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Tudor P.C.C. Will Transcription by L. L. Duncan - Books 49 & 50 page 44


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I Walter Roberthe of Crambroke esquyer make my testament &e. To be buried in the churche of Crambroke betwene the ymage of our Lady of Pytye and my pewe and ther I wylle a stone be leyde vpon my body. I bequethe towards the makyng of the middell ile of the said churche the oon half of all the tymber that shall long to the makyng of the Rooffe of the said worke. To the churche of Gowtherst 12 okes the best they can chose vpon the landes I bought of ------------ Baseden the whiche lands --------- Patynden now fermyth.
To euery of the doughters of John Roberthe my sonne 10 marcs at their mariage. To Walter Henele 12 okes to be takyn vpon my lands called the Forde. To Clement my sone my baye colt and oon of my mares. Residue to Alyce my wife and Thomas my sonne indifferently betwene theym and they to be executors.
This is the last will &e: made 11 February 13 Henry 8 of all maners, lands, tenements &e in Kent and Sussex and the five portes wherof at this instant tyme Edward Nevell Knyght, Henry Wyat Knyght, Wm. Assheburnham Esquire and other stande to be seased to the vse of me and my heirs.
First: Thomas my sonne shall have all myn manours &e in Kent, except a pece of land to Clement my sone and for lacke of heirs to remain to Clement and for lack &e to John my sonne and for lack of heirs then to William my sonne, to George my sonne, to Edmunde my sonne and for lacke of heirs to martyn my sonne and after his dethe to Elizabeth Hendle my dowghter and for lak of heires male to Mercy Seint Nicholas my doughter and for lak &e to Johan Horden my doughter and for lak &e to Elizabeth Tukke and for lak &e to Johan Leede and for lak &e to Dorathe Seint Nicholas my doughter and heires make and for lak to Anne my doughter and lak &e to William Assheburnham of Assheburnham and for lak &e to Walter Roberthe so nne of the said Thomas my sonne and to his heires and my manors &e shall not be dyvyded betwene heires males as longe as ony of the said entayles before lymyted shal contynue and not be devyded or departed betwene heires males after the custome of Gavelkynde vsyd within the said Countie of Kent.
Twenty pounds to the vse of Elizabethe now the wife of the saide Thomas my sonne. Also to said Thomas all my landes in Sussex or wt in the fyve porteis excepted certeyn parcells appoynted to Roger Seint Nicholas my sonne in lawe and vnto Anne my doughter. And if my son Thomas be disposed to sell my maners, lands &e in Cattysfeld, Bexill and Batell then I will my cosyn William Asshburnham or his heires by them before an other man.
I will Clement my sonne have a pece of lande called --------------- the whiche Walter Portreffe nowe occupieth and feermyth. To Alyce my wyff an yerely annuyte of 40 marcs owt of all my maners, she to release all right in my lands &e by reason of her joynter or Dower.
To Roger Seint Nicholas my sonne in lawe my safferyn gardyn in Rye that ---------- Pedull now fermyth and occupieth and 16 acres called the Reches lying besyds Rye the evidents wherof remayne in the custodye of Gervase Hendle my sonne in lawe, vppon condicon that the said Roger doo ensur vnto Dorathee his wiff her joynter.
I will my said Recouers graunt vnto Sr. Martyn my sone an annuell rent of 20s. forterme of his lyffe uppon condicon that yf the said Sr. Martyn be avounsid vnto an other benifice then the said annuytie to cesse.
My sonne Thomas to fynde all my sonnes under 21 meat, drynke and apparell and also fynde theym after his discretion at scole vnto the age of 21. I will Anne my doughter one half part of my Wyndemyll at Rye.
I will Thomas my sonne shall find an honest secular priste to sey masse and celebrate divyne service in the parysshe churche of Cranebroke at Seint Gyles awlter for the sowles of my father, my mother my wyves souwles, my owle and all cristen sowles, according to the last will of John Roberthe my father.
Provided if it shall happen the wif of Thomas my sonne or the wif of onny of the next heires abouesaid of the said manor of Glassingbery shall happyn to lye a childebed in my said place caled Glassenbery or elles if the pestelence happyn to Rague and contynue in Cranebroke that then for the tyme of the contyn nance therof and also durynge the tyme of suche lying a childebed vnto the tyme and tymes of their purificacon shall say masse at my place called Glassenbury and that then the said priste for the said tyme to be encused of attendaunce in the parisshe churche, and the said priste to have 10 marks of the issues of my lands lying uppon the Dennys of Iden, Comden, Rysseden, Forde and Smowgley in the said parisshes of Cranebroke and Gowtherst.
I will this my last wille be engrosid by the Counsell of Walter Hendle of Grayes Yne and any dowte to be reformyd by the ouersighte of John Assheburnham and Robert Naylor.
Proved 18 October 1522 by Alice relict and Thomas Roberthe, executors. (P.C.C. 28 Maynwarynge)

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