General Index

( 225 ) GENERAL INDEX. • A Abbetstone, Wilts, manor of, 115. Adam of Ohillenden, election to the Primacy, 69«. Addington, fi. Agnellus of Pisa, 214. Aldy (Aldaye. Aldey), Adam, 51 ; Besse, 52 ; Charles, 51, 52 ; Edward, 51 ; Eliz., 45 ; Henry, 51 ; Jamos, 51 ; Jerome, 51, will of, 51 ; John, 45,51,52: Margery, 51 : Nicholas, 35. 45, 51 (2), 52 ; Thomas, 44, will of, 51 ; Wm.. 51. Alee, Thomas. 50. Alflet, Gilbert, 44. Algar, abbot of Faversham, profession of canonical obedience of, 66. Allington, castle, 113. 116: manor, 116. Almada, John de Vasques de, 125. Almon, Wm., 40. Alvarez, Maria, 163. Alwerbury, Wilts, manor of, 115. Aman, bishop of St. Asaph, 59. Amye, Edmund, 37. Andrew, Giles, will of, 29. Anniversary lands, 137. Arneys (Ames), Juliane, will of, 50; Nicholas, 50» : Wm., 50. Articles submitted to the Council of Basle by the Hussites, 125. Arundel, Eleanor, 113 ; Sir Thos., 113. Ash, brook called Aldebrooke in, 35 ; croft called Balmscroft in, 36; house called Rroms in, 43 ; lands called Calhell, 39, Chilton, 39, Horsbrokes, 39, Longcroft, 36, Lynch Lees. 47, Newland, 39 ; legacy to church, 42, 43 ; St. Mary Chapel, 30 -, Wills, by Arthur Hussey, 33. Asshe. T., 129. Assheforde. J., 129. Assheton, Ralph, 107 ; Sir Ralph, 114. Augur, Henry, 41. VOL. XXXVII. Austen, William, 49. Aylesford, 6. B Baker, Dame Elizabeth, 2S ; Sir John, will of, 28 ; Sir Richard, 34, 50 ; Thomas, will of, 28. Banny, Thomas, bequest to Harty Church. 80. Barre, Richard, will of, 29. Barton, John, 43. Beaufort, Margaret, 102, 103. Becket, Thomas, murder of, 56. Beke (Beck), Eichard, master mason, 135. Belloc, The Old Road, 3, 5, 7, 9. Benavides, Juan de, 163 ; Maria de. 163. Benedict, bishop of Rochester, 59. Berham,H., 129. Bermondsey Priory, 65, 66. Bertyn, R., 133. Beste, Custaunce. 52 ; Plesaunce, 52 : Richard, 52 (2); Robert, will of, 52. Betchworth, Surrey, chalk pits at, 17. Bewell, John, 37. Bigbury Camp near Canterbury, fi. Billerioay, Essex, 41. Blackmanstone, destroyed church of, 191. Blue Bell Hill, rude stone monuments on, 6. Booking, W., 132. Bode, Sir Thomas, 40. Bodiam Castle, Sussex, siege of, 10S. Boggis. History of St. Augustine's Monastery. 62. Bonde, Galf'rid, 129. Borden, K., 129. Bourchier, archbp.of Canterbury, 114. Bom-ne, W., 128. Boutayne (Bonting), John, lOfi, 115. Boxley, abbot and convent of, 55—58, 136 : date of foundation, 55. Boyman, John, 44, 45. Q 226 GENERAL Boys (Boyse), John, 43, 51 ; Thomas, '. 40; Wm., 51. ' Bradsole near Dover, abbots of St. i Radegund, 5S ; date of foundation, 58. Brakenbury, Sir Robert, 107.109. 116. ! Brandon, Charles, 111; Eliz.. 110; Thos., I l l ; Wm., 105, 106, 110, 111; Sir William, 110. 111,118. Bray, Reginald, 103, 109. Brayne, Thos., 44. Bregge, Robert, 3S. Brent. Joan, 113; Robert, 105, 113. Brenzett, St. Banswitha Church, Fagg chapel in, 207 ; miscellaneous notes on, 207. Brete, Sir William, 45. Brewis, Robert, 106, 115. Brixworth, Northants, reference to aisled basilicas in church at, 178 ; date of churoh, 187. Brockham, Surrey, chalk pit at, 17. Bromhill, John, 44. Brooke (Brocke, Broke), Hamon, 50 ; John, 40, 42, 44, 49, 50 (2). Brookland, St. Augustine Churoh, reference to description of, 207. Brown, Professor Baldwin, on Lydd Church, 178, 183, 187. Browne (Broune, Brown), Anthony, 105, 113; Edward, 40 ; Eleanor, 113; Lady Elizabeth. 114; Sir George. 105, 114; Harry, 34; J. Cave, 27 ; Sir Thomas, 113. Bruar, Thomas, 51. Bruyn, Elizabeth, 111. Buckingham's Rebellion, The Maidstone Sector of, by Agnes E. Conway, 97. Buckingham, Duke of, 101—120 ; Katherine, Duchess of, 102. Burmarsh, All Saints' Church, architectural notes on, 203 ; date of building, 203 ; lights, 204. Burnham, Norfolk, Polstede Hall manor, 110. Burton, Sir William, 45. Bury, Essex, church, 41; manor, 41, 42. Bynne, R., 129. C Canonical Obedience to the See of Canterbury by Heads of Religious Houses, Some early Professions of, by C. Eveleigh. Woodruff, 53, INDEX. Canterbury, 1 ; Chequers of the Hope Inn, 127 ; Crown Inn, Mercery Lane, 127 ; Crown Inn, St. Mary Bredman, 127 ; Holy Sepulchre, prioress of, 44 ; Hospital of Northgate, 136 ; rebuilding of Northgate Church, 126. Canterbury, Christ Church, Chronicle of William G-lastynbury, monk of, by C. Eveleigh Woodruff, 121 ; anniversary lands, 137 ; crusaders, 133 ; dedication of altars, 133; description of twelve windows, 123, 139—151 ; domestic economy of, 126 ; gift of cup, 135 ; Infirmary chapel, 134 ; latin verses to fairs within the precincts, 137 ; laymen admitted to confraternity, 135 ; legacy to, 45 ; lights placed before the Relics in the Choir, 130 ; list of officers, 129 ; obituary of monks, 138; offerings at the principal altars, 128 ; ordinations, 132 ; promotion to upper row of stalls, 135 ; stoppage of mass on unexpected arrival of archbp. Chicheley, 130 ; visit of Margaret of Anjou to St. Thomas Shrine, 126. Canterbury, St. Austin's Abbey, Benefactions of Thomas Ikham t o , 152 ; abbots of, 60—62 ; bells, 157 ; cemetery gate, 155, 159 ; legacy, 43 ; St. Paneras Chapel, rebuilding of, 155, 157 ; Saxon burial Cross found in, by Rev. R. U. Potts, 211; shrines, 154. Carr, Rev. T. A., reference to Paper by, 27. Carshalton (Cressalton), Surrey, manor of. 112. Caxton, William, first book printed by, 100. Chalice, Thomas, 51. Challock, 128. Chapman. Agnes, 46 ; Henry, obituary Of, 222. Chart, T., 129 ; Thos., 133 ; W., 133. Checker, Raymund att, 33, 37 (2). Chedhamwich, Wilts, manor of, 115. Cheney (Cheyne), Eliz., 120 ; Humphrey, 109 ; John, 109 ; Sir John, 103, 109. 118. 120 : Wm., 105,109. Chertsey Abbey, 54, 03. Chicheley, Henry, archbp. of Canterbury, 129. 132 ; visits to Christ Church Priory, 130, 134, Chichester, 137, GENERAL INDEX. 22? Chilmynton, R., 129. Christian, Mary, 218. Church, John, 36. Chylynden, Prior Thomas, 127. Chyveler, J., 129. Clarembald, abbot of Faversham, profession of canonical obedience of, 54, 65. Clarke, John, 15; Wm., 39. Clement, John, 15. Clifford. Alex., 120 ; Lewis, 115, 120 ; Wm., 106, 114. 115. Cocke, Wm., 38. Cockes (Cokk), Alice, 37 ; Henry, 37 ; Jerome, 37; John, 37 (2); Wm., 37. Coffer (14th century) in York Minster, reference to, 80; in Ypres Cathedral, 80. Cokking, land in, 46. Colard, Edward, 36. Colbroke, R., 129. Coldrum, 6. Coleshill, land at, 41. Colley, Sir Thos., 31. Collies, John, 36 ; Simond. :!(i. Colwell, Thomas. 159. Colyer, Thos., -will of, 23. Combe (Cumbe), Gefferey, 34 ; John, prior of Dover, 128 ; Wm., 40. Conway, Agnes E., on The Maidstone Sector of Buckingham's Rebellion, 1483, 97 ; Hugh, 103; Sir Hugh, 113. Cotton, Charles, on A Contemporary list of the Benefactions of Thomas Ikham, sacrist, to St. Austin's Abbey, Canterbury, circa 1415, 152 ; Tile Grey Friars of Canterbury, review of book by, 24. Courthope, Alexander, will of, 23 ; Eliz., 23 ; John, will of, 23 ; Peter, 23. Cowper, Wm., H. Cranbrook Church, Notes on the Topography of, by Leland L. Buncan, 21 ; Altars :—Our Lady, 21, St. Thomas of Canterbury, 24, St. Giles, 26, St. Nicholas, 28, St. John the Baptist, 29, St. Katherine, 29, Jesus, 29 ; Images, 30. Crawford, O. G. S., reference to his aerial photographs, 5. Creek, Richard, 40 ; Thomasin, 40. Cristemasse, Wm., 44. Crophyl, R., 129. Crusaders, 133. Culpeper, Alex., 106, 115 ; Sir John, 115. Culverhouse, Bennet, 49 ; Nicholas, 46, 49. Cumbwell Priory, reference to its charters, 2 ; St. Mary Magdalene Abbey, 63. D E Eadbriht, grants pasture at Bisceopeswic to Christ Church, Canterbury, 186. Eason, Simon, 31, 35. Eastbridge, description of the ruined church of, 195. Edward I.V., 120. Edward V., 99, 119, 120. Oadde, Martha, 40. Dade, Thomas, 36. Dalynginge, Philippa, 10S. Dance, Thomas, 49. Dane, Henry, 49. Dane, manor of, 114. Daniel, master mason, 99. Darby, Peter, 34. Darell, John, 106, 115. Dareuth, Pilgrim's Way or Pack Way, 11. Duubeney, Giles, 103. Denys, abbot of Boxley, profession of canonical obedience of, 57. Diaz. Elvira, 163. Digges (Dig-ge), John, 41 ; gift of site for Grey Friars, 215 ; —, 44. Dorset, Marquis of, 104. Dover, J., 129. Dowling, Sir James, 45. Downe Court, manor of, 39. Downing, Alison, 41 ; Harry, 41, 45. Drake, Charles H., 82. Dugdale, William, reference to MS. with notes on Christ Church, Canterbury, by, 122. Duncan, Leland L., 208, on Notes on the Topography of Cranbrook Church, 21; Obituary of, 218 ; bibliography of his printed publications, 220. Dymchurch (Dimchurch), 42 ; manor, 114 ; rector, 43 ; SS. Peter and Paul Church, architectural notes on, 202, censer top found in, 202, date of building, 202, lights in, 203. 228 GENERAL INDEX. Edward, Eliz., 42 ; William, 42. Einton, 2. Elam, John, 12S, 129. Elmeston, 46, 47 ; messuage called Cowards, 41. Enrique of Trastamara, 162. Erwood, F. C. Elliston, on The Pilgrim's Way, l; Notes on the Churches of Romney Marsh, 177. Ethelbert, King, 127. Eustace, son of King Stephen, death of, 55. Ewstace, Silvester, 35. Exherst, Richard, 35, 45. Eylesford, friary of, 136. F Fagg, John, tomb of, in Brenzett Ohurch, 207. Fairs held within the precincts of Christ Church, latin verses relating to, 137. Fare, Habram, brass to, 82. Farnham, Surrey, lands at, 115. Faversham, St. Saviour's abbey, abbots of, 64; date of foundation. 64. Felball, land at, 36. Fisher (Fissher), John, 52, 114 ; Sir John, 45; Richard. 105. 106, 113, 114. Fitzhugh (Fygh-wgh), Henry, Lord, 125. Fleet (Flete), 39 ; land at, 46. Fogge (Foge), Lady Alice, 114, 120 ; Sir John, 106, 114, 120 ; —, 104. Folkestone, Roman Villa, by S. E. Winbolt, 209. Fontenay abbey, 55. Foorde, Stephen a, 48. Forstall, land at, 41. Foster, John, will of, 29. Foulle, Jarvice, 52. Foyde, Henry, 52. Fraunce, Sir Thomas, 39. Funtayne, W., 132. Fynes (Fenys, Fynys), Thomas, 105, 106, 110 ; Thomas, Lord Dacre, 110. G Gairdner, James, 118. Garnett, Sir James, 40. Gason, Simon, 39, 41. Gaynsford, John, 106, 113, 116, 117 ; Margaret, 118; Nicholas. 105, 106, 112, 116 ; Robert, 118. General Notes and Correspondence, 214. Gibbe, Robert, 34. Gibbes (Gibis). John, 38 ; Thomas, 50: Wm., 38—40. Gilbert, abbot of Boxley, profession of canonical obedience of, 58. Gilden town, 39. Giron Seal found at Hackington, by A. Van de Put, 161. Giron, arms of, 161, 162, 163, 165 ; Alonso Tellez, 163 (2), 165 ; Elvira, 163; Elvira Diaz, 163; Fernan Ruiz, 163 ; Gonzalo Gonsalez, 163 ; Gonzalo Ruiz, 163 (2) ; Juan Alonso, 163 (2) ; Maria, 163 (2) ; Maria Tellez, 163 ; Pedro Alonso, 163 (2), 164 : Rodrigo Gonzalez, 163; Ruy Gonzalez, 163; Teresa Tellez, 163. Glastonbury abbey, 54 ; abbot of, 64. Glastynbury, William, monk of the Priory of Christ Church, Canterbury, 1419-1448, Chronicle of, by C. Eveleigh Woodruff, 121. Gloucester, Richard, Duke of, 100. Gocelin, History of the Translation of St. Augustine and his Companions, reference from, relating to death of abbot Wulfric, 212. Godmersham, Richard, 130. Godmersham, manor of, 128. Golde (Goulde), Silvester, 40, 44, 46, 49. Goldston, Thomas, 129. Goldwell, Thomas, 129 (2). Gonzalez, Maria, 163 ; Pedro, 163 Goodneston, 51. Goodsall, K. H., 215. Grandon, Thomas, 48. Gravene, R., 129, 135. Grayling, Dr. Francis, obituary of, 217. Gt. Paxton, Hunts, reference to aisled basilicas in church at, 178. Gregory, abbot of Malmesbury, profession of canonical obedience of, 72. Greinstede, Wilts, manor of, 115. Gresyngham, Thomas, 136. Grey, Eliz., 120; Lady Eliz., 97, 120 ; Sir John, 120 ; Lord Richard, 120; Thomas, Marquis of Dorset. 120. Grey Friars of Canterbury, 1224 to 1538, by C. Cotton, review of, 214 ; date of dissolution, 216. GENERAL INDEX. 229 Griffin, Heraldry in the Cloister of Canterbury Cathedral, reference to, 133. Guerric, abbot of Faversham, profession of canonical obedience of, 66. Guildford (Gildeford. Gilford), Anne, 109, 120 ; Bennett, 120 ; Eliz., 112 ; Lady Isabel, 120 ; Sir John, 105— 107, 118. 120 ; Lady Philippa. 109. 120; Richard, 105—107, 109 ; Sir Richard, 103, 107, 108. 112, 115, 120 ; —, 108. H Hackington, Giron Seal found at, 161. Haghe, W., 128. Hallet (Halet, Hawlett), Agnes, 48 ; Alice, 49 ; John, 48, 49. Haltwhistle Burn, Pilgrim's Gap, 12. Hamond, Alexander, 37. Harding, Rev. R. E., 81, 82. Harflete, Raymund, 37, 50 ; Thos., 37. Harrow Church, 64. Hartlet, Thomas, 39. Harty Church, Sheppey, by Aymer Vallance, 73; arches, 75; brasses in, S2 ; coffer, 80 ; date of, 73 ; low-side window, 76 ; screens, 79 ; -wall painting, 76 ; windows, 74. Havering, Galfrid, 132. Haward, Elizabeth, brass to, 82 ; Samuel, 82. Hawte (Haute, Ha wet), Alice, 114, 120; Lady Isabel, 120 ; James, 109; Lady Joan, 108,114 ; Richard, 120 ; Sir Bichard, 100, 106, 108, 120 ; Sir Wm., 105, 108 (3), 114, 120 (2). Hedde, John, 43. Hendley (Henle, Henley), Gervase. will of, 25 ; Thomas, will of, 24; Sir Walter, will of, 25. Henry, abbot of St. Radegund, profession of canonical obedience of, 58, 60. Henry, king of France, 125. Henry of Anjou, date of landing in England, 55. Hertforde, Walter, 129. Herun, Roger, master of the College of All Saints, Maidstone, will of. 143. Higham, Stephen, will of, 26. Hilles Downe, manor of Hilles Church gates, 51. Hinde, Richard, 45. Hitching, Richard, 38. Hlidum, merscware land called, 187. Hlud, monastery of, 187. Hobson, Sir John, 44. Hocham, Wm., 41. Hochin, Cicilie, 36 ; John, 36. Hoden, 47. Holland, Margaret, 133 ; —, 133. Hooe, John, 106, 116. Hoole, Thomas, 39. Hope, James, 41. Hope, All Saints' Church, description of ruins of, 191—194. Horne, James, 106. 115. Horolds, land at, 36. Houchyn, Edmund, 35. Howling, Jane. 44 ; John, 44 ; Lawrence, 44. Hubert, archbishop of Canterbury, death of, 58, 67. Huffard, Stephen, 48. Hugh of Trottesclive, abbot of St. Austin's, Canterbury, profession of canonical obedience of, 61. Hugh Flory, abbot of St. Austin's Canterbury, 61. Humfryvyll, Gilbert, 125. Hungerford, Walter, 125. Huntingfield, manor of, 113. Hussey, Arthur, 23, 30, on Ash Wills, 33 ; Sir Markus, 105, 114 ; Sir Wm., 114. Hygam, J., 130. I Ickham, 48 ; manor of, 12S. Ickham (Ykham), T., 129, 134. Ikham, Thomas, sacrist, circa 1415, a contemporary list of benefactions of St. Austin's Abbey. Canterbury, 152. Ilent, Wm., 49. Ingworth, Richard, 216. Invicta Magazine, reference to complete list of stone monuments on the line of the Pilgrim's Way in, 6. Ireland. Sir John, 33, 43. Isley, Eliz., 112 ; John. 105, 112 ; Thos., 112 ; —, 113. Itchen Abbas, Hants. 10. Ivychurch, St. George's Church, architectural notes on, 206. Jaenberhit, archbp. of Canterbury, receives grant of merscware land called Hlidum, 187. 230 GENERAL INDEX. James, Major-Genl. E. R., reference to his pamphlet on the Pilgrim's Way, IS, 20, 215. Jamys, Maud, brass of, 206. John, abbot of Boxley, profession of canonical obedience of, 56. John, abbot of Chertsey, profession of canonical obedience of, 63. John, abbot of Cumbwell, profession of canonical obedience of, 63. John, abbot of Faversham, profession of canonical obedience of, 68. John, abbot of Glastonbury, profession of canonical obedience of, 64. John, abbot of Langdon, profession of canonical obedience of, 71. John, abbot of St. Radegund, profession of canonical obedience of, 59. John, bishop of Winchester, date of enthroning, 63. Jordain, Cecily, 49. K Karkeregge, Stephen, extract from will of, 23. Kemp (Kempe), Clement, 36, 52 ; Tho.. 52. Kendale, John, 116. Kene, Anthony, 105, 106. I l l ; Sir Wm., 111. Kenton, Marion, 36. Keyser, List of Buildings in Gt. Britain and Ireland having Mural and other Painted Decorations, 78. Knight, Edward, 46. Knocker, H. W., note on tithes in the Weald, 3 ; note on the Pilgrim's Way, 11. Kyngistun, Richard, 129. Kyrie, Mr., 42. L Lacy, Edward, 34. Lambeth, rector of, 43. Lamplugh, Rev. Bertram, 31. Lancaston, Sir Wm., 37. Lancastre, Wm., 51. Lanfranc, archbp. of Canterbury, date of consecration, 60. Langdon Abbey, abbots of, 71 ; date of foundation, 70 ; founder of, 70. Lasham, Frank, on the name of the Pilgrim's Way in Surrey, 20. Lee, H., 129 ; J., 132, 133. Leeds, prior of, 136. Leeds (Ledys), T., 129. Le More, manor of, 113. Lent, Wm., 39. Lewes, Wm., 47. Lewis, History of Faversham., reference to list of Abbots in, 64. Lewis, Rev. L. W., 81. Lewkenor (Leukenore), Philippa, 108 ; Riohard, 108 ; Sir Thomas, 105, 108 (2). Linaore, Thomas, 107. Lindsey, Roger, 36. Long, Roger, 105, 106. Lora atte les . . . ., 155. Loveday, Wm., 106, 116. Lovell, Agnes, 110 ; Thomas, 110. Lull, Vincent, 37. Lundun, A., 129. Lusignan, Aymer de, bishop of Winchester, date of death, 63. Lydd, All Saints' Church, architectural notes on, 208 ; date of, 177, 186 ; saxon work in, 178. Lynche, Symond, will of, 23 ; Wm., 46, will of, 23. Lynde, John, 37. Lynstede. W., 132. Lynton, R., 129, 135. M Maclear, Dr. G. F., 153. Maidstone, All Saints' College, 143 : two chaplains for collegiate church, 137. Maister, John, 39. Malmesbury Abbey, 54 ; abbot of, 72. Malyverer, Wm., 114. Markham, Sir Clement, on Richard I I I . and the murder of the princes in the Tower, 119. Martinstok, land at, 36. May, John, 44. Mayhewe, Alice, 35. Melbourne, Derbyshire, reference to twelfth-century church of, 199. Menesse, Thomas, 40. Meopham, 81. Micklethwaite, Mr., reference to notes on Lydd Church, 177, 181, 185. Middleton (Middelton), John, 33, 45. Midley, description of the ruined church of, 194. Molasshe, W., prior of Christ Ohurch, 129. Molle, John, 117, 118 ; Margaret, IIS ; Thos., 117. Monings, John, 51. Monketon, Thomas, 44. Monkton, manor of, 128. More, John, 107. Moresby, Joan, 113. Morton, bishop of Ely, 101. GENERAL INDEX. 231 Mosred (Muserede). Alice, 39 ; Edw., 34 ; Wm., 34. Mote, Stephen, 38 ; Wm., 3S. Moytt, Laurence, 40. N Neame, Cristiane, 49 ; Thos.. 49 ; Wm., 49 (2). Nettlestead Court. 109. Nevill, George, 109. Newchurch, SS. Peter and Paul Church, reference to description of, 207. Nicholas, abbot of Faversham, 67. Norfolk, Dowager Duchess of Norfolk,- 98. Norries, Sir Thomas, 37. Northampton, St. Andrew Church, 62, legacy to, -13 ; St. Giles Church, 43 ; St. James Abbey, 43. Nott, Sir Laurence, 45. Nwton. J.. 130. Nwynden, H., 129. O Obituary of Christ Church monks, reference to, 13S. Obituary:—Henry Mapleton Chapman, 222 ; Leland L. Duncan, 218 ; Dr. Francis Grayling, 217 ; Rev. C. Hales Wilkie, 223. Omer, Francis, 47 ; John, 34 ; Laurence, 37, 47 ; Richard, 36, 47 ; Eoger, 36 ; Thomas, 46, 4S. Orgarswick, destroyed church, 191. Orleans, Charles, duke of, 136. Orysed, Thomas, 42. Ospringe, Paversham, Roman Cemeteries at, by W. Whiting, Osward of Eastry, abbot of Faversham, profession of canonical obedience of, 70. Otford, rector of. 132. Overland Chapel, 41, 42. Oxene, J., 135. Oxford, Corpus Christi College, transcription from MS. relating to Christ Church, Canterbury, in, 125. Oxley, Sir John, 35. Oxtey, John. 36. P Pamore, Eliz., 33 ; John, will of, 33 ; Nich., 33 ; Thos., 33 ; Wm., 33. Pan tin, W. A., 125. Paramore, Constance, 33 ; John, 33 : Raymond, 33 ; Solomon, will of, 33 : Wm., 33. Parker, John, 48. Parott. John, 33. Pashley, Eli/.., 109, 120 (2); John, 120. Paston, Eliz., 110, 114 ; John, 110. Paston Letters, reference to pilgrimage to Canterbury. 1471, in, 14. Paul. Alice, 33 ; Eliz.. 33 ; Joane. 33 ; John, will of, 33 ; Kath., 33 ; Margery, 33. Payne, Ambrose, 42 ; Cristian, 34 ; Ilewe, will of, 33 ; Isabell, 34 : John, 34. Peak. Nicholas, 47; Roger, 47. Peckham, Joan, 34 ; John, will of, 34 ; Rich.. 34 ; Sexbergh, 34. Peite. Wm., 35. Pende. Diehard, will of, 27. Peny (Pene. Penne, Pennye), Cecilie, 35.36; Christian. 35 ; Cristina. will of. 34 ; Edmond. 34 ; Edward. 34— 36 ; Geo., 35 ; Joan, 34. 35 (2), 36 : John, 34, 35 (2), 36, 40, will of, 35 (2) ; Margaret, 36 ; Marion, 30 ; Nicholas, 34 ; Richard, 34 ; Roger, 35 ; Simon, 36 : Stephen, 35, 36 : Thomas, 35; Wm., 35 (3). 36. 46. wills of, 34. 36. Peny worth, Hemy, 129. Perye, Annes, 37 ; Cristiane. 37 ; Elyn, 37; Joan, 36 : John, 36 ; Richard. 37, will of, 36 : Simon, 36 ; Thomas, 36 ; Walter, 37 ; Wm., 36, will of, 37. Peryn, Cristiane, will of, 37 ; —, 37. Petegrew. Thomas, 37 ; will of, 37. Peter, abbot of Clugny, 65. Peter of Herdeslo, abbot of Faversham, profession of canonical obedience of. 69. Peter of Linstead. abbot of Kaversham, profession of canonical obedience of, 67. Peter II., abboi of Faversham, profession of canonical obedience of, 67. Petite. Thomas, 38. Pett, Erne, 37 : Richard, 37. 38 ; Vincent, 37 : William, 37 (2), 38 (3). 47, will of, 37. Pilgrim's Way, its antiquity and its alleged mediaeval use, Tby F. C. Ellistoji Erwood, i ; alleged diversion to Winchester, 8 ; as a Boundary. 19 ; continuity, 2 : its name in Surrey, 20 ; period of disuse, 10; prehistoric origin, .4; 232 GENERAL INDEX. the road and the pilgrimages, 11 ; route of, 7 ; reference to in wills, 13 ; subsequent history, 17. Pite. Professor Beresford, restoration of mediseval house by, 174. Plumstcad, Pilgrim Cottage, 11. Pomflett, Isabell, 38; Juliane, 38; Simon. 38, 41 ; Thomas, will of, 38. Portreffe, Thomas, will of, 28. Potter, Eliz.. 113 ; Richard. 105, 106. 113. Potts, Rev. R. U., on A Saxon Burial Cross found in St. Austin's Abbey, 211. Powncy, W., 129. Powte (Powlte), Joan, 38 ; John. 38, will of, 38 : Lawrence. 38 ; Robert, 38 ; Thomas. 38. Poynings, Edward. 105. 106. 110, 113, 114, 116 ; Sir Edw., 113; Eliz., 110 ; Sir George, 113 : Isabel, 116 ; Robert, 110. Pratt, Alice, 38; Edmund, will of, 38 ; Isabell, 3S ; Juliana, 38 ; Stephen, 38. Princes in the Tower, murder of, 118, 119; ages of, 119. ' Pury, John, 39 ; Kath., 39 ; Rich., will of, 39 ; Wm., 39. Pyes, Cristina, 34 ; Edw., 34. Pympe (Pimpe), Anne. 109. 120; Eliz., 109 ; Isabella, 120 ;' John, 105, 106, 109, 110, 120 ( 2 ) ; Phillippa. 120 ; Reginald, 106, 109, 120. Pynde, Wm.. will of. 26. Q Quilter, Thomas, 42. R Ralph (Rafe), Edward, 39 ; Isabell, 39 ; John, will of, 39 ; Thomas, 39 ; Wm., 39. Rayfield, John, 41. Reculver, reference to aisled basilicas in church. 178. Reede. Agnes, 39 ; John, 40. 49, will of, 39 ;'Thomasin, 40 ; Wm., 40. Reigate. Surrey, stone quarries at. 17. Review, The Grey Friars of Canterbury 1224 to 1538, 214. Richard, abbot of Langdon, profession of canonical obedience of, 71. Richard, abbot of St. Radegund, profession of canonical obedience of, 59. Richborough, chapel of St. Augustine, 34, 42. Riche, Hugh, warden of Canterbury Friary, 216. Richmond, Henry, Earl of, 102—120. Rigby, Nicholas. 108. j Rigdon, Cecile, 40; John, will of, 40 ; Kath., 40 ; Laurence, 40 ; Wm., 40. Risby, Richard, warden of Canterbury Friary, 216. Rivers, Anthony, Lord, 100; Lord, 97—99 ; Richard, Lord, 104. Robert, abbot of Boxley, profession of canonical obedience of, 58. Robert, abbot of Langdon, profession of canonical obedience of, 70, Robert of Wrotham, sub-prior of Ohrist Church, Canterbury, 69. Roberts (Roberd, Roberthe), Agnes, 26 ; Isabel, 107 ; John, 24, will of, 26 ; Thos., 26 ; Walter, 24, 107, will of, 26. Robesard, John, 125. Rochester, prior of, 136. Rodriguez, Teresa, 163 ; arms of, 163. Roger, Cecile, 40; Long, 105, 106, 113; Wm., 40; Sir Wm., 43. Roger, abbot of Langdon, profession of canonical obedience of, 72. Rokysle, T., 129. Rolle. John, 41. j Rolling, Thomas, 44. Roman Cemeteries at Ospringe, by W. Whiting, 8 3 ; list of finds, 83—96. Roman Villa, Folkestone, by S. E. Winbolt, 209. Romney Marsh, Notes on the Churches of, by F. C. Elliston Erwood, 177; ruined churches of the marsh, 190—196 ; architectural notes on some churches, 196—206 ; miscellaneous notes on some, 206. Romney, New, ruined Hospital of SS. Stephen and Thomas, 190 ; ruined priory of St. John Baptist, 190 ; St. Nicholas Ohurch, architectural notes on, 197, lights in the church. 200. Romney, Old, St. Clement Church, architectural notes on, 200 ; date of erection, 200 ; lights in, 202 ; pictures in, 202. Roper. John, 127. Ross, Richard of, 132. Rowllys, Alice, 40; Isabella, 40 ; Robert, 40 ; Wm., will of, 40. GENERAL INDEX. 233 Ryder (Ryther), Thomas, 106, 115. Rye, Godleve, 41 ; Isabella, 41 : John, 41 ; Roger, will of, 40; Thomas, .40, 41. Saffery (Safrye), Cristian, 4 1 ; Eliz., 41; James, 41 ; John, 41 ; Mercy, 41 ; Robert, will of, 41; Thomas 41 ; Wm„ 37. St. David, church of, 137. St. Leger, Philippa, 109, 120. St. Mary in the Marsh, architectural notes on. 204; brasses in, 206 ; lights, 206. St. Nicholas (Seyntnycolas, Sincklas), Eliz., 42 ; John, will of, 41; Margaret, 41, 42; Richard. 41, 47; Robt., 41; Roger, 41; Thos., 41, 42 ; Wm., will of, 42. Salisbery, J., 129. Salisbury, Thomas, Earl of, 125. Salmeston, near Margate, hall at. 155, 159. Salter, Rev. H., reference to note on unpublished MS. relating to Christ Ohurch, Canterbury, 121. Saltwood, rector of, 132. Sandwich, friars of, 43, 44 ; St. Mary near the Delff, 48; St. Thomas House, 44. Saunder, John, 36, 48. Saunders, Sir John, 35, 45 ; will of, 42. Sawerey, Wm., 38. Saxon Burial Cross found at St. Austin's Abbey, by Rev. R. II. P o t t s , 211. Sayer, Francis, will of, 43 ; Margaret, 44 ; Raymund, 43'; Wm., 44. Scolland (Scotland), abbot, coffin plate of, 212 ; profession of canonical obedience of, 54, 60. Scbtt (Scot, Scote), Isabel, 116; Sir John, 116; Patrick, will of, 44; Wm., 108 ; Sir Wm., 116. Seals, notes on Spanish seals, 166. Seffrid, bishop of Chichester, 61. Segill, Wilts, manor of, 115. Septvans, Dame Alice, will of, 44 Christopher, 44 ; Constance, 44 Edward, 45 ; John de, will of, 44 Thomas, 44 ; —, 45. Serlys, John, 38. Shalford. East, manor, 112. Shefie, Richard, will of, 25 ; Thomas, will of, 25. Sheppard, Sir Stephen, 43.- Sheppey (Schepey), John, death of, 133 ; N., 129. Sherborne, Walter, 35, 44 ; will of, 45. Silvester, abbot of St. Austin's, Canterbury, profession of canonical obedience of, 61. Simon, Sir William, 34. Simon, abbot of Boxley, profession of oanonical obedience of, 57. Smith, Cecilie, 46 ; John, 46 ; Wm., will of, 46. Snargate, St. Dunstan's Church, reference to description of, 207, Snodd, John, will of, 46. Snode, Richard, 46. Solly (Soly), Alice, 47, will of, 46; Annes, 47; Edmund, 47 ; Ellen, 47 ; Gervase, 47 ; Jas., 34, 46 ; Joane, 47 (2) ; John, 47; Marg., 47 (3) ; Mary, 47 ; Peter, will of, 46 ; Robert, 46 ; Simon, 46 (2), 47, will of, 46 ; Steven, 38, 47 (4) ; William, wills of, 47 (2). Somerset, J., 133. Somery, Stephen, 43. Somner, Antiquities of Canterbury, 54. Spicer, John, will of, 47. Stanard, Thomas, 48. Standish, Joane, 48 ; Roger, 4S, will of, 48. Staple, Allex., 133. Staple, 43. Staundike, Roger, 46. Stephen, archbp. of Canterbury, date of confirmation, 67. Stilman, Isabella, 48 ; John, 48 ; Nicholas, will of, 48 ; Richard, 48. Stokbyry, W., 128, 129. Stonard. Jerome, 48 ; John, 48, will of, 48 ; Kath., 48 ; Stephen, 48. Stone, John, reference to chronicle of, 123. Stoneheng-e, 8. Stowe, Annals, reference to Buckingham's Rebellion in, 105. Strode, William, 106, 116. Suffolk, Charles Brandon, Duke of, 111; Mary, Duchess of, 111. Sundridge, An old timber house at, by Aymer Vallance, 167; plan of, 167. Sutton, Robert, leave to go to France with Duke of Orleans, 135. Swanley, path at, called Pilgrim's Way, 11. Sydyngbourne, J., 329. Syme, Wm., 49, 50. Syms, William. 38. Syntclere, William, 37. VOl. XXXVII. E 234. GENERAL INDEX. T Tarbutt, Annals of Cranbrooh Church, 24. Taylor. A. H., on an incident relating to Henry IIL, 214. Tellez, Maria de, 163. Terryng church, 136. Thomas, abbot of Boxley, profession of canonical obedience of, 55. Thornham, 2. Tikhill (Tykell), Ralph, 105. Titsey, reference to Roman villa at, 10. Tomson, —,51. Tonford in Thanington, manor of. 114.' Tottington, 6. Troyes, Treaty of, 126. Trym, Ireland, Our Lady Church, 45 ; St. John Church, 45 ; St. Peter Church, 45. Tudor, Mary, 111. Twitham, James de, 44. Twyne, Brian, 122 ; John, reference to MS. with notes on Christ Church, Canterbury, 122. U Unington, Margery, will of, 4S. Upton, Thomas, 44. V Valence, manor of, 114. Vallance, Aymer, on Harty Church, Sheppey, 73; on An old Timber House at Sundridge, 167. Van de Put, A., on The Giron Seal found at Hackington, 161. Vargbope. land at, 36. Vasquez, Martin, 162 ; Teresa, 162. Viell, J., 129. W Wakeryng, Thomas, 129. Waller, Edward, will of, 49. Walmeston, Agnes, 49 (2) ; John, 49 ; Wm., will of, 49. Walsin, William, 39. Walter, abbot of Boxley, profession of canonical obedience of, 56. Waltham, J., 129. | Ware, 41, 47 ; land called Hokedayes and tenement called Philpotts, 46. Waredown. land at, 41. Warwick, Richard, Earl of, 97, 9S, 125. | Water, Ethelbert, 46 ; Gilbert, 36. i Watson, Christofer, 34. Wayland Smith's Cave. Berkshire, 6. | Weden, Agnes, 49 ; Elis. 49 ; Wm., i will of, 49. Wedinton, 38. Well, T.. 129. Wells, Thomas,-51. West, Cicely, 42. Westerham, 128. Westmarsh, 41. Weston, Suffolk, 11. Westwell, 128. Whiting, W„ on Roman Cemeteries at Ospringe, 83. Whitlok, Agnes, 38 ; Margaret, 38. Wido, abbot of St. Austin's, Canterbury, profession of canonical obedience of, 61. Wilkie, Rev. Christopher Hales, obituary of, 223. Willes, Joane, 42. I William, abbot of Boxley, profession I of canonical obedience of, 57. William, abbot of Langdon, profession of canonical obedience of, 71 (2). Williams, John, 42, 43. Willoughby, Robert, Lord, 133,134. Winbolt, S. E., on Roman Villa, Folkestone, 200. Winchester, 1. Wing, Bucks, reference to aisled basilicas in church at, 178, 186. Wingfield, Eliz., 110, 111 (5) ; John, 105. 106, 111 (2); Sir John, 111; Sir Richard, 111 ; Sir Robert, 111. Wingham, William, 39. Wingham, 42, 43. Wodnysburg, J., 129. Wood, Alice, 50 (2) ; Jane, 50 ; Margaret, 50 ; Rebecca, 50 ; Robert, will of, 49 ; Thomas, 50 ; William, 49. Woodnesborough, 51 ; lnnds in, 39. Woodruff, C. Eveleigh, on Some early Professions of Canonical Obedience to the See of Canterbury by Heads of Religious Houses, 53; on The Chronicle of William Glastynbury. monk of the Priory of Christ Church, Canterbury, 1419— 1448, 121. GENERAL INDEX. 235 Woodville, Anthony, Earl Rivers, 120; Sir Anthony, 99 ; Sir Edward. 104, 120; Eliz., 102, 109. 114. 120 (2) ; Joan, 108, 120 ; Kath., 102, 120 : Richard, Earl Rivers. 120 (2) ; Sir Richard, 97, 104, 120. Worth, land called Emptie in. 40. Wulfric, abbot. 211 ; his sister Wulfmaeg, 211. Wybrand, Juliane, will of, 50 ; see also Arneys. Wymark, Agnes, 50 ; Denis, 50 Margaret. 50 ; Robert, will of, 50. Yerd, Robert, gift of cup to Ohrist Church Priory, 135. Yong. Joan, 50 ; Nicholas, 33, 43, will of, 50. York, Richard, Duke of, 119, 120. Mitchell Hnsinee & Clarke, 11-13 Bream's Buildings, Chancery Lane, E.C.4


Congress of Archaeological Societies in union with the Society of Antiquaries of London


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