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Dr William Hardman's Researches of Nonington and other Parishes File 1 1548-1649   Page 4

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Award - 1555, 30 April (1 and 2 Philip and Mary)

To all faithfull people to whome this present writying of Award shall come William Quylter, gentleman, Thomas Harflete, John Walker and William Hyeld send greetyng in our Lord God

   Knowe ye that where certeyn contraversye and discorde heretofore hath been had moved and dependyng betwene Thomas Hamon of Nonyngton in the Countie of Kent gentleman of thone parte and Henry Norton of Chillenden in the said Countie of the other parte for and concernyng the right and title of a certyn lane being at Mounton in Nonyngton aforesaid and the closure by and next the same land betwene the said parties to be kept and used

   Whereuppon the said parties of their owen assente have put and submytted themselves by their several obligacons with condicons upon them indorsed bound themselves either to other in the some of fyve pounds of lawfull money of England payable at a certeyn day as by the same obligacons thereof made at large doo appere to stond obey and abide to the arbytrement award orddinnance and judgement of us the above said William Quylter, Thomas Harplete, John Walker and William Hyeld arbytrators  betwene them indifferently elected and chosen to arbytre ordeyn determyn and judge of and uppon the premysses.

    Wherefore we the said abrytrators taking uppon us the charge of arbytrators and judges in the premysses and wyllyng that peace and quietnes shall be betwene the said partyes and that all contraversyes debate contencons and stryves concernyng or touching the said matters in Variannce betwene the said parties shall shall ceasse and determyne and uppon good and true convenyent vewe and examynacon of the premysses betwene us taken and had have made declared and gyven up our Award of and upon the premysses in maner and forme folowyng, that is to say ffirst we award that the said Thomas Hamon shall close and kepe the fence next the land of the said Thomas ageynst the said lane from and ageynst the West end of the same lane from a hole by us the said arbytrators there made to set a markestone unto a certyn lytle elme whereuppon is a crosse by us made conteyning in lengthe by measure vii perches and half

   And also we award that the said Thomas Hamon and his heires and assignes may set a gate and possess for the same gate at suche place of the Est end of the said lane as he shall thynk most necessary and to use the same by dryvyng of cattall and carrying into and from his land there at all tymes for ever

   And furthermore we award that the said Henry Norton shall close and kepe the fence next the land  of the said Henry ageynst the said lane from the end of the closure of the said Thomas Hamon being at the said litle elme over and crosse the said lane unto the Est end of the same lane unto the posse of the said gate being set on the North side of the same gate

   And also we award that either of the said parties and their heires shal have and enioy the land being in the said lane where the other of them kepeth closure and fence savying suche woode spring and thorne as growe or shall growe on that syde where the closure shalbe kept the probvytt of whiche woode springe and thorne we award shalbe to those and their heires and growe on that syde where the closure shalbe kept the probyth of which woods springe and thorn we award shalbe to those and to their heires and assignes kepyng the closure so fer as they so kepe closure accordyng to the lymyte aforesaid so that it extend not ferther then the mydles of the said lane

   And further we award that either of the said parties shalbe inquyted and discharged ageynst the other of them of all trespasses and sute belivene them had moved or dependyng before the makyng hereof touching concernyng the said land or closure thereof or any part or parcell thereof.

   In witness whereof we the said William Quylter Thomas Harflete, John Walker and William Hyeld to either parte of this our present wrytyng of Award indented our Seales have put.

   Dated the last day of Aprill in the first and second yeres of our Sovereignes Lord and Ldy Philipp and Mary by the grace of God Kyng nd Quene of England, ffraunce, Neapoles, Jerusalem and Ireland, Defenders of the faith, Prynces of Spayne and Count Archdukes of Austriche and Brabant, Counties of Haspurge fflaunders and Tyrole.

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