Site at Otford, 153. Pearse, arms, 116, 122 ; Anne, 122 ; Thomas, 122. Pegwell Bay, 92-3-4-6-6, 109. Pem'ton, Sir William, 79. Penenden Heath, Trial of dispute between Lanfranc and Odo, 73. Peniston, arms, 116, 125, 126; Mary, 126; Thomas, 125 ; Sir Thomas of Cornewall, 126. Pevensey, Bishop Odo defeated at, 63. Philipott's Villare Cantianum, A Biographical Note, by the Hon. Henry Hannen, 149. Pikenot, John, student, 6 ; Pikenot Lane, Canterbury, 6. Pilgrims' Way, 153. Pires, Henry, 88. Plan of Rochester, showing Boley Hill, 161. Plomer, H. R., 209. Poley, arms, 116, 122; Richard, 122. Poncia, J. M., 200. Poor House of St. John, Sandwich, 84. Portus Rutupis, 92, 102. Pottery from Tong and Murston, Sittingbourne, 40. Pottery, Roman, at Canterbury, 45. Pottery, &c, Illustrations of, Syndale Valley, 39, 41 ; Tong, 43 ; Murston, 44; Canterbury 44, 49, 51, 53; Bearsted, 44. (Letterpress on adjacent pages.) Pratt, arms, 116, 119; Daniel, Dean of Rochester, 116, 119; Stephen, 79. Preste, Harry, 86 ; Thomas, 86. Pymm, arms, 116, 120, 127 ; John, 120; Margaret, 120. Pysing, John, 89. GENERAL INDEX. 223 Q. Queen Elizabeth's College, 136. Queen Mary, and Wyatt's Rebellion, 168, 170, 172, 176. R Rakham, Thomas, 77. Ralph, Earl of Norfolk, Rebellion, 58. Ramsgate and Wantsum Channel, 93, 95-6. Rauf, Thomas, Jun., 81. Reader, Agnes, 132; John, 132, 133; Julian, 132; Margaret, (2) 132; Mary, 132; Richard, 132, 133; Walter, 132, 133 ; William, 132. Records Branch, K.A.S., 207 ; formation and aims, 208 ; publications, 207, 209. Reculver (Regulbium) Roman fortress, 92, 94-5-6-7-8 , 109. Redshaw, C. J., 208. Register of Hamo Hethe, Bishop of Rochester, by O. Johnson, Reviewed, 210. Rent Service of fowls, at Godinton, 202. Reviews, Antiquity, 185; Under thirty-seven Kings by Lilian Boys Behrens, 186; The Account Book of a Kentish Estate, by Miss Eleanor C. Lodge, 189; The Little Guides—Kent, by J. Charles Cox, revised by Philip M. Johnston, 206; Kent Records, 207. Rich, C. G., 155. Richards, Thomas, 82, 85. Richborough Castle and Wantsum Channel, 91, 94; Island, 93, 98, 100; Port (Urbs Rutupias), 105-6-7. Ridge, arms, 116, 125, 126, 128; Edward, 125 ; Martin, 125. Roach-Smith, C, on the engraved plate at Cooling Castle, 177-8-9, 180. Roads in Kent, marked in early Maps, 142-8. Robert, Duke of Normandy, 62-3-4-6-6-7. Robert of St. Austin's, 6, 7, 19. Robinson, arms, 117, 122. Robson, Anne, 120; arms, 117, 120, 127; Mary, 120; Robert, 120; Thomas, 120. Rochester Castle, granted to Odo, 57; taken by Rufus, 63 ; occupied by Wyatt, 169. Rochester Cathedral, Heraldry before A.D. 1800, compiled by Paymaster-Commander, A. W. B. Messenger, R.N., 113. Rochester, City of, arms, 117, 122 ; Roman and Saxon Walls, 159 ; Deanery Site, 159. Rochester, Museum, 164. Rochester, See of, arms, 117-8, 123-4. . Roger of Montgomery, Earl of Shrewsbury, 66. Rokesley, Manor of, in Chiddingstone, 151. Rolt, Agnes, 121 ; arms, 117, 121 ; Jacob, 121. Roman Cemetery at St. Dunstan's, Canterbury, 46. Roman City Walls of Rochester, 169 ; lead coffin at Rochester, 169. Romano-British Burial, Discovery, near Bearsted, 46. Romano-British Pottery, further, found in Kent, 37. Roman Site at Otford, by Bertram W. Pearee, 163. Roman Villa at Otford, 156-6-7 ; in Darenth Valley, 158. Romney, Earl of, 127. Rondeau, arms, 117, 121 ; Elizabeth, 121 ; Jacques, 121 ; James, 121. Roper, Sir Anthony, 160 ; Henry, 150. Rouse, arms, 117, 127. Rutland, Thomas, 79, 83, 87. Rutton, arms, 117, 128 ; Isaac 128 ; Mary, 128. S Samian Ware at Otford, 164. St. Frideswyde's Priory, 3. St. George, arms, 117, 122, 123, 129. St. Helen's in East Farleigh, 150. St. Margaret's, 104. St. Thomas a Becket's Well, 155-6-7. St. Thomas of Canterbury, alleged relics of, 6, 19, 21. Sanoroft, Archbishop, 121. Sandown Castle and Coast Erosion, 104. Sandwich and Wantsum Channel, 93-4, 96, 98, 100, 103, 105, 107-8-9. 224 GENERAL I N D E X. Sandwich Manuscript, 105-6-7. Sarre, and Wantsum Channel, 93 ; ferry, 95 ; wall, 111. Saunder, Alis, 80 ; Margery, 80. Saxton's Maps, 142. Scott-Robertson, Canon, on the Cooling engraved Charter-plate, 178. Seal of the Drapers' Company, 139. Sede Vacante Wills, 209. Sir Thomas Wyatt's Assault on Cooling Castle, 30th January, 1554, by Major Bryan Cope, 167. Selby, Mrs. Elizabeth, and Roman Pottery, 42 ; Dr. Prideaux, gifts to Maison Dieu Museum, Ospringe, 40. Sevenoaks School, 155. Sevenoaks Society, and Otford site, 153, 155. Sheafe, arms, 117, 121 ; Richard, 121. Sheep-shearing and tar (Godinton), 204. Sherrard, Thomas, 81. Sherwood, Thomas, 85; William, 89. Shoes, bought by Nicholas Toke, 204. Silk Mills, Site near Sevenoaks, 166-7. Sills, Spencer, gifts to Rochester Museum, 164. Silverston, H. and Roman Cemetery at Canterbury, 46. Singleton Manor, 151. Smetham, Henry, and the Cooling engraved Charter-plate, 178-9. Smith, Reginald, F.S.A., British Museum, 36. Somer, arms, 124 ; Frances, 126 ; John, 124, 126 ; Martin, 125. Somers, Anne, 123 ; arms, 117 , 121,123,126,128; Elizabeth, 123; Mary, 121; Richard, 123; Thomas, 121 ; tomb and shields, 113. Somner and Thanet, 108. Southwell, Sir Robert, and Wyatt's Rebellion, 169. Spice, arms, 117, 123 ; Mary, 123 ; William, 123. Sprat, arms, 117, 123; Thomas Bishop of Rochester and Dean of Westminster, 123. Sprent, F. P., British Museum, 148. Squerrey, arms, 117, 126. Startop, Michael, 132. Stephen of Bocland, 9. Stevenson, Edward, 132 ; Margaret, 133 ; Martha, 132. Stoke, Register of, 133. Stonar Beach, 93, 96, 99, 100, 101, 103, 104,108,109 ; town, 93,105, 106, 107. Stone, Manor of, 161. Stone, William, 81. Stonehouse, Manor of, 150. Stour, Great, 93, 96, 98, 99, 100, 101, 108, 109 ; Little, 93, 101. Stourmouth, 96, 97, 101, 103. Strood, Duke of Norfolk defeated by Wyatt at, 169. St. Nicholas, Strood, and Bethersden, Churchwardens' Accounts, Reviewed, 211. Styan, Miss, 165. Swan, arms, 117, 128. Swane, John, 132 ; Margerye, 132. Swayn, Christine, 77. Swayne, Juliane, 77. Symonson's Map of Kent, 142-3-4- 6-6-7-8. Syndale Valley, Ospringe, Exhumation. 37. Taillor, William, 80. Tenterden, Monumental Inscriptions at, 212. Thacher, Robert, 79 ; William, 89. Thanet, Earl of, and quit rents, 200; heriots, 201. Thanet, Isle of, 92, 94, 95, 96, 97, 99, 101, 103, 107, 110. Thompson, John, 84. Thurstone, arms, 117, 121 ; Morellus, 121. Tithes, paid on Woodland on Toke Estate, to Vicar of Ashford, 194 ; payments in Great Chart, etc., 197 ; on hop land, 198. Toke, Nicholas, 189 ; his expenses, 190; prescriptions, 190 ; bloodletting, 190-1 ; will, 191 ; brass in Great Chart Church, 205; payments for funeral, etc., 205. Toke, Rev. Nicholas, and Tithe Commutation, 196. Tong, Pottery from, 40, 43. Tower, Sir Reginald, on Odo, Bishop of Bayeux and Earl of Kent, 56. Trevor, arms, 117, 122 ; John, 122. Tufton, John, of Hothfield, 195; Sir John,. 199. Tumulus opened near Sevenoaks, 166-7. Tutor, Margaret, 133. GENERAL I N D E X . 225 Tutors Estate, 133. Twisden, William, of Chilmington, 195. Twopeny, William, 149. Twysden Lieutenancy Papers, The, Reviewed, 211 ; Twysden, Sir Roger, 212. U Under Thirty-seven Kings : Legends of Kent, and Records of the Family of Boys, by Lilian Boys Behrens, Reviewed, 186. Upcott, arms, 117, 128 ; Maria, 128 ; William, 128. Urban I I , Pope, 67. V Vallance, Aymer, on the Engraved Plate at Cooling Castle, 176. Victoria County History of Kent, 96, 162. Vye, John, 87. W Wace on t h e Battle of Hastings, 66 ; on Bishop Odo, 61. Wadenhall, Manor House at Waltham, 4 ; chapel built at, 4. Wages of 17th Century farm labourers in Kent, 202. Walcher, Bishop of Durham, murder of, 58. Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool, 35. Walker, G. P., on the Lost Wantsome Channel, and its importance to Richborough Castle, 91. Walker, John, 83, 89. Waller, arms, 117, 123 ; Elizabeth, 123 ; John, 123. Waller, J. G., on the Cooling engraved Charter-plate, 177. Walmer, 99, 104. Wantsum Channel, The Lost; Its Importance to Richborough Castle, by G. P. Walker, 91. Wantsum Channel, Its extinction, •108; River, 98, 110. Ward, Dr. Gordon, 148, 163, 155. Warner, Archdeacon John Lee, tomb of, 118. Warner, (2) arms, 117, 118 ; Anne, 119; Bishop John, tomb of, 118. Watling Street, 91, 100, 102. Watts, arms, 117, 121; grant of arms, 113; Watts, Mary, 121; Richard, 121 ; his benevolence, 164. Weald of Kent, Its boundaries, 193 ; Tithes and woodlands in, 194. Well, Thomas a t t , 78. Wells, Geoffrey, 48. Westerham, find of gold coins said to be of pro-Christian date, 214. Wheatley, Rev. S. W., 114. Wheatley, Rev. S. W., on Boley Hill, Rochester, 159. Whettenhall, 133. White, Edward, 133; Margaret, 133 Whitefield, John, 81 ; Thomas, 83. Whitfield, Elisabeth, 84; John, sen., 79 ; Richard, 80 ; John, 80, 85 ; Thomas, 82, 83. Whiting, W., on Some Jutish Pottery found in Kent, 35. Wickham, Manor of, 69n. Wightwick, 199. Wikham, Richard, 79. Wilcocks, arms, 117, 124; Joseph, Bishop of Gloucester, and Rochester, 124. Wilford, arms, 118, 122, 127, 128 ; Mary, 127 ; Captain Robert, 127; Robert, 122. Wilkins. See Wylkyns. William Lambarde's Pedigree Notes, by Brigadier-General Fane Lambarde, C.M.G., D.S.O., 131. William of Malmesbury, 59, 67, 72. William of Poitiers, 57, 71-2. William Rufus, at Bayeux, 58; coronation by Lanfranc, 59, 74 ; re-instates Odo, 62 ; quells Odo's revolt, 63 ; banishes Odo, 64 ; bargains with Robert of Normandy, 67. William the Conqueror, makes Odo Bishop of Bayeux, 56 ; appoints regents, 57 ; attends consecration of Bayeux Cathedral, 58 ; arrests Odo, 59 ; explains his action, 60, 61 ; burial, 62 ; his quarrel with Odo examined, 74. Witfield, John, 89. Wode, Richard atte, 87. Wollett, William, 80, 86. Wolwieh, John, 78, 89. Wolwiche, William, 83. Wood, Alicia, 120 ; arms, 118, 120 ; John at, 78. Woodruff, Rev. C. Eveleigh on Letters to the Prior of Christchurch, 226 GENERAL INDEX. Canterbury, from University students, 1. Woodruff, Rev. C. E., 209, 210. Woodwarde, Alice, 133; Danyel, 133 ; Diana, 133 ; Dorothe, 133 ; Dyonise, 133 ; Edward, (2) 133 ; Elizabeth, 133; Joane, 133; John, 133; Margaret (2) 133; Reignold, 133 ; Richard, (2) 133 ; Robert, 133 ; Thomas, 133. Worth Village, and Wantsum Channel, 99. Worting Farm, Great Chart, 196. Wyatt's Rebellion against Queen Mary's marriage, 168. Wyatt, Sir Thomas, at Maidstone, 169; at Rochester, 169 ; at Landrecies, 170; his object in attacking Cooling, 170; his progress to Blackheath, 170. Wyckyn, Barbarie, 131 ; Dorothie, 131 ; Giles, 131 ; Margaret, (2) 131 ; Thomas, (2) 131 ; William, 131. Wylkyns, George, 133; John, 131, 133 ; Richard, 131 ; Sylvester, 131 ; Thomas, 131; William, 131. Wyndham, Humphrey, 133 ; Margaret, 133.


Reviews: "Antiquity." Edited by O. G. S. Crawford, F.S.A. "Under Thirty-seven Kings"


Frontispiece 1926