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Shoreham Deanery Medieval & Tudor Kent Wills - Book 1  Page 46


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A translation into English from Latin / French transcriptions made by Leland L. Duncan
                                                                                   typed up by Zena Bamping in March 2001

21 Feb 1425. Johnes Sundressch Rector licet indignus cli poticus officio ecclie paroch de Wrotham Anim' Deo b V M. & omz scis et precipue glorioso martiri Sancto Georgio meo prono. Sep ubicumqz in cancelli medo ecclie Sci Georgii de Wrotham. Expens. die Sep: et in die tricinal. ad dist int' pauperes £10. Pro 8 torches eod die arden' quos teneant 8 pauperes de parochim meis induti blanket vel Russelte £4. de torches ij dent' eccl de Sundressh ij eccl de Sevenoks ij capelle de Standede & ij remanebunt in eccl de Wrotham. Lego dividend int' famulos meos viij li. Lego ault clico parochiale ac ecia' sacristi ault eorum 3/4. Lego ad reparand rectoriam de Wrotham et Standede si executores mei non vescent' pro reparacione £8.13.4. Lego Dne Elizabet Salmon mo' de Mallyng 15s. Lego fribz carmel de Aylesford 4 qr frumenti et bras. Volo qd indumenta mea divident' uit' familos et alios pauperes. Resed. in 4 partes quares 2 partes expend in sac'dotibz celeb in eccl paroch de Wrotham paraia mea. 3d pars in elemos pauperium. Quarte vero part. due partes erunt ad opus ecclie de Wrotham et tria ad opus ecclie de Standede. Exec Dni Rcum Dyker vicari Johnem Petico Johnem Kyng, Johem Sextam et Johem Chepested supervis. Rog'u' Pecham et eid' lego j ceph. cu' coopercio de arg. et deaurat'.

Hec. est Vet. Vol. dni Johnis Sundressch rector eccl paroch de Wrotham. 11 May 1426. 4 H VI. qd Johnes Chepested habeat omni perficia t'rarum et tent. nuper p'dci Dni Johnis apud Crowlond t'm vite Johne mris dict Johis Chepsted muemendo eidem Johne oia' sibi nec'ia a' vitam dict Johne et post mort' dce Johe' feoffati t'rarum quod p'dict Dni Johnis faciant feoffamentu dict terr et ten dco Johim Chepested sibi hered're ita idm Johnes Chepested muemat unu' capu celebrantem in ecclia paroch de Wrotham pro aia p'fati Dni Johis per iiij annos integros Et qd Willmus Esmound habeat mesuagum in quo idem Wills manet ad t'm vite suo et post mortem dict Will vendant mess. et denar unde receptur muematur unus capus celebrans proa'ia dict Dni Johis. Et qd feoffati Grang' apd Roghye vendant Grang' cum fundo eiusdem sucessori p'fati Dni Johis pro xx marc et vnu capm celeb. in eccl de Wrotham pro aia &c

Prob penult Junii ao Dni supradict. PCC : 5 Luffenan

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