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Ashford Baptists Church Minute Books - collected by the late Arthur Ruderman

Minutes from 1903 to 1904
Minutes of Deacons Meeting Monday April 27th 1903

The pastor, Messrs. Banks, West, Smith, Pledge, Luckhurst, Watson, Hunt and Robinson.

Prayer by the pastor, and the notes  of last meeting read.

Transfer C.C.Lowe. A satisfactory letter from Margate was received and referred to the church.

Resignation Mr C. Marsh.
  This friend had written a letter, tendering his resignation with us as a church, he having  joined the Congregational Body, his excuse being, that for a long time his sympathies had been with them, and, that he could not act contrary to his conscience.  Referred to church.

Bills. There being several bills presented, they were referred to the Treasurer for payment.

Sankeys Hymn Books for Evening Service.  Some discussion took place upon this subject, it being the desire of many friends to adopt the use of them for Sunday Evening Service.  On the motion of Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr Watson, it was agreed to recommend the same to the church for Sunday evenings, excepting ordinance evening.  Also that 200 be purchased for loan purposes and 100 various for sale.

Ordinance Service, Willesborough
   It was felt that some one officially should be apointed to carry the emblems round at the Ordinance Service.  It was agreed that the matter be left in the hands of the pastor and deacons, the pastor to arrange with the Mission committee.

The Secretary was requested to write Mr. Martin, pointing out to him the necessity of opening the windows on fine days for ventilation and, to allow the Superintendent and Teachers the use of the vestry for school use.

Association Meetings.  Folkestone June 9th and 10th.  The appointment of delegates was referred to the church, and agreed to make the annual collection for Kent and Sussex Baptist Association on Sunday May 10th.

Sittings.  It was agreed, that we announce from the rostrum, a considerable number of sittings to let in the area of the chapel.

Smell in Schoolroom
.  The wardens reported having seen Mr. Bowles re this matter, who recommended that a thorough investigation under the flooring be made, by some practical person.  It was agreed that the secretary write the Trustees, requesting them to consider the recommendation at an early date, it being a very important matter.

The pastor closed with prayer

Deacons Meeting Monday May 25th 1903.

The pastor, Messrs. West, Banks, Smith, Pledge, Luckhurst, Watson Hunt and Robinson.

Prayer by Mr. Watson, and notes of last meeting read.

Communion Service Willesborough.  As there was not anything definitely settled relative to collections being made at this service, it was agreed that in future collections be taken at these services for the Communion Fund.

Hospital Sunday.
June 14th.  The pastor had received a letter from Dr. Wilks, asking that collections might be made in our church on June 14th .  Agreed to take collections on date named.

Mrs S. Paris.  This friend, known to the Brethren, had seen the pastor with a view to Baptism and Membership.  She had been led to a final decision at the Bible Class, through Mr Skerry on the subject of professing Christ.  Her views on baptism were very clear and the pastor had every confidence in recommending her.  Referred to the church.

Miss Dorothy Hunt. 
This young girl, daughter of our brother Mr Hunt, through the teaching in the Sunday School had been led to Christ.  The pastor was quite satisfied with the testimony she gave.  She having come entirely by her own desire to confess Jesus, her parents also, were quite satisfied as to her consistency.  Referred to the church.

Horace Paine.  This young man was living at Little Chart, and, by a remarkable conversion had been led to Christ.  He had looked into the matter of Baptism, and finding it a command of the Lord had seen the pastor, with a very earnest desire to be baptised and confess Christ and join the church.  He had given very clear evidence of a real change of heart and the pastor had much pleasure in nominating him.  Referred to the church.

Mr. Charles Quinton.
This friend, also from Little Chart, had requested to be baptised by our pastor, but did not seek membership with us at the present time.  He having given very clear evidence of true conversion, the pastor thought it would be well to mention it to the church.

Mr Stanley Green.
  This friend had seen the pastor again re the matter of joining the church.  Agreed to let his name stand over.

Open Air Services
. The pastor had received a very earnest plea for congregations to meet and render help, after the ordinary service on Sunday evenings.  The question was, should we discontinue our prayer meeting or not.  It was finally agreed to continue our Sunday evening prayer meeting.

Bad Smell in Schoolroom.
  The secretary reported what had been done by Mr. Godden, in searching under the floor, who thought they had discovered the source of the annoyance and would be considered again by the Trustees on Thursday coming.

Hymn Book Account.  The secretary presented the bill for Hymn Books supplied for loan and sale purposes, this amount being £8.19.2.  Agreed that the Treasurer be asked to pay the same.

Letter. A letter was read from the secretary and the Senior Endeavour Society, asking the church to consider their application for changing their night of  meeting.  This was already under consideration by the church and would be decided at their next meeting.

Boughton Mission Room.  A letter was received from the Endeavour Mission Committee, asking, that the room at Boughton, might be cleaned and painted and suggesting that the Landlord, Mr Martin, be asked to do the same.  Agreed that the secretary write to Mr Martin re this matter.

Willesborough Chapel.  Application having been made by the friends at Willesborough for Blinds to be put to the side windows, it was agreed that Mr Baker be asked to supply the same.  It was also, thought desirable to have the place licensed for the Solemnization of Marriages, and  that the same be placed upon the notice boards.

Invitation Cards for Willesborough. 
It was felt that some of these should be distributed to people living in the district, inviting them to the meetings.  It  was agreed that the Mission Committee be empowered to purchase the same..

The pastor closed with prayer.

Deacons Meeting Monday June 23rd 1903

The pastor, Messrs. West, Banks, Smith, Luckhurst, Pledge, Watson Hunt and Robinson.

Prayer by Mr. Banks and notes of last meeting read.

Reports.  The letters of the visitors to the candidates were satisfactory, and would be read at the Church Meeting

Nominations. Misses Mable Everest, Bessie Taylor, Ethel Luckhurst, Marjory Reynolds, Lottie Skinner.   The pastor stated that these five young persons belonging to our Sunday School, desired to be baptised and join the church.  For a long time he had watched them and cherished the hope, that, soon they would make an open confession, he had had conversation with each of them, and  they seemed to fully understand all about the subject of Baptism, that it was not a saving ordinance.  As far as he could gather, their testimony and evidence was very clear, which made him satisfied with them and thought they ought to be helped and encouraged in the step they desired to take.  Agreed to recommend them to the church for visitation.

Kent and Sussex Home Mission.
  The pastor read a circular from the secretary, soliciting help for the carrying on of the work, by having a special meeting, with a deputation, putting forward the claims of the Society and taking collections for the same.  It was felt, that under present circumstances of Finance, we could not see our way to make special collections.  It was left with the pastor, to write Mr. Handcock, stating that we were willing to have the deputation on our Annual Meeting of the Association, or on a week night.

Bills.  The following bills were presented for payment, and referred to the treasurer.
Viz. Rent  Boughton Mission Room              £3. 11.  6.
        Kingsford and Drake for Deed                               2.  6.  8.
        Printing posters Headley                               10.  6.

Boughton Mission Room. Mr Martin not having replied to the secretary’s letter of May 27th re cleaning and painting of the interior. It was agreed that the  secretary write him again, asking that the work might be done.

5.     Willesborough Solemnization of  Marriages.     The pastor had ascertained that to have the place licensed, would cost something over £3.0.0. with a request from a certain number of inhabitants before it could  be granted.  Agreed that no action be taken in the matter.

Chapel Anniversary August.  It was felt that we ought to try and have successful Anniversary gatherings for this occasion, and left with the pastor to make the best arrangements he could for Sunday and Monday meetings, by writing to Dr. Usher, failing him Hugh Rodger or Mr Rudge.

7.     Letter from Trustees re Schoolroom. 
  The secretary read a letter from the secretary of the Trustees, setting forth the action of the Trustees in getting Mr. E.J. Bowles to make a very thorough examination underneath the flooring of the schoolroom, and preparing estimates for the repairing and alteration of the same.  Mr. Bowles’ report showed that the condition of the  ground underneath the floor had in several places sunk down loosening the brick stools that carried the joists, the floor boards would want partially renewing and a lot of work done to make it in a sanitary healthy condition.  It was evident from the appearance beneath, that the floor was over old graves and vaults.  This was certified by the old minutes book of the church dated 1825, that the present schoolroom was built upon the foundations of a meeting house and took in the burial ground.   Mr Bowles had prepared estimates for practically and schemes which had been laid before the Trustees.
1st Scheme. Was to ram and fill up all the sunken places, cover with 6 inches of cement concrete with nearly all new flooring and other necessary items for £48.  0.  0.
2nd Scheme. Was to remove old joist and flooring, ram up sunken places, float 6 inches cement concrete all over at about 18 inches lower level.  Put a wood block paving down, dower doorways and stairs into chapel, lower platform and do all the necessary alterations for this scheme for £98.  0.  0.
3rd Scheme.The second estimate did not take into consideration the Baptistry which in the event of its being done, would necessitate its removal.  Mr Bowles was then asked to give an estimate for placing a new Baptistry in the Chapel.  This would mean a further outlay of £46. 10.  0.

The Trustees unanimously agreed to recommend  No.2 scheme, including a new Baptistry to the Chapel at a cost of about  £150.  0.  0. Asking the Deacons to lay the matter before the church, for their earnest consideration.

It was agreed that Mr Bowles, be instructed to proceed with some work that was necessary to be done to the guttering, to take the storm water away and do other sundry repairs for the sum of £3. 18.  6. 

After a very long discussion in which the financial condition of the church was considered.  It was finally agreed to lay the whole matter before the church for their consideration, suggesting that it be  thought over for a week or two and finally settled at a special church meeting.

Jewish Mission Services.  Mr Whitaker to arrange with Mr. Humion to have a service for the Sunday with one collection for the same.

Willesborough Mission.
  A petition signed for about 48 friends had been forwarded to the pastor, requesting that a  committee might be formed from among the members and friends who reside there, for the carrying on of the work.   After a very lengthy discussion it was agreed that the matter should be referred to the Mission committee suggesting, that while the Deacons practically accede to their request, they would recommend that a joint committee be formed comprising 4 from Willesborough and two from the Deaconite, with the pastor as chairman, also that a financial statement be submitted once a quarter to the deacons.

The pastor closed with prayer.

Special Deacons Meeting  June 6th 1903.

The pastor and Deacons with the exception of Mr W. Luckhurst.  Prayer by Mr. Banks.

Alteration of School Floor.  The first business for consideration was in the form of a letter received from Mr. A. Tanton, wherein he expressed for himself and others, the desire, that the deacons would reconsider the recommendation to the church to have the Baptistry in the floor of the chapel, and to consider, what he thought would be a much better scheme, viz. to alter the present platform and have the Baptistry put there, with seat accommodation for the choir; so that the singing might be more helpful to the congregation, which at the present time it was not.  

A  very long discussion, with a variety of opinions were expressed, and, it was felt, that seriously considering the present spiritual and financial position of affairs, it would not be consistent, or wise, to go in for any large improvement.  It was unanimously agreed to recommend to the church, to refer the matter back to the Trustees suggesting, that they reconsider their recommendation to spend £150 at the present time, but, take steps to have a little temporary work done, in the way of raming up the holes, securing the brick piers and overlay with a coating of lime, and to spend as little as possible for the time being, to stay the nuisance.

Willesborough Mission.  The pastor explained matters as they at present stood, in relation to the Petition from the Willesborough friends, and its consideration by the Mission Committee.

He was sorry to say, that as things had developed, and from certain actions taken, things at the present time appeared somewhat strained and altered.  He had received a letter jointly from, our friends W. Luckhurst and T. Reeves, resigning their position on the Mission Committee, also, as Trustees to the Willesborough property and declining to carry out their other engagements.  On receiving this letter, the pastor had an interview with Mr Luckhurst
who expressed himself as very much put out and offended, and unless some amicable arrangement could be arrived at, he should still adhere to his decision.  The pastor said he had formulated a little plan to Mr. Luckhurst, which he had agreed to, if adopted by the Deacons.  The Brethren expressed themselves freely upon the present aspect of affairs and, felt, that as matters stood, it would be for the best interest of the church, for the Deaconite to arrange for the supplying of the pulpit at Willesborough.  It was then finally agreed, that the whole matter be laid before the church, the pastor to read the petition, and explain the action of the Deacons in referring the matter to the Mission Committee, also the action of that committee and their resolution to the church, and, the final recommendation of the Deacons for the churches approval.

Recommendation of Deacons to the Church.  That considering seriously the present aspect of affairs, it would be best, for the interests of the church, for the pastor and Deacons to arrange for the supply of the pulpit at Willesborough, and, suggest, that a conference be held at an early date, between the Willesborough friends and the pastor and Deacons. (passed at Church Meeting July 9th 1903). 
It was agreed that the secretary see Mr. Luckhurst, and explain to him the decision of the deacons in relation to this matter, also, to write to Mr. Reeves and explain to him, his obligation as a Trustee to the Willesborough property.

The pastor closed with prayer.

Deacons Meeting Monday July 27th 1903.

 The pastor, Messrs. West, Banks, Smith, Luckhurst, Watson, Hunt and Robinson.
Prayer by Mr Hunt and notes of last meeting read.

Reports.  The pastor stated that the visitor’s reports upon the five candidates were all satisfactory and would be read at the church meeting.

Request for Transfer. Miss Turner. A request for the transfer of this friend, was received from the church at Putney, London.  Referred to church.
Mr and Mrs Clifton.  The friends having come to reside again in Ashford, desire to their transfer from the church at Folkestone to our fellowship.  Referred to the church.
Stanley Green.  The pastor stated, that this friend had seen him again, desiring very much to be baptised and join the church.  It was left  with Mr. Watson to make a few enquiries and report.

Miss Skinner.  This friend had sent in her resignation upon the Free Church Girls Guild Committee.   Referred to the church.

Boughton Mission.
  Mr. Martin had intimated to Mr. Pledge, that he would paint the room, providing the Endeavour would meet half the expense.  Resolved that the secretary write him again, pointing out to him that considering the amount of rent we pay, we think it unfair to expect us to bear nay of this expense and ask him to have the place put in order.

Chapel Anniversary.  The pastor reported, that he had received letters from Dr. Usher and Rev. Hugh Rodger, but neither could supply for that occasion.  Mr. Rudge of Sevenoaks, had written giving us the last Sunday, the 30th August as his only available date.  Agreed to confirm his date, and to have a meeting on Monday with a tea, the pastor to arrange for speakers for the evening.

Jewish Mission.  Arrangements had been made by Mr. Thiman, whereby we should have the deputation for the morning service, with one collection for Sunday September 13th.  The pastor asked, that he might be permitted to take that Sunday and the following, September 20th for a holiday, to visit his old home.  It was agreed to write to the Rev. Sparrow of Hawkhurst, or Mr. Brown of Rye to supply our pulpit for that date.

Willesborough Mission.  The pastor reported the outcome of the conference with the Willesborough friends, showing that the matter had been fairly discussed, and, that he thought a satisfactory arrangement had been arrived at.  The matter was discussed at some length,and on the suggestion of the Willesborough friends, it was agreed to recommend to the church the following friends, who are church members, as an Executive for the Management and general oversight of the work there and to call in any help from friends when deemed necessary. Viz. Messrs. A. Butcher, J. Goldup, J. Walker, J. Taylor and  Eldridge.

Supplies for Willesborough.  It was decided to arrange at once for the 5 Sundays in August and then to make out a plan to the end of the year.  August 2nd Student, 9th Mr. Watson, 16th Student, 23rd A. Banks, 30th Student.

Saturday Prayer Meetings.  It was felt that some one should be responsible for the holding of these meetings, and agreed that Mr. West, the senior deacon, be asked to take this position.  Mr. West agreed to do this.

Schoolroom.  The secretary reported that Mr. Bowles was carrying out temporary work in the schoolroom, and Mr. Bowles had suggested that two ventilating shafts should be placed in the corners of the room for the better ventilation under the floor.  Agreed that the secretary instruct Mr. Bowles to do this work.

Gift.  The pastor reported the receipt of £10 left by the late Mrs. Maylam towards our general fund.  The secretary to acknowledge the receipt of same in the name of pastor and deacons.

The pastor closed with prayer.

Deacons Meeting Monday September 28th 1903.

The pastor, Messrs. West, Banks, Luckhurst, Pledge, Smith, Hunt and Robinson -  Watson absent.

Prayer by Mr Luckhurst and notes of last meeting read.

Transfers. Mr and Mrs Scott, Mrs Foord.  Application was received from the church at Dover for the transfer of these friends to their fellowship.  Referred to the church.

Nominations.  Stanley Green.
  The pastor stated that this friend had again applied for baptism           and  membership.   He had been waiting for two years, the pastor thinking it well to allow our friend to get a little more rooted in Christian principles, and from all that could be  heard as to his walk and conduct, the pastor thought that we might now accept him and nominate him at the church meeting.  Referred to church.
Emma Pottin.  This young friend had seen the pastor with a very earnest desire for baptism and membership.  She dates her first serious impressions at Gypsy Smith’s Mission, and, at the last baptismal service she felt that she ought to have been one of them.  Miss Rodgers had given the pastor a good report concerning her, and other friends had spoken very favourably of her profession.  Agreed that Mr Hunt make a few enquiries respecting her and report, and if favourable to be nominated at the next church meeting.
Withdrawals.  Mr and Mrs Jarvis.  The pastor reported having seen these friends again re their letter of withdrawal, but could not get any reason assigned for this action.    Mr Jarvis simply pressed his first decision to resign.
Charles Skinner.  This friend had on a previous occasion tendered his resignation to the pastor, who had twice seen and spoken with him upon the subject.  The pastor had now received a letter confirming his former decision, and asking, that this might be considered as final.  It was known that our friend had got into a very low state of Christian living and all friendly council had been set at nought.  It was agreed to lay the above letters before the church for acceptance.

District Meetings at New Romney.  The pastor reported that these meetings would be held on Wednesday October 21st and referred to the church for the appointment of Delegates.

Willesborough chapel Anniversary.
  A letter was received from Mr. J. Taylor, the Auxiliary Secretary, relative to the proposed Anniversary for the Willesborough Chapel.  It was agreed that the date be for Sunday November 15th and to ask Mr. W. Bradley to preach for that occasion, also, that a Tea and Public Meeting, be held on Wednesday November 18th and to invite the Rev. T. Thorpe, Wesleyan Minister, and our friend Mr. J.W. Scott of Dover to give addresses in the evening, further that all the details of the Tea, printing etc. be left  with the Auxiliary Committee to carry out.

 Communion Cup and Plate Willesborough.  The secretary asked “would it be possible , now that the communion services were regularly established for them to possess a cup and plate.”  It was felt, that it would be best for them to have one, and agreed that Mr Banks with the secretary wait upon Mr Hayward to ascertain price etc and report.

Exchange.  The pastor reported, that he had arranged to preach for Rev. Knowles Kempton on October 25th and that it would be needful to have a supply for our pulpit.  Left with the pastor to write the Rev. Kerry of London or Mr Brown of Rye.      The pastor, however, had to cancel this engagement afterwards, as he was fixed for Willesborough on that date.

Pastor’s Anniversary.  It was agreed to fix Sunday November 29th as the most convenient date for this event, to invite Mr Brigg of Margate to exchange pulpits and to have a public meeting with a tea on the Monday and ask Mr. Brigg to stay.  It was also agreed that we first write Rev. W. Hackney of the pastor’s college, to see if he could preach on Wednesday December 2nd and to have the public meeting and tea on that date.

Special Mission.  This matter was discussed at some length, the brethren feeling, that it would be a good thing to arrange for a fortnights mission early in the New Year.  It was agreed to suggest to the church, that Messrs. Roberts and Pettman be invited to hold a special Mission in connection with our own church early in February.

The pastor closed with prayer

Short Deacons Meeting , after church meeting Wednesday September 30th.

The pastor reported, that we should not be able to have Mr Hackney for December 2nd as he had just gone through a severe surgical operation, that would hinder him from preaching for a long time.   It was then agreed that we invite 1st Dr. Usher for the Sunday, 2nd Mr Brigg, 3rd Mr Powell, and if possible to stay over Monday for thje public meeting.

Willesborough.  The secretary reported, that some little alteration in connection with the windows and gas and side door was needful, at the chapel.  Agreed that the wardens see Mr. Baker and Mr. Taylor re these matters.

Sunday School Union Centenary Fund.  A letter was received from the local secretary to this Fund, asking the church to make a collection towards making up the amount of  £50 promised by the Sunday School Union to the parent society.  Before  taking any decided action it wass thought best to find out what the other churches were doing in this matter.  On Sunday October 4th information was received, that the congregationals had made a collection, and that the Wesleyan friends would do so early in the year, and the smaller churches were doing their part.  It was finally agreed, that, Sunday October 18th, being the day of universal prayer for Sunday Schools, we devote the evening offering of that day, for this special object.

Deacons Meeting  Monday October 26th 1903

Present:  The pastor and all the Deacons except Mr Luckhurst who was sick.

Prayer by Mr Smith and notes of last meeting read.

Reports. Emma Pottin.  The report upon this friend, was on the whole satisfactory, but it was felt that a little watchful care was needed to encourage her.  Referred to church.
Stanley Green. This friend living at a distance, arrangements had not yet been made to visit him.

Willesborough Evening Service.  A letter was received from Mr. Taylor suggesting these meetings should commence again in the form of a prayer meeting with an address.  Agreed, that we quite fall in with the suggestions, and that the arrangements for speakers be left with the pastor and Mr. J. Taylor.

Letter from College.  The pastor stated, that he had received a letter, (written privately) from the Treasurer of the College, asking, if it was possible, that a little more remuneration might be given to the students.  It was left with the pastor to explain our position, regretting our inability at the present time comply.

Pastor’s Anniversary  November 29th and 30th.  Mr Brigg of Margate had agreed to exchange with our pastor, it was suggested to write to Rev.Holyoak of Dover, failing him, the Rev.G. Walker of Maidstone to speak on Monday November 30th, also to Alderman Finch, Tunbridge Wells, failing him G. Osbourne of St. Leonards as Chairman.

Special Mission, February.  A letter was received from Mr. Roberts, stating terms etc. for 10 days Mission. Viz. Four Guineas each, if our pastor supplied their pulpit for one Sunday or five guineas each if they had to find supplies for the same.  Some little difference of opinion was expressed in reference to meeting the expense of the same, it was finally agreed to recommend to the church the higher fee  of ten guineas, and keep the pastor with us for the Sunday, and to take a thank offering on that day.  Mr Pledge very kindly offered to make up any deficiency that might be above the thank offering, rather than solicit for any other offerings.  The pastor and Deacons, tendered their very best thanks to Mr Pledge, for so generous an offer.

Exchange of Pulpits.  The pastor explained, that it sometimes happened, that he had applications from other ministers to exchange pulpits with them, and wanting prompt replies.  As it was not always convenient to call the Deacons together, he asked, that in cases of pressure needing a speedy reply, that he might be allowed to accept an exchange.  It was agreed that the pastor be allowed this levity, with the understanding that he would use his discretion in the exchanges.

Communion Cup and Plate Willesborough.  Since the last Deacons meeting, Mr Luckhurst had seen the Misses Cook in respect to the Communion plate in their possession belonging to the late Miss Adams.  These friends had now written a letter, forwarding two cups and one plate, asking us to accept them for the Master’s service.  Agreed that the secretary write them officially, and thenk them on behalf of the pastor and deacons, also, to write Mr J. Taylor, asking for their committee to arrange for its safe custody.

Communion Cards 1904.  Agreed that 350 of the same be ordered from Hillman and Company, London.

Finance.  This matter was discussed for some little time, relative to the probable state of Finance at the end of the year.  Agreed that a special Deacons Meeting be held to consider this matter, on Monday evening November 2nd after prayer meeting.

The pastor closed with prayer.

Deacons Meeting Friday Evening November 20th 1903.

The pastor, Messrs. West, Banks, Luckhurst and Robinson.

Prayer by Mr West and notes of last meeting read.

Stanley Green.  Circumstances had arisen, respecting the conduct of this friend, that it was agreed, to recommend to the church that his name should stand over for sometime.

Nomination- Miss Jeanie Caffyn.
  This friend living with her parents at Hamstreet, had seen the pastor personally, with a desire to be baptised and join the church.  Some time since she had attended some special services held there, and at that time had given her heart to Christ.  She with her parents, frequently came into Ashford and worshipped with us, and was known to some of the brethren.  She was very clear as to her conversion, and the subject of Baptism.  The pastor had every confidence in nominating her for visitation.  Referred to the church.

College Letter.  In answer to the pastor’s letter to the college, he had received an  assurance from them, that they will be most willing at all times to render us assistance in the services at Willesborough.

Special Mission.  Not having received any further communication from Mr. Roberts, it was agreed, that the secretary write, asking him to supply us with a plan of the proposed services at an early date, so that we might begin to make some preliminary arrangements for the same.

Annual Church Meeting.  The Annual Church meeting fixed for Wednesday January 27th 1904.

Supplies for Willesborough.  The pastor reported, that the Willesborough committee would not have anything to do with the appointment of speakers either Sundays or Wednesdays, but preferred to leave this matter in the hands of pastor and Deacons, consequently it was left with us to make future arrangements.

Finance.  The treasurer had given us a probable estimate of the deficiency there would be at the end of the current year, viz. About £26, through the outlay in the school and other incidental expenses.  After some discussion it was agreed to recommend to the church that the pastor have a day in the vestry on Monday December 14th to receive the freewill offerings of any who felt disposed to help us in the matter.  Also, that a circular to this effect be printed, and sent to friends and supporters of the church.

The pastor closed with prayer.

Special Deacons Meeting December 18th 1903.

  The pastor, Messrs. Banks, West, Watson, Pledge, Luckhurst and Robinson.

Prayer by Mr T. West.

Bills.  The following bills were passed for payment viz. Mr Hunt printing 3/6, the secretary 7/- stamps.

Willesborough Building Fund.  The secretary handed to treasurer, the sum of £1.11.6. collected by Mrs Hunter towards Willesborough Building Fund.

Letter re Willesborough.  A letter was received from Mr. J. Taylor calling attention to the unsatisfactory state of certain parts of the building.  Agreed that Messrs. W. Luckhurst and Mr. W. Bowles make an inspection and report.  They also, made a request to have a service on Christmas morning, likewise a Watch Night Service and for the Deacons to find speakers.  The secretary was instructed to write Mr. Taylor, conveying our agreement to the meetings, that Mr. W. Luckhurst would conduct the service on Christmas morning but that they would have to find their own Leader for the Watch night service.

First Quarters plan for Willesborough 1904.  Speaker’s names were arranged for at this meeting, for the Sunday and week night services at Willesborough.  Mr. Watson to see the speakers, afterwards plans to be printed.

Chapel Alteration.  The pastor stated, that as a result of the day in the vestry, he had received cash, over and above for the deficit, also, a very substantial sum in cash,  and promises towards the Chapel alteration.  A somewhat lengthy discussion took place upon this subject, it was then finally agreed, that Mr Bowles be asked to furnish us with a proper plan to a larger scale, with  Specifications, allowing for organ to be placed between the pulpit and singers. Also that the secretary see Mr. Bowles, to explain some of the details as suggested by the Deacons.

Annual Deacons Meeting.  The Annual Deacons Meeting was fixed for Friday evening January 8th 1904 to meet at the pastor’s house at 6 o’clock.

Christmas Gifts.  Mr. West, the treasurer to the communion fund, stated that he had in hand for distribution about  £ (no amount noted).  There would be a little more to come in from Willesborough    and the distribution was made as follows.  (No records)

The pastor closed with prayer.

Annual Deacons meeting held at Pastor’s residence January 8th 1904.

The pastor, Messrs. West, Banks, Smith, Pledge, Watson and Hunt.  Mr Robinson, secretary absent sick.

After being hospitably entertained, the pastor read a portion of Scripture and offered prayer.

Report Willesborough chapel.  A report was read from Messrs. Luckhurst and Bowles, suggesting various repairs.  It was agreed that the matter of dampness to the south wall should be laid before Mr. Baker: Mr. Banks to see him, also that Mr. Taylor be asked to do the other repairs.

Annual Accounts.  Mr. Pledge, read the church accounts for the year, also, Willesborough account and the Hymn Book Trading account.  In connection with this account, it was decided to recommend, to sell the remaining boks at cost price and close the account, and all further books to be bought out of the Church Fund.

The balance sheets of the various organisations in connection with the church were found to be in a most satisfactory condition.

Boughton Mission.  Some conversation took place in reference to the work carried on there, without deciding upon any different plan of work.

Willesborough Balance and Loan.  It was agreed to suggest to the church that £10.0.0. from the Willesborough General Fund, be carried to the Building Fund.

Seat Stewards.  The following brethren were re-elected for the ensuing year, viz. Messrs. W. Banks, Berry, Eminton, Hemsley, Taylor and Dadson.

Absentees on Church Roll.  The pastor submitted names of members for consideration viz. Mr and Mrs Offen. -  Mr Watson and Mr Pledge to visit them.
Mrs Newing – the pastor to write to her. 
Charles Hemsley – to enquire his whereabouts.
Ernest Hemsley, Charles Mummery – Messrs. Smith & Hunt to visit them.
William Chambers, Frank Webb – the pastor to see them.
Mr Baldock, Mr Nazer, - the pastor to write them.

Seat Rents.  Mr Smith submitted his report re seat rents.

Pulpit Alterations.  The plans for alteration of pulpit and platform were discussed at length and eventually it was decided to adjourn the discussion.

This concluded the business.

Adjourned Deacons Meeting held on Monday evening January 25th 1904.

The pastor and all the Deacons present, Mr Banks opened with prayer.

Willesborough Chapel.  Mr Banks reported, that having seen Messrs. Luckhurst and Bowles re this matter, they suggested that the plastering of the south wall would be best done in the Spring when it was ry, in consequence of that, he had not seen Mr. Baker.  It was further stated, that Mr. Taylor had promised to see to the gas defects, but had not yet done so, agreed that the secretary see him, and urge that it be done at once.

Platform.  A long discussion took place upon this matter, the brethren taking exception to the great difference in the second estimate of about £35.  It was agreed that the matter be referred to the church, and, to recommend that it stand over until after the mission, also that the secretary write Mr. Bowles explaining the position we were in, in relation to the church owing to the very large increase in his estimate.

Mothers Meetings.  A letter was received from the secretary of the Sunday School on behalf of the Teachers, requesting that this matter might be considered by the Deacons for recommendation to the church.  It was felt that such an organisation was desirable as a means of getting into touch with the mothers of our Church and Sunday School.  It was decided to recommend to the church, that a Ladies Committee be formed, leaving it with them to elect their own president.

Mr. Sidney’s Notice of Motion re Institute for Young Men.  The brethren had not been able to glean very much information as to Mr Sidney’s ideas upon this subject, but were in full sympathy with that, or any other plan that would keep our young men together, but such a thing would want to be seriously considered.  It was agreed to suggest to the Church that a committee be formed of some active young men, to make enquiries, formulate a scheme, and report results.

Trustees for Smarden.  A letter was received from the church at Smarden, asking us to interest ourselves in nominating some Trustees to add to their list of 6 already appointed at Smarden.  It was left with the pastor, to try and see a few young men, who would volunteer to stand.

 Special Mission.  Mr Hunt submitted circulars for approval.  Agreed that 500 be printed for own chapel and Willesborough use, also that a small booklet, with a suitable invitation from the pastor inside, with portrait blocks on the outside for House visitation and that 3000 be printed.  Further that 3500 small slips be printed, to be distributed before and at the time of the Mission, and that the co-operation of the Senior Endeavour be solicited for House to House visitation.

Nomination. Miss J. Hawkins.  This friend had seen the pastor desiring baptism and membership.  She was well known to most friends, she having worshipped with us for many years, and from an address by Mr. Smith on confessing Christ, she had been led to take this step.  Referred to the church.

Reports on Absentees.   C. Mummery.  Mr Smith stated that he had seen this friend and talked with him, who acknowledged that he was not living as he ought to live, owing to his companions in the works, and felt he could not sit down at the Lord’s Table.  He was still a member in the choir and attended chapel pretty regularly.  Mr Smith pleaded very earnestly with him but could not get any definite resolve out of him.   Agreed to allow his name to stand over for a little while.
Mr and Mrs Offen.  Brethren, Pledge and Watson had made a special visit to these friends who after a very prolonged account of the causes that prevented them from attending the Lord’s Table, had promised to try and be more regular in the future.  Agreed that their names be allowed to stand.

The Pastor closed with prayer.

Special Deacons Meeting Thursday March 3rd 1904.

The pastor, Messrs. Banks, Hunt, Luckhurst. Pledge, Watson and Robinson.
Mr Hunt offered prayer.

Re Alteration of Pulpit and Platform.  This meeting was called to further consider the proposed alteration of pulpit and platform, and at the request of Mr. E. Bowles, he was asked to meet the Deacons upon this matter.

Mr. Bowles stated, that since he had received our communication, re the difference between his two estimates, he had written to two or three firms for estimates, re the tiling for the new baptistry.  When he made his first estimate for this, he had based it upon his general calculations, but he had now received an estimate from Messrs. Doulton & Co that would reduce his estimate about £15.0.0.  Mr Bowles submitted Messrs. Doulton’s plan for baptistry, showing four inch square white or buff coloured tiles with white marble edging for the steps, and Teak woodwork round the top. 

The matter of the stairway from the platform to the pulpit was then considered.  The pastor suggested having a straight staircase instead of circular as shown in the plan.  Mr. Bowles explained that the circular one would be more artistic and in keeping with the other work, but if we had a straight one, the estimate could be further  reduced about £5.0.0., as there would be very much less work.  This now, would make a reduction of £20.0.0 off the second estimate which was considered more satisfactory.

Since our last meeting Mr Pledge had got a plan from Mr. Bowles, showing what he considered a further improvement by making an alcove in the wall behind the pulpit, just sufficient to take the organ, so that it would be above the singers, and look more in keeping with the other alterations.  The plan met with general approval, and Mr Bowles was asked to furnish us with an estimate for this part of the work, so that it might be considered fully, before going to the church.

The pastor closed with prayer.

Deacons Meeting Friday March 25th 1904.

The pastor, Messrs. Banks, West, Smith, Pledge, Luckhurst, Hunt and Robinson.

Prayer by Mr West and notes of last two meetings were read.

Report Miss Hawkins.  A very satisfactory letter was received from the visitors which would be read at the church meeting.

Absentees.  The pastor reported having written to, and, also had seen some of those whose names had been before us at the last meeting.  He had discovered that Miss Lily Offen had been transferred to Nunhead a few years since, her name having been omitted to be erased from the church roll.  Mrs Baldock requested that her name might be kept upon our register.
Not any reply from Mrs. Newing, the pastor would write again.  Mrs Day at Great Chart would attend when health and weather permitted, and wished her name to be retained.
Charles Mummery had been attending the services regularly, and the case seemed more hopeful.  Other names the pastor was making arrangements to see and enquire.

Hospital Sunday. A letter had been received from Dr. Wilks, asking us to fall in with the arrangements for Hospital Sunday on 5th June.  Agreed to take collections on the date named.

Nominations.  The pastor stated, that he had a list of names of young people, who had made decisions for Christ during the late Mission by Messrs. Roberts and Petman.  Some of these had received their first serious impressions at the two previous Missions, by Mrs. Alexander and Gypsy Smith.  Some of the cases were very hopeful indeed, while at the same time, there were a few, who, he thought it would be wise to let their names stand over for a little while.  Some of the lads had given excellent testimony, and all the girls had been enquirers for a considerable time, and for the most of them he had very great confidence in.  It would be impossible to go into details of each case, but suggested that a few enquiries should be made in a few cases, before bringing their names to the church.  There were a few cases that the brethren thought would be well to wait a little while, and upon this, it was agreed the pastor nominate the following for Baptism and Membership at the next church meeting. Viz. Candidates Boys:- William Jones, Arthur Turner, Thomas Lowe, George Chambers, Arthur Law.  Candidates Girls – Lizzie Ferguson, Daisy Pledge, Louie Taylor, Daisy Foordham, Hilda Macey, Winnie Martin, Florence Pilcher, Bessie Hooker, Florence Holden, Harriet Hooker, Edith Butcher, Elizabeth Pankhurst.

Free Church Council Delegates.  The pastor stated, that this matter had been talked over at the Fraternal meetings of the Ministers, and he thought a little better understanding had been arrived at, and that they had arranged for the Annual Meeting to be held on April 20th when the Rev. David Davis of Brighton would be present, he suggested that we recommend the election of the delegates at our next Church Meeting – agreed.

Bills. The treasurer presented for payment the following, Mr. Bowles account, printing account, and Insurance – agreed that they be paid.

Remuneration. Agreed that Mr E. Luckhurst be paid 5/- for his services in the sale of hymn books.

Lamp in Schoolroom.  The secretary stated, that Mr Luckhurst had called attention to the number of mantles that was broken in the Incandescent Lamp under the gallery, owing to the vibration of the wooden partition and suggested that it be suspended from the ceiling.  Agreed to adopt the suggestion and have the lamp altered.

Temporary Platform.  The secretary stated, that he had, had it hinted to him, that the platform now in use, was not the property of the school, as it had never been made over to them.  Some of the brethren were under the impression, that some years since Mr. Skinner had verbally given it to the school, but as there was not anything definitely known it was agreed that enquiries be made from Mr. Hunter who was then secretary of the Sunday School, to see if there was any minutes to this effect.

Re. Platform. The secretary submitted Mr Bowles’ letter and estimate, as suggested to him at the Special Deacons meeting.  The result being, that the estimate of December 31st last was reduced by £20.0.0. the original estimate being £105.0.0.  The estimate for putting an alcove at the back of the pulpit in the west wall, with platform to carry oprgan and organist, for an extra sum of £17.10.0.  This matter was again discussed at some length, with varying suggestions relative to the proposed organ alcove, but could not arrive at a united decision upon any one particular plan.  It was however, ultimately agreed to recommend that amended estimate of Mr. Bowles to the church, and that, the whole scheme re the Alcove and Organ be laid before the church.

Re. Institute.  It was agreed to lay the recommendation of the Institute joint committee, before the church for consideration.

Plan for Willesborough.  The plan for Willesborough and Smarden was arranged and left with Mr. Hunt for completion.

The pastor closed with prayer.

Monthly Deacons Meeting Monday April 18th 1904

The pastor, Messrs. Banks, West, Pledge, Watson, Luckhurst, Hunt and Robinson.

Prayer by Mr. Luckhurst and notes of last meeting read.

Absentees.  The pastor stated that he had written to Mr. O. Nazer and Charles Terry, but had not yet received any reply.  He had also seen Frank Webb, who had expressed a very earnest desire to have his name erased from the church roll, as he felt that he was not fit to be retained in membership.  The pastor had used every endeavour to bring him to a true sense of his condition, but without avail, it was felt that we could not do anything else under the circumstances, but accede to his request.  Mrs. Frost had been seen, and was very anxious that his name might be kept on, she promising to attend again hoping to bring her husband with her.  Miss L. Hills had been ill in hospital and would soon be able to come again.  The pastor had written Mrs Newings again and had not received any reply.  Agreed that her name be erased from the church roll.

Reports of Candidates.  The pastor reported, that the letters from the visitors, were all satisfactory and would be read at the church meeting.

Transfers – Mrs. G. Banks.  Application from the Baptist church, West Green, Tottenham for the transfer of our friend to their fellowship.  Referred to church.
Mrs. Knight.   This friend living at Willesborough had seen the pastor desiring her transfer from the church at Dalston Junction, London, to our fellowship.  Referred to church.

Nomination- Ada Shilling.  This young girl, a scholar in the Sunday school, had by her own free will, seen the pastor, desiring to be baptised and join the church.  Her testimony was very clear, giving every evidence of a real change of heart.  Our pastor had seen her parents, who were quite satisfied with her daily life at home, and at the step she was about to take and he, therefore, had every  confidence in recommending her for visitation.  Referred to church.
Thomas M. Knight. This lad also, had seen the pastor desiring Baptism and membership.  He had received his first impressions at the village of Elham, and when Dr. Usher preached here, he had been stirred to real decision for Christ.  The lad’s father, had seen the pastor about the matter, and was willing for his son to take this step.  Mr. Sidney, his teacher, had also spoken well concerning him.  Referred to church.

Association Meetings June 7th & 8th Ramsgate.  The pastor stated, that these meetings would be held at Ramsgate, Tuesday and Wednesday June 7th-8th and agreed to take collections for the same on Sunday May 8th.  The church letter with statistics would have to be sent in before May 16th.  Also three delegates would be required to represent the church.  It was agreed to recommend to the church our brethren Mr. Hunt, Mr. Clifton, and Mr Watson, if he could make arrangements for the same.

Willesborough Committee.  The pastor stated that Mr J. Taylor the secretary, had seen him and suggested that Mr. Mark Hoad, should be elected by the church to fill the place on their committee, of the late Mr. J. Walker, also suggesting that Mr. G. Boakes, the Superintendent of the school should be allowed to act ex officio upon their committee, it being understood that he would be willing to act in that capacity although he was not a member of the church.  It was agreed that we recommend the same for the churches decision.

Forms for Willesborough. A letter was received from Miss Daniels, the school secretary, asking for the use of some form for the Infants.  Agreed that the secretary write Mr. Taylor instructing him to see Mr. Luckhurst about the same.

Re use of Willesborough chapel.  A letter was received from Mr. Spicer, on behalf of the Wesleyan body, asking that we would allow the use of this place for burial services for the non conformists of Willesborough, they having done the same in connection with their chapel in Cudworth Road.  Agreed that the secretary write Mr. Spicer expressing our agreement with the same.

Painting Outside of Premises.  The wardens, Messrs. Banks and Robinson reported that the chapel and school premises needed thorough painting , wood and iron work.  Mr. Luckhurst proposed that we obtain an estimate for the same from Mr.  Bowles, this was seconded by Mr Banks.  After some discussion, this resolution fell through, it being felt that in spending this money two or three firms ought to be asked to tender.  It was finally agreed to recommend this course to the church.

Platform.  The secretary reported that there was not any minute in the Sunday School Minute Book, relative to the platform being given to the school by Mr. Skinner, and as there was not any official claim made, it was allowed to stand over.

The  pastor closed with prayer.

Special Deacons Meeting April 25th 1904

Messrs Banks, Smith, Luckhurst, West, Watson, Hunt and Robinson.
Mr Banks voted to the chair and offered prayer.

Premises. The secretary reported, the churches decision to obtain tenders for the painting of premises.  The Wardens had inspected the premises again, and had written out a specification of the work to be done, this the brethren thought satisfactory, and agreed to the following: Mr Smith proposed and seconded by Mr Watson, that Mr Knock should be asked: Mr Hunt proposed, seconded by Mr Smith that Mr. Bowles should be asked: proposed by Mr Watson, seconded by Mr West that Mr Broadbent should be asked.

Pulpit Alteration.  The secretary called attention to the fact that the Trustees had not been informed of the proposed alteration of pulpit and platform as passed by the church, this being a structural alteration, it would be needful to get their assent to the same.  Agreed that the secretary write the Trustees to this effect.

Letter from Treasurer.  The secretary read a letter from Mr Pledge relative to what had been said at the Church meeting. The brethren felt very sorry that any word should have been spoken to cause our brother pain.  It was unanimously agreed that  the secretary write Mr. Pledge, conveying to him their continued confidence and esteem, believing him to have the highest interest, both Spiritual and temporal for the church at Marsh Street.

Prayer by Mr Banks.

Monthly Deacons Meeting Monday evening May 16th 1904.

The pastor and all the deacons with the exception of Mr. Luckhurst.  Prayer by Mr Banks and notes of last meeting read.

Absentee.  A letter had been received from Charles Terry, which was of a very unsatisfactory nature, and  not giving an reasons for not joining another church, though living close to one, his name would therefore be erased from the Church roll.

Reports.  The pastor stated, that  the reports on the Young candidates were satisfactory and would be read at the church meeting.

Nominations. Miss Amy Jordan.  The pastor said he had received a letter from this friend, desiring to be baptised and join the church.  She was known to most of the friends at Willesborough, whose testimony, with her own, left no doubt about her spiritual life, he, therefore had much pleasure in nominating her.  Referred to church.
Harry Young, Herbert Stent, George Bennett and Lewis Gammon.  The pastor said there were a few names of lads, that had been before us before, seeking baptism and membership, and, as they had been waiting sometime, and as far as information could be obtained, as to their walk and conduct, he thought we should be doing right, in recommending them to the church for visitation. Agreed.
Elsie Shilling – sister to Ada Shilling, had seen the pastor some weeks since, desiring to be baptised and he thought however, it would be best to allow her name to stand over for a time.

Transfer Mr. H. Payne.  Application was received from the church at Cheam for the transfer of this friend to their fellowship.  Referred to the church.

Exchange of Pulpits.  The pastor said, that he should like to arrange to exchange pulpits on Sunday June 26th with the Rev. Headley Brown of Rye, they having special services on that occasion.

Willesborough.  A letter was received from Mr Taylor calling attention to three matters affecting them.
1st Application to cultivate the piece of waste land at back of the premises.  Decided to keep it as it was, in the event of erecting a Tent at any time it might be needed.

2nd.  The wall at end of building to be seen to.  It was left with the Wardens, Banks and Robinson to arrange with two of Willesborough committee to inspect the same and to consult Mr. Lacey, the architect for his opinion.

3rd.  The third matter was in relation to notices of “Special Meetings” being sent them etc.  Agreed that the secretary write them, to say, that the Deacons thought there was not much cause for complaint and considered Willesborough very well supplied.

Estimate for Outside painting of Chapel and School premises.  The secretary reported having received replies from the three persons who were asked to tender.

1st.  A letter was received from Mr. Bowles declining to tender for the work at Marsh Street.
2nd.  Mr. Knock’s tender was for Painting outside of Chapel and School premises £20.6.0. and for writing invitation board and notices in vestibule £3.00, making a total of £23.6.0.

3rd.  Mr. Broadbank’s estimate for doing outside of chapel and school premises as per specification was £15.10.0. and for writing notices on invitation board in vestibule £3.10.0. making a total of £19.0.0.
Mr Smith proposed, seconded by Mr Watson that Mr Broadbank be appointed to do the work, and that the secretary write officially to Mr. Knock and Broadbank, acquainting them of each others estimate.

It was further agreed to report to the church, that tenders for the work had been asked and received and that the lowest Mr. Broadbank had been instructed to proceed with the work.

Re Pulpit and Platform.  This matter being passed by the church, to have it put into effect, it was felt by the brethren, that we ought to proceed at once to carry out the churches desire.  The matter was discussed at some length and finally agreed to have it completed by the 3rd Sunday in July, to have a dedicatory service with Baptismal service if possible and a public meeting on the Monday, making special collections particularly for this work.
Mr Smith proposed and seconded by Mr Watson, that Mr Bowles be instructed to proceed with the work, and that the Wardens sign the contract on behalf of the church, and that it be completed by the third Sunday in July, also that Mr Watson, Mr Pledge, Mrs Banks and Mr Robinson form an inspection committee.

Re. Institute for Young Men.  A very long discussion took place arising out of what was said at the church meeting.  Mr Watson intimating that in all probability we should have some questions asked relative to the suggestions that was sent to the church by the joint committee for the Institute.

There was a diversity of opinion expressed as to what the pastor had said at thatmeeting, which had caused some little friction in the minds of some, and, to avoid any reoccurence of the same, it was felt, that a resolution should be moved at the church meeting expressing its sympathy with the movement etc.

It was understood that the young men had met, and that suitable premises had been found and the thing was on a fiar way to be thoroughly established.  It was finally agreed that a report be obtained from their secretary, as to what the young men were doing for themselves, and Mr. Watson, would then be prepared to move a resolution on behalf of the church.

The pastor closed in prayer at 11 p.m.

Special Deacons Meeting May 30th 1904.

The pastor and Deacons with the exception of Mr Watson.  Mr Luckhurst prayed.

Opening of Pulpit and Baptistry.  The business considered was in relation to the opening of the pulpit and baptistry, also the Chapel anniversary.    It was unanimously agreed to have two distinct dates and services.  As Mr. Bowles had promised to have the alterations done by Sunday July 17th, it was agreed to have special services for that day, to follow on the Monday with a Public Tea and Meeting; also, that the secretary write 1st to the Rev. R. Hill Powell of Edenbridge to exchange pul;pits with our pastor, failing him, then Rev. Knowles Kempton second, Rev. Holyoak of Dover, third or the Rev. Barker of Tenterden fourth.  For the Monday, to write to Mr. Dean of Sittingbourne to preside or Mr Olney or Mr Godden of Canterbury.  As a further means of helping to make the meetings a success, it was  agreed to have some large Posters printed, and to have them sandwiched, also, to advertise in Local News, with some window bills.

Chapel Anniversary. It was agreed to have this event on the last Sunday and Monday in August or the first Sunday and Monday in September.  The pastor stated, that he would like to have this day, as one of his holidays, it was then agreed, that we write to Rev. W.R. Skerry to supply for Sunday and Monday, failing him Mr Olney or Professor Gould.

Protest against the Licensing Bill.   The pastor stated that arrangements had been made to hold a meeting for this purpose after the Sunday evening service on June 19th and that a request had been made by Mr. Thorpe, the Wesleyan Minister, that the meeting might be held in our own place of worship.  It was agreed that the meeting be allowed as requested.

The pastor closed with prayer.

Special Deacons Meeting June 12th 1904.

The pastor and Deacons with the exception of Mr. Luckhurst.  Mr Hunt prayed.

The Brethren met to arrange the preachers plan for Willesborough, and left in the hands of Mr Hunt to confirm the dates with the various speakers and get the cards printed.

Ways and Means.  This matter was discussed at some length, as to the best method of raising Funds to meet the expenditure upon the internal alterations and outside renovation.

Mr Pledge very kindly volunteered to have a Garden Party at Northmead, the proceeds to go towards this object.  The brethren thanked Mr. Pledge for the offer, leaving the details of the same in the hands of Mr and Mrs Pledge to arrange.

A sale of work was suggested, which met with general approval, seeing that it was some years since we had had anything of the kind.

It was finally agreed that this should be laid before the church, suggesting that the committee of the Mothers Meeting should be asked to take the matter in hand.

The pastor closed with prayer.

Monthly Deacons Meeting held on Monday evening June 27th 1904.

The pastor and all the deacons with the exception of Mr Luckhurst, absent.  Prayer by Mr. Smith and notes of one ordinary and two special meetings read.

C. Terry.  Not receiving a satisfactory reply from him, it was agreed to recommend his name to be erased.

Reports.  The pastor stated, that the reports upon the Candidates so far were satisfactory and would be submitted at the church meeting.

Transfers: Miss M. Turner.  Application was received for the transfer of this friend to the Church at Newbury.
Miss Gaisford. This friend residing in Ashford now desired her transfer from the Baptist church, St. Johns Wood, London.
Miss Stillman. This friend also, now worshipping with us desired her transfer from the Baptist Church, Bournemouth  West.

Nomination Norman Thorpe.  The pastor stated that this lad had for a long time, been anxious to be baptised and join the church, and from the talks he had with him, and the testimony of Mr Sidney, his teacher, he believed that he was now settled and leading a consistent life, he would therefore, like to nominate his for visitation.     Agreed.

Annual Meeting for Jewish Missions.  The pastor reported, that Mr. Thiman had spoken to him respecting the services for this object, after some little discussion, Mr. Smith moved, seconded by Mr Watson, that we would make a collection one Sunday when convenient, and to have the deputation on a Monday evening, whenever they liked to make arrangements.  Agreed.

Accommodation for Choir Books.  The Secretary reported, that the choir would require some convenient place to put their books when the platform was finished, and suggested, that a box should be framed up under the seats of the chairs and a Book rest to run inside of the Handrail.  This was felt to be very necessary, and agreed this be done, leaving the matter in the hands of Mr Winter and the secretary to arrange with Mr Bowles.

Printing.  The matter of printing for the opening services was left in the hands of Mr. Hunt.

Sidesman for Gallery.  Mr Banks having joined the choir, it was agreed that someone should be put in his place, agreed, that the secretary should make enquiries re two or three individuals and report.

Garden Party.  Some discussion took place re this matter, Mr Pledge not being clear as to the best methods of making this successful, it was then agreed to adjourn the meeting until Monday July 4th to consider specially this matter.

Pastoral.  At this stage of the meeting, the pastor expressed himself as to the position he felt himself to be in, in relation to the pastoral work of the church.  Now that the cause at Willesborough was established, he felt quite unequal to the task of visitation: as the work was so scattered, it was practically one pastor to two places: the work was getting more than he could cope with, and he felt, that he was not doing the work that was incumbent upon him as a pastor, and to continue like this, would not be fair to the church nor to himself, as there was not that satisfaction that one would like to see.  He had seriously thought the matter over, and, felt that perhaps a younger man might be more desirable.  He wanted to be perfectly frank and open with the matter and had no wish to come to a hasty conclusion, but, would be quite willing to consider any suggestion the Brethren might make, and should like them to talk it over, and discuss it at our next meeting.

The pastor closed with the Benediction.

Special Deacons Meeting July 4th 1904.

The pastor and Deacons, Mr. Luckhurst absent.  Mr Watson prayed.

The style of Bill to be printed for the Opening services, was arranged for and left in the hands of Mr. Hunt.

Dresses for Candidates.  The pastor spoke of the need of a suitable gown for the Baptismal Services, for himself, likewise some new ones were required for the Candidates.  It was agreed that the same should be purchased, the matter to be left with the pastor, Mrs. Whitaker and Mrs Banks to arrange.

Carpet. The new carpet for the platform was left in the hands of the Wardens to arrange with Mr Checksfield.

Garden Party.  Some discussion took place upon this subject, as to date, price of admission etc.  It was finally agreed, on the recommendation of Mr. Pledge to hold it on Wednesday  July 27th and that the price be 1/-

Report re W. Pilcher.  The pastor stated, that a report had reached him respecting this friend of a very painful nature, he having been seen in a certain place intoxicated and using very bad language.  Mr Watson said, that the persons who had seen this were quite ready to substantiate their statement.  On a previous occasion, Mr Bryan had written to Mr. Pilcher privately re a similar offence and the pastor now thought that some action should be taken in the matter and suggested that he should be visited officially.  It was agreed that the pastor see him personally, and that our Brethren Banks and Watson visit him officially and report.

Boughton Men’s School.   The pastor stated that from enquiries made, he founmd that this matter had been brought up at the Mission committee, it was one of their organisations, started by themselves, so that they were quite in order.

Pastoral. Respecting the subject, mentioned by our pastor at the last meeting, it was agreed, to let it stand over, until we got through with the business in connection with the opening of Baptistry and Pulpit.

Prayer by the Pastor.

Monthly Deacons Meeting held on Friday Evening August 5th 1904.

The pastor, Messrs. Banks, Watson, Luckhurst, Hunt and Robinson.  Prayer by Mr Banks and notes of one ordinary and two special meetings read.

Transfers Received Miss Turner, Miss Stillman Miss Gailsford.  Satisfactory letters of transfer had been received for these friends, it was agreed to hold a short church meeting on Sunday morning so that they might have the right hand of fellowship at the evening communion service.

Sidesman for Gallery.  The secretary stated that Mr. Tupper had been doing this work satisfactorily for some weeks, it was therefore left with the secretary to ask him officially to take this office in the name of the Deacons.

Report on Mr. W. Pilcher.  Mr Banks reported having with Mr Watson, visited this friend relative to the subject discussed at the last meeting.  Mr. Pilcher made a full confession, acknowledging the wrong done, and did not in any way try to hide, or make excuses, but expressed deep sorrow for what he had done and had fully made up his mind to leave the drink alone and sign the pledge.  The pastor said, that he also had seen him, and what the Brethren said quite corroborated what he had heard from Mr. Pilcher, who had assured him that he had not touched the drink since that time.
Looking at the matter from a right standpoint, it was thought that he should be visited again, to ascertain if he was walking in the right way giving him a work of admonition, warning him, that should such occur again, the matter would have to be dealt with at a Church meeting.  It was agreed, that our Pastor should see him once again privately, and that the Brethren should visit him officially.

Sale of Work.  A letter was received from the secretary of the Mothers Meeting, stating that, the committee were quite willing to undertake the working up of a Sale of Work in the Spring, but for them to start it effectively, they must rely upon the Church to assist financially for the purchase of materials.
It was felt, that as the church had sanctioned the undertaking, we ought to accede to their request by granting them a sum up to a certain limit, to be refunded again to the Treasurer.  It was agreed that the secretary write them to this effect, asking them for the amount required, and refer it to the Treasurer.

Chapel Anniversary.   This event having been fixed for Sunday and Monday September 4th and 5th when the Rev. W. Skerry would be with us, it was agreed to write to Mr. Councillor Godden of Canterbury for Chairman, also to Mr. Councillor Ellis of Rye, for an address: failing, Mr Godden as Chairman, to ask Mr S. Pledge,
Mr G. Smith or Mr Watson.

Pastor’s Vacation.  The pastor stated that he would like to be away for 4 Sundays and as 4th September was arranged for he would like to have August 21st,28th and September 11th.  Agreed to write first to Rev. P. Walker of Eythorne for August 21st or 28th, failing him to write 2nd Rev. Barker of Tenterden, 3rd Rev. Bedford of Minster also to write Rev. Skerry to supply for September 11th.

The pastor closed with prayer.

Supply was arranged as follows:          August 21st      Rev. T.E. Titmus (Birmingham) -Tenterden.
                                                            28th      Mr Compton -  Hastings.
                                    September 4th               Anniversary of Chapel – Rev. Skerry.
                                                5th        Continuation Services – Skerry, Godden and Ellis.
                                                11th                  Rev. W. R. Skerry.


Special Deacons Meeting held on Monday evening September 11th 1904.

Present. All the Deacons with the exception of Mr Luckhurst.  Mr. West was voted to the chair and prayer offered by Mr. Smith.

This meeting was called for the purpose of discussing the suggestion that was submitted by our Pastor at the meeting of June 27th 1904.

The meeting was a long one, the Brethren giving their individual opinion without reserve and while each recognised the seriousness of the question, in relation to our Pastor, and, the Spiritual as well as the Financial position of the church, they could not agree as to the desirability or possibility of a co.pastor.

It was then agreed, not to mention the subject at the next meeting, unless the Pastor brought the matter forward himself, feeling that any movement in this  case should come first from him.  Should the pastor however, ask, if we had considered his suggestions, it was agreed to read the following: viz.  That the Deacons could not unanimously recommend anything to the church arising out of your suggestion re a Co.pastor, and, we have not taken the opinion of the church upon the question.

Mr. West closed with prayer.

Monthly Deacons Meeting held on Monday Evening September 26th 1904.

The pastor, Messrs. Banks, Pledge, Smith, Luckhurst, Watson, Hunt and Robinson.  Prayer by Mr Smith and notes of last meeting read.

Report Norman Thorpe. The pastor stated, that the visitors to this lad, had not written a letter but had seen him, stating, that they were not quite satisfied with the testimony he gave. He appearing to put too much confidence in the order of Baptism, rather than in the finished work of Jesus.  He had suggested that they should see him again, but as nothing further had been done and from what he could gather, he thought it would be best to recommend that his name stand over.

Nomination Winnie Terry.  This young friend had expressed her desire to be baptised and join the church.  She had given a very clear account of her conversion and a satisfactory explanation as to her views on baptism.  The influence of the Sunday Scholol, and of her parents, had been instrumental in bringing her to actual decision some time ago, the pastor had great pleasure in nominating her.
Elizabeth Knight.  This friend residing at Elham had for a considerable time been a true Christian.  She had looked into the subject of Baptism and witnessing our last ordinance, had quite convinced as to the Scriptural mode and quickened her desire to make an open confession by being Baptised.  The pastor had every confidence in her and recommended her for visitation and membership.

Stockwell Orphan Boys.  The pastor stated, that he had had a letter from Mr. Charlesworth, asking our co-operation in letting them have a night, probably November 14th.  After some little discussion, it was agreed to lend the Chapel for one evening, they undertaking to repay any expenses in connection with the same.

Pastor’s Anniversary.  It was agreed if possible, to have this event on Wednesday November 2nd, to have a sermon in the afternoon followed by a Tea and public meeting for the evening, also to try and secure as preacher the following
1st Rev. C. Brown of Finsbury Park.              2nd Rev. Ellis East London Tabernacle
3rd  Rev. A. Brown                                          4th Rev. Ewing.
It was further agreed to have an exchange of pulpits for the preceding Sunday, viz. With Rev. Ross of Worthing, failing him Rev. McAuslane of Crawley, Sussex.

Evening Service.  On account of the united meeting, at the Wesleyan Church, for the Jewish Mission at 8 o’clock on Sunday October 2nd it was agreed to have an hours service, to be followed by the monthly communion service.  This would give friends an opportunity to attend.

Bills.  The following Bills were presented for consideration, and refferred to the Treasurer for payment. Viz. Messrs Checksfield (Carpet etc.
                                              Mr Burnage -  organ repairs.
                                              Mr. Hunt - printing
                                              Baptismal Robes
                                                Mr Broadbank – balance for painting.
As Mr. Broadbank had made a mistake in the writing, it was decided to hold his back until the alteration was completed.

Finance. The Treasurer stated that he had drawn up a rough estimate of the probable receipts and expenditure up to the end of the year, and as things now appeared, there would probably be a deficit of about £40.0.0.  The secretary on behalf of the choir, handed to Treasurer the sum of £9.4.3. towards the fund for the alteration of pulpit and platform.

Handrail round Platform and Book Rest for Choir.  The secretary stated that he had seen Mr. Bowles relative to this matter, who had now sent in a letter saying that he would do the work for £5.0.0.  This was considered to be too high a price.  Mr Smith moving, that Mr Taylor be asked to lower the Standards, and lengthen the brass rail to the ends of the Mahogany one, also that Mr Checksfield be asked to lengthen the curtain accordingly.  Also that the matter of book rest be left  for future consideration.

Willesborough Property.  The secretary reported having been to Willesborough Chapel and found some parts of the building in an unsatisfactory condition.  He had shown Mrs. Martin how to proceed in relation to the water in the flushing tanks, also had instructed Mr Tayloe to see to sundry little repairs to locks and gas.  The wall at
The south end was in a very bad condition, the pointing of the bricks had come away, in some places, and the slates were very badly laid at the extreme end of the roof.  This no doubt was the cause of the damp showing on the inside of the chapel wall.  It was left with the secretary to see Mr. Lacey, and get his advice upon the matter.

The pastor closed with prayer.

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