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Medieval & Tudor Kent P.C.C. Wills Transcriptions by L. L. Duncan - Book 8 page 181

William Milett - Will 10 September 1500

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18. Moore

10 Sept 1500 William Milett of Dertford [Dartford] To be buried in the churche of Seint Margarete within the monastery of Dertford wher I have made and ordeyned my toumbe. To the Vicar of Dertford 6/8. To the werks of the church of Dertford 20/-.
   My exors anon after my decesse pay well and truely my detts all and if I have wronged eny man or woman other in beyny or sellyng other wrongfully witholden eny manner of goodes I will they be restoured agen to the very value after a due proffe had as they wold aunswere at the day of dome and thereto spare no goode that I have. My exors doo to be said for my soule spially and all xten soules xiij masses with other certen denocions that is to say oon preest shall say iij masses of Requm ij daies and also the same preest shall say for me v days every day the psalme of Misere mei deus and whan he begynneth to say it lett hum say thies words Misere mei deus v tymes with castyng up hart and eyes to Almighty God as hartly as he can and than lett hum say owte all the psalme. And also lett hym say to thende the ympne of Veni creator spus, Qui ?psaclitq etc. It is I woll that another preest say for my soule iij masses of the blessed Trinitie and the psalme of Miserere mei deus v dayes and the ympne of Veni creator Qui ?psaclite etc. iij daies in manner and forme before reherced. I will that the iij preest say for me iij masses of Seint Peter iij daies and v daies the psalme of Misere mei deus and the ympne of Veni creator spus Qui etc. in manner and forme aforsaid.
   I will that the iiij preest say for me ij masses of or lady and iij daies the psalm of Miserere mei deus and the ympne Veni etc. I will the vi preest say for me ij masses of all seynts the which begynneth Gaudeamus omes in dno. and iij memoryes of the blissed Trynitie and iij daies Misere mei deus and the ympne of Veni etc. and lett thies preests that thus shall say thies masses bifore written by goode and vertuous men and let theym be said incontynet after my decesse. I will every preest sayny thies have for their labours for every masse xijd. To poure people at my buryny 13/4 and at my monethes mynde in lyke wise 33/4, every man woman and child jd. more or lesse by the disc. of myn exors.
   To my doughter Agnes Narburgh iij brasse potts ij bassons of ?laton an Ewer of laton 3 candelstikks of laton vj silver sponys my grete maser with a bond of silver and gilt a ?sprewez counter that standith in my chamber, a silver pece without a coudyng with Milett in the bottom. vj 13/4 in money, a cowe and L shepe weders and ewez.
   To litell Wm. Narburgh my godson a cowe a silver pot and a salt of silver and gilt withoute a condyng and all such my books as shalbe necessary for him whan he shall goo to his lernyng.
   To Johane my wif xli in money the which money I woll it remayn in the hands of Dame Elizbeth Cressyner pioresse of Dertford she to deliver it to the said Johane at all tymes whan she hath nede therof.
   To my cosyn Margaret Grenwode a brasse pot, a basyn of laton etc. and 66/8 in money a cowe and 30 shepe weders and ewez.
   To every frere abiding and dwelling within the monastery of Dertford the day of my decesse 3/4 to pray for my soule. And over this to Frere Andrew 20s.
   To the susters of the same monastery for my Diriges and massez at my buryng and moneths mynde 40/- to be devided by the prioresse. To my lady Prioresse for hir diligence and labor aboute my buryng and moneths mynde 20s. To every preest saying masse at my burial and monthes mynde vjd. and to every child ryding a lesson [?1d.} and to the Vicar of Dertford for his masse 12d. To iiij men berying my body to churche 16d. and every pour man holding a torche ijs. I woll the prioresse kepe still in hir hands £20 to kepe myn obite yerely during the time of xx yeres and she dispende therof at every obite xxs among hir susters for the Dirige singing and to the freres for saying of Dirige and massez and the residue to pouere folks. And if she happ decesse within the time which God defende then as moche as than shall remayn unspent of the seid £20 by deluvered to a sure and discrete person such as woll take upon hym for hir to dispose the same.
   I will there be slayne agenst my moneths mynde for the releff of pouere people an oxe 5 shepe and to be baken in brede ij qrs of white and 4 qrs of malte to be brued in ale after Covent brede and Covent ale or more or less by the discr. of myn exors so alwey that the poure people have mete and drynk before all other.
   To my lady prioresse of Dertford a powder box of silver and gilt, a salt of silver p/cell gilt with the coudyng a gret carpett to ley under their feete whan they shall receyve the blessed sacrament and a hangyng of Tapestrey werk. C of wheder shepe vij carte horses and my carte with all thappareill to the same and all my graynes whete and bareley excepte suche as must give for my moneths mynde and except 4 qrs of whete and vj quarters of barly which I woll that Johane my wif have to hir owne use. Also I woll the said priores and covent after my moneths mynde have the residue of myn oxen for hir plough. To every godchild of myn man and woman beyng on lyve att the tyme of my decesse an ewe and a lambe.
   To my brother Doctor Milett my best salt of silver ? gilt with the ?coudyng and a noote harnesshed with silver ? gilt without a coudyng. 
   To my brother Richard Milett of Oxenford my best gowne furred and my pawtener of purpull velvett and the Ryngs of silver. 
   To Ric. Langford in lawe [sic] my secunde best gowne. To my suster Langford 20s comyng of my lyvelod in Dorsetshire. To every servant with my lady priorez by the yere 8d. To Wm. Sprever my white horse sadle and bridell.
   I will Johane my wife have the Residue of all my goodes moevabill within the house or tenement wherein I dwell. If any variaunce doo happen I woll the advyce of the forseid priorez now beyng therein alwey be hadd. If Johane my wif or Agnes my doughter or any other person doo p/turbe lett or trouble myn exors. then my exors to kepe in their hands the legacy and bequest above reherced by me.
   I make Dame Elizabeth Cressyner priorez of the monastery of Dartford, Mr John Milett clerk my brother and Robert Blagge gentilman myn exors and Henry Harman squyer overseer (and 20s to each).
   In the name of the blissed trinytie and of the gloriouse virgyn Mary and all the blissid company of heven whos helpe and socour I have first besought and callid to my begynnyng that I may have grace and space to procede and folowe thentent and mynde of Wm. Rodley first begynner and adviser of all thies ordenances and rewles folowing etc. First in as muche as the lyff of man is transitory and oblivious and forgetfulnes is unfrendly stepmoder to all gentill kyndnesse therfore it is to be hadd in mynde and perpetuall remembrace that I William Milett of Dertford in the shire of Kent with diocese of Rochester executor of the testament and last will of the forsaid William Rodley somtyme of Dertford aforesed by his last will ? and expressed that xls yerely shuld be paid to suche a preest or preests as wold take the charge to kepe the morowe masse in the parisshe churche of Dertford aforesaid feriall dayes in the yere. And also he devised by this last will that v poure men and women shuld eayche of theym have a dwellyng house in the said Dertford in a strete called Loffeld And also eayche of them to have a porcon of money such as hereafter is specified and declared, therefore for grete trust and love that he hadd to Mr John Hornle vicar of Dertford, Nichas Goldewyn and me the seid Wm. Milett he enfeoffed theym and me in certeyn parcells of londs and tenements lynyg in diverse places in the said shire of Kent that is to sey Dertford, Bexle [Bexley] , Swannescombe [Swanscombe], Stone and Seynt Warburgh [St Werburgh] in the hundred of Hoo, to ? and performe his said will in this behalf as the particulares of all such londs tenements hereafter be declared. And than I the said Wm. Milett ?overlyng the said Mr John Hornle and Nicholas Goldwyn consideryng the goode and denoute mynde and entent and spiall tust of the foreseid Wm. Rotheley and also the trust tht he hd to the forsaid Mr John Nicholas and William The said William Millet as supvisor of the seid Mr John and Nicholas entendyng to please God and in performyng of the same hath devised ordeyne and determyned for the establisshing and goode giding of the same in manner as followeth That is to say he willith that xls yerely at iiij usualls times in the yere shall be paid to an honest preest or honest preests takyng upon them to kepe the said masse the which masse to be kept in manner and forme folowyng so that ther by suche a preest or preests that will take upon hym for such wages to doo the said masse. 
   And etts the priorez of Dertford for the tyme beyng or hir successors prioresses to reteyne in hir handes as muche money as thereof is not spendid to thentent to be expended to the fynding of preests for the morowe masse whan any nede shall fall. And as to ?changyng the place and tyme wher and whan the masse shall be said the forseid Wm. Milett by the grace of God intending to folowe the mynde of the forseid Wm. Rotheley willith and advisely ordeyneth for evermore to endure that the said masse yerely be said every feriall day except such dayes as be excepted by the lawe at or Lady awter in the south yle of the said church of Dertford
   And that from the fest of Seynt Mighell tharchanngell unto the fest of Ester it be rowngen and told to the said masse with reasonable pawsis a fore the masse and hit to be begon aboute vj of the clok so that during the season hit may be doon by vij of the clok or sooner upon And from Ester to Mighelmas hit to be Rowngen and tolled to the said masse with reasonable pawsis thit to be begun aboute v of the clok so hit be doon by vj atte clok or son upon. Also I will that this ordinance of the morow masse be not prundiciall to eny olde goode custome used before this tyme but that they be kept alwey as before this tyme hath alwey ben ? and accustumed. Ferthermore the forseid Wm. Millet willith and advisably ordeyneth for evermore to endure that what soon herafterward hanyng charge by this ordunce to sey the said morow masse at our lady awter and att every such masse after the offertory said or he wasshe his hands et seq de profundis with the comen suffrage thereto spially for the soules of Wm. Rotheley and Roger Janet first founders and begynners of this masse and for all xten soules.
   Also the forseid Wm. Millet ordeyneth willith and deviseth that ther shalbe v poure men of good condicon that much nede have by the eleccon of the priorez of Dertford thir successours prioresses with the Vicar and wardens of the church of the same towne for the tyme beyng the seid poure men noomen havyng eaych of them oon house the which houses be sett and bieldid in a strete callid Loffeld and eaych of them to have wekely in money iiijd to be paid every Saturday and that noon of the foreseid poure men which shall goo a beggyng oute of the same towne upon payne of losyng of the seid almes of 4d. without hit be gyven them without askyng. And if eny of the seid v poure men and women be skolders with their neighbours fighters or chiders or usyng every other vices that is sklaunderous I will and ordeyne that every of such person or persons beyng of niche condicon they to be warned oonys twyes or thryes by the said priorez vicar or wardens orett at thelest ij of them And they not levyng their evell condicons har or they to be avoyded and no longer to abyde therein and fully to be put awey and nomore to come ther. And eaych of the v poure men and women for the tyme beyng shall say daily in the church of Dertford without a reasonable excuse for all the soules and all the founders goode doers and maynteness and supporters of the sustentacon of the said massez. And the other ordenncs aforesaid oonys our Lady psawter and Deprofundis all tho that can say hit, and the said v poure men and woman at their tyme of first comyng into the said almeshouse or houses they for to be examynd if they can say their ?patnr, Ave Maria and Crede. And if they can it not they to be refused lesse than the said priorez and vicar for the tyme beyng assigne them a day reasonable as they might leerne it. And if he can not leern hit he fully to be refused without he be a fole, a deffe or a dome and alwey of them have pitie.
   Also I will and ordeyne that whan eny of the said v men or women decesse owte of this world all their goods that they have at the tyme of their deth above their buryng shall leve to the sustenacon and repacon of the said houses and to the persons outliving ther by the discrecon of the foresaeid priorez and vicar for the tyme beyng. And I will at the Recvyvyng of any suche poure men or women they bring with them all their goodes without frawde or malengyn. And therto he to make his othe upon a booke etc. Also I will and ordeyne that the said priorez and hir successors prioresses whan eny of the seid v poure men or women departith owte of this world they to take in another man or woman of the condicon before reherced without eny singler love or mede after their discrecion at the choyse of the said priorez and hir successor for the tyme being and sed as often and whan that any of the seid poure men or women decesse new to be taken in. And if the said priorez and hir successors ?poressis after the decesse of eny of the v poure men or women take not in another within a monith day than I will that the vicar of the town with the wardens shall take in another to the said almeshouse. And if they doo not I will that the bisshop of Rochester forthwith ij or iij of the moost discret persons of the ?inhitaints of the said towne of Dertford shall putt in oon.
   And for the performing of all the abovesaid chargs I will my feoffez suffre the foreseid priorez and Covent and their successors for each to Receyve and take yerely all the Revenuz proffitts and comoditees comyng and growyng yerely of and upon all these londs and tenements folowyng That is to say of all my lands tenements wods etc. in the pisshe of Bexle [Bexley] Also yerely of the exors. of Robert Wodfod for a fee farne xls goyng owte of certayn londs in pisshes of Bexle and Cayford [Crayford] ye callid Batyns
   Also the revenuz of a tenement sett in the high strete of Dertford be twyxt the tenement of Xtofer Todde on the west and a tenement of the seid priorez upon the east. Also of a litell tenement at the spitell hill, the church house upon the Est.
   Also a pastur lyng in the hunder of Hoo ye callid Odern marsh and Wellernhope late in tenure of John Peche.
   Also the Revenuz and all the lands and tenements in the parish of Swannescomp [Swanscombe] the which late were Wm. Rotheleys and late in tenure of Wm. Hylles for the time of his lyff.
   It the Revenuz of ? pcells of pastur and medow now in tenure of John Grove of Grenehithe [Greenhithe] by indentur for time of yeres lyng in parish of Stone.
    And also I will and ordeyne that the seid priorez and Covent doo kepe and hold in the church and monastery of our blissed Lady and Seynt Margaret in Dertford a yerely mynde and ? at the feste of Seynt Peter called ad vincula Sancti Peter, otherwise callid Lammas for the soules of Wm. Rotheley and Roger Janet and for thee soules of all the helpers supporters and maynteners that hath ben nowbe thereafter shalbe of all the ?p/mysses. That is to sey on the even a Dirige by note of ix lessons and on the morowe a masse of Requiem and every lady or suster weryng a white scapulary and beyng att Dirige have vjd The priorez for hir goode attendaunce xxd The suppriorez beyng att the seid Dirige viijd and every preest sayng masse on the morow 4d. and the president for syngyng of the masse of Requien 8d.
   The Vicar of Dertford if he be ther and sey masse and offer at the said masse of Requien jd he to have 8d. and the sextyn of the said monastery church for makyng of the here and fyndyng of the wex 8d. and to the bedeman for the tyme beyng goyng with his bell through owte the towne and strete prayng for all the soules afore reherced and all other good doers supporters and maynteners and all cristen soules ijd and to 13 poure men and women almes every of them 1d the same day
   Also I will that the said priorez and Covent have £20 in money for a stok to ayde comfort and support the seid morow masse and almyshouses and almespeople and also for the defending in the lawe for all the saide londs and tenements of eny clayme or title be made therto or hereafter shalbe made And also the piorez shall have £7
in money in hande for the performance coals and chargs of the same morow masse and almyspeople for the first yere.
   This is the last Will of me Wm. Wilett as to ? all my londs and tenements etc in Kent orellswhere.
   I will Johane my wif have my chief tenement that I dwell in with the gardeyns barnez stabull dufehouse and the litle ?mesuge thereto annexed the which Laurence Taillor dwellith in and my tenement att Fuleswich with 46 ac. of erable land v acr of freshmede ij acr of saltmarsh my pasturez called Haskerdy et Tylers lese for time of lyffe and after to Agnez my doughter and to theirez of hir body lawfuly begoten and for defawte of yssue all to remayn hooly to the priorez and Covent of Dertford to pray forme and all my goode frends.
   I will the said Johane my wif have my 4 parcels of wode lyng besids Bawdyes and the Tilehoste and to remain to Agnez my doughter and for defawte to the Priorez and Covent aforeseid.
   I will my feoffez suffre the priorez of Shepey thir successor to take the profitts of all my londs marshes etc. in the parishe of Seynt Jamys inthe yle of Greane [St James, Isle of Grain] for each to theintent they kepe a solemyne obite by note yerely for ever for the soules of Wm. Rotheley and Johane his wiff Wm Milett and all xten soules at the which obite yerely I woll the seid priorez gyve to the Covent of the same 6/8 for their labor and to the Priorez for hir attendaunce 12d and to v poure men vd.
   I will my cosyn Margaret Grenewoode have my tenement in High strete wherein Edward White dwellith with the barn and stabull sett agenst the same tenement and oon acr of mede in the freshmede in the hands of Ric. Edward with a litell pastur at Stoneham and all my londs in the parish of Horton sometyme John Afforde and ij acr. of wood in the parish of Stone to her and her heirs. and for defawte to be sold and the money expended in werks and deeds of charitie moost pleasing to God releving and comfortyning of my soule oute of the peynes of purgatory. 
   My 2 tenements in a strete called highstrete my 2 tenements in a strete called Loffeed be sold and the money expended That is to sey oon part upon an honest preest to syng for my soule in the parish chirch of Dertford and another part upon the repacon of Seint Edmonds chapell And ther part upon be ?condyng of the crosse in the markett place of Dertford and the 4th part upon the repacon of the wall of thabbey closyng the churchyerde ther if it woll stretche therto.
   I woll x acr. of mede in the saltmarshe of Stone being in the hands of John Grove be sold and the money be founden a preest ij yeres for to syng for my soule in my chapell in Thabbey or lenger if the money woll stretche ferther and if the said John Grove woll by hit I woll he have it xxs better cheape than eny other man.
   I will the Priorez of Dertford and hir succors have for each all my pastur beside marsh strete called Hillesmede and all my pastur called Portbrigge beside Bikenores and my pasture in freshmede in the hands of Wm. Stokmede and all my pasture lyny beside Willmyngton [Wilmington] Well and x acr. of land in a crofte called Oldeland and 3 acr. and half of land lyng in a crofte called Muskroffe and v yerds of land beside the lond of the said Priorez beside Waxens in the tenure of John Stone smyth to theintent that they woll doo to be said for ever more wekely for my soule in my chapell within the said Priory ij masses that is to say Wednesday and Fryday oon of or blissed lady and another of Jhu and to gif to the sayers that soo sayth them for every masse ijd if ther be no laufull impedyment.
   I gyve to the same priory and Covent 12d of ?guyte rent dewe yerely to me of the tenement that Thomas Bernard dwellith in and 6d yerely due to me of the tenement that Wm. Hebgoode dwellith in in Loffeld, also all my land called Dewland ij acr. all ?Houndpitt all my lond in a croft called Sedecop besids the grounde of Thos. Coke all my croft called Manewarescrofte my ground in the hands called Cheker and Tirelyng. ij acr. of ground at Saltmarshgate in the hands of Wm. Rownile 3 acr. and di of ground agenst ?Joc and j acr. and di at Isabell Negge in ten. of Wm. Stokmere and all my pastur lyng on the southside of the wey leding into freshmede in the hands of Wm. Rounde and all my pastur lyng within the saltmarshe gate beside Herkynshope called Heggemede and the pasture of ij oxen lyng within the pastur of the said priorez called Horslese next Estlese and certen parcell of medow in the saltmarshe of Dertford. That is to say in Cokowishole 4½ ac. within the wall and without v rodes in Countemede in the tenure of Wm. Lambe 3 yerdis lyng upon the north parte of the mede of the same prioreses besides the same 5 rods.
   Item v rods of land in tenure of John Miller pulter of Pynden [poss Pinden, Longfield] . 15 dayes werks in Obreymede. 3 rods of land in the same mede next the old through dich It ½ acr. of land in Shepehaugh an acr. of land in Shepemede in ij placs an acr. of land beside the Stynkyng lakeon the north parte callid the Long Acre next the Dike. An ½ acr. of land in Longeswath in ten. of Jeffrey Crowshawe, all my woods with the groune lyng and beyng in the parish of Sutton at hone in dyvs places a parcell of wod lyng in the parish of Dertford at the west ende of the heth and the woode of the said priorez upon the north.
   To her and her succs. for each to pray for my soule and the soules of all them to whom I am spially bounden. My feoffez to make and deliver a ?surt. sufficent estate of all the p/myssez.
   Probate 28 Jan. 1500 before ?Mr. Willo Barons L.D. prerogative eccle ?Xtu Cant. sede Arch. ibu vacan by oath of Magr Thome Baschurch proc of Dne Elzth Cressyner and Mr John Milett clerici and Robert Blagge exors.

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